Life did not come into being by chance
There can be no doubt that nothing in the world is more important than a human being’s knowing our Creator. Knowing God, Who created us, is far more important and urgent than anything else in our lives.
Let us consider the first of those things He has given us that come to mind... We live in a world specially created for life, planned down to the finest detail. But we did nothing to establish that order. We contributed nothing to the subject; we neither determined the distance of the Earth from the Sun nor the way the Earth keeps on revolving … We did not think of the need for the Sun to send rays to the Earth in order to heat it, and neither did we plan the food, water and nitrogen cycles these rays would be instrumental in … We did not arrange for ourselves to be able to breathe continually in order to survive, for our hearts to keep beating or for the way we inhale oxygen at every breath. In the same way that we calculated none of these, so we ourselves set up none of the billions of details essential for us to live. We merely opened our eyes one day and found ourselves in the midst of countless blessings. The Almighty Entity Who creates these blessings and places them at our disposal is God.
That being the case, every human being has a responsibility to know and give thanks to God, Who created him and all things.
The existence of God is manifest, with plentiful evidence. Indeed, it is an obvious truth that the awe-inspiring creation observed in the universe and living things could only emerge as the result of a superior intelligence.
Anyone of good conscience encountering this reality will immediately realize that it is Almighty God Who created himself and the entire universe, see that he enjoys countless blessings, not by chance, but through His beneficence and turn to Him with all his heart.
Someone holding a book knows that it was written by an author and within the framework of a specific purpose. It will never cross his mind that the book appeared by chance. Alternatively, someone looking at a statue will have no doubt that it was made by a sculptor. Moreover, in addition to nobody’s ever thinking that countless works of art came into being spontaneously, they will never deny that even two or three bricks on top of one another must have been arranged in that way by someone in a deliberate course of action. Therefore, everyone realizes that if there is order somewhere, be it great or small, that order must have an instigator and a maintainer.
Reflection on the basis of this clearly shows that everything that exists, from our own bodies to the furthest points of the inconceivably vast universe, must have a Creator, and this is an undeniable fact. That Creator is Almighty God, Who arranges everything and brings it into being down to the very finest detail, from Whom all things draw their own existence, while His own being is infinite and eternal.
Scientific nonsense: The theory of Evolution
Up until the 19th century the great majority of people believed in the existence of God and the fact that all living things are created by Him. In the middle of the 19th century, however, an amateur naturalist by the name of Charles Darwin claimed that life had begun with the chance formation of a single cell and that this cell had gradually developed as the result of coincidences and given rise to the living world we know today. As soon as this theory was launched it attracted enormous interest from the adherents of various irreligious ideologies, because this heretical idea represented a supposed scientific foundation for atheism.

Not a single fossil exists to show that living things developed gradually, in other words, that they evolved. The fossil record obtained from excavations all over the world over the last 150 years or so has proved that fish have always been fish, insects have always been insects, birds have always been birds and reptiles have always been reptiles. Not a single fossil showing a transition between living species, from fish to amphibians for example, or from reptiles to birds, has ever been seen. In short, the fossil record has definitively refuted the fundamental claim of the theory of evolution, the idea that species changed into one another over the course of long periods of time.
Yet Darwin was unaware even of the existence of DNA. Branches of science such as genetics, biomathematics, microbiology, paleontology, biochemistry and biophysics were as yet unknown. The theory of evolution thus developed in an atmosphere of total ignorance. As technology advanced and as modern medicine and biology unraveled the secrets of the human body people realized that the theory of evolution was a complete deception. The excavation of millions of fossil specimens belonging to tens of thousands of different species dealt this false theory the heaviest blow. Hundreds of millions of fossils obtained from all over the world showed that life came into being instantaneously, fully formed and with all its complex structures, and remained unchanged over the course of millions of years.
Life is built on countless sensitive balances, from protein, the building block of life, to the human body. The theory of evolution, which denies the existence of a conscious Creator, has no other explanation than to say “by chance” when asked how all these balances are established and maintained in the absence of a consciousness. The fact is that the balances in question are so delicate and so numerous that it is incompatible with reason and good sense to suggest that they all came about “by chance.” The probability of just one of the millions of factors that go to make up life, that of the protein that constitutes the fundamental material of the living cell coming into being by “chance” is zero. The main reason for this is the need for other proteins to be present if one protein is to form, and this completely eradicates the possibility of chance formation. This fact by itself is sufficient to eliminate the evolutionist claim of chance right from the outset.