Atlas Of Creation - Volume 4-
Marine Fossil Specimens -2
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 110 million years
Region: Santana Formation, Brazil
Tarpons are large fish covered in thick, silvery scales that can grow to five to eight feet long. Their upward curving lower jaw makes it easy to distinguish them. They swim very well, by means of their shuttle-shaped body and powerful tail. The tarpon is most commonly found in the warm waters of the American Atlantic coast. It sometimes comes to the western shores of West Africa. The Atlantic tarpon (Tarpon atlanticus) can reach 2.5 meters (eight feet) in length and a weight of 130 kg (287 pounds).
The tarpon reproduces in open waters and can lay up to 12 million eggs, but the young migrate to the shore and live in muddy shallows and river mouths. Adults may also approach shallow shores to hunt small fish and even enter rivers. Tarpons are popular with amateur fishermen because they are very strong, put up a fierce resistance after being hooked and can jump several meters into the air. Just as with other species, this fossil tarpon proves that these living things have never changed and never underwent evolution.
Needlefish (Belone belone)
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 95 million years
Region: Lebanon
The fossil record refutes the theory of evolution in all aspects. A 95-million-old Mesozoic era fossil needlefish is one of those that deal a severe blow to the theory of evolution. Despite the passage of 95 million years, this life form has never changed, and it has preserved its long mouth and thin body since the day it was first created. The needle fish, a member of the Belonidae family with a long and thin body, can attain lengths of up to one meter (3.2 feet) and lives for 18 years on average. The needle fish feeds on small fish such as sprats, whitebait and sardines. A comparison of a living needle fish specimen with a 95-million-year-old fossil clearly shows that these living things never evolved and that Almighty and Omniscient Allah creates all life forms.
Ranila Crab
This species of crab, with a much smaller body than that of other crabs, has five pairs of legs but no claws. This typical characteristic was also present in Ranila crabs 50 million years ago.
What fossils show us is that life forms have never changed, in other words, that they never evolved.
What fossils show us is that life forms have never changed, in other words, that they never evolved.
Period: Eocene
Age: 50 million years
Region: Tuscany, Italy
Like all created life forms, the Ranila crab has not changed at all over millions of years. Allah has preserved them just as they always are. This is evidence that evolution never happened and that Almighty Allah creates all living things. The fact the Ranila crab has remained unchanged despite the intervening 50 million years invalidates evolutionists’ claims and proves to the entire scientific world that evolution never happened.
This life form has a much smaller body than that of other crabs and possesses five pairs of legs, with no claws. It constantly moves backward. They bury themselves in the sand when the tides are coming in and out for protection against predatory birds. Allah certainly bestowed all these characteristics on them. The fact that this life form has remained unchanged despite the passage of 50 million years show that evolutionists are not telling the truth and that theirs is a totally imaginary scenario.
Bowfin (Amia calva)
The sharp teeth, jaw structure, fins and detail in the tail have all been preserved in this bowfin fossil dating back 50 million years. This fossil shows that the fish has never changed and reveals the invalidity of the theory of evolution.
Period: Eocene
Age: 50 million years
Region: Messel Formation, Germany
Since the theory of evolution is not based on any scientific evidence and is kept propped up with fabricated scenarios and propaganda techniques, it is impossible to find any fossil to corroborate this fictitious theory. Darwinists have written a fictitious natural history and have sought to make fossils fit that theory; but the exact opposite has happened, and every new fossil discovery places the theory of evolution in an even more impossible position.
The bowfin fossil in the picture dates back 50 million years. The animal’s sharp teeth, jaw structure, the fins beneath its body, the large, long fins on top of the body and the oyster-like tail have all been perfectly preserved and it has been realized that there is no difference between this specimen’s skeletal system and that of present-day bowfins. The bowfin lives in the muddy, sandy or reedy bottoms of lakes and rivers in Central and Eastern Anatolia. It feeds on small animals, insects and larvae from the mud it sucks up on the bottom. It can withstand the high temperatures of shallow waters. A 50-million-year-old fossil specimen of this life form reveals the invalidity of the theory of evolution.
Capros Fish (Boar Fish)
Period: Oligocene
Age: 37 – 23 million years
Region: Poland
Paleontological research over the last 150 years or so has never unearthed a single fossil that might serve as evidence for the theory of evolution. All the fossils unearthed show that life forms never evolved.
A comparison of a living capros fish with a fossil form dating back 37 to 23 million years clearly shows that the fins emerging from the animal’s back, the structure of its skull and its tail have never changed. The fish is almost as wide as it is long. Six species of this fish live in the depths of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans. Allah created this species of fish as He did all other living things, and the animal has come down to us completely unchanged to the present day.
The fossil in the picture is a double aspect, negative-positive one.
Herring, which move in large schools and feed on plankton, travel very great distances. As can be seen in detail in this 50-million-year-old fossil herring, not the slightest alteration has taken place in its body.
Period: Eocene
Age: 50 million years
Region: Monte Bolca, Italy
Herrings are fish approximately 30 cm (12 inches) long that live in northern seas. Its body is flattened at the sides, its back is blue-green in color and its stomach silver. They travel in large schools and feed on plankton. The fish has a life span of approximately 18 years. There are two species of herring; one never leaves the sea, while the other comes to river mouths to breed.
Herring travel for long distances as plankton change location. At breeding time, they form schools consisting of millions of members. The eggs that attach to stones and seaweed form a layer 1 cm (0.39 inches) thick in some places. The baby herring that hatch from the eggs are hunted by other animals. Therefore, although few grow to full size they again form large schools. The fact that a herring fossil dating back 50 million years is identical to a herring living today proves to the scientific world that evolution never happened.
Period: Jurassic
Age: 150 million years
Region: Germany
The fact that a fossil of a living thing that existed 150 million years ago can be preserved so perfectly, and that as a result we have the possibility of observing every detail in its body, has dealt a severe blow to the theory of evolution. The anatomy of the shrimp in the picture, that lived 150 million years ago, the legs emerging from its body and the structure of its head, can all be seen quite clearly. Shrimps have survived completely unchanged for 150 million years and clearly show that Darwinists, who maintain that living things are in a constant state of change from the supposedly primitive to the more advanced, are not telling the truth.
The shrimp lives in European seas and the shores of North America, and belongs to the crustacean class. It has a cylindrical body and long antennae. It is covered in armor made of calcium carbonate. Its body is jointed. It swims backward by waving its fin-like tail. Its tail is pronounced and resembles a fan in appearance. Its two pairs of antennae are very long and forked. At least one of these forks curves backward, enabling the shrimp to edge backward into cracks and crevices and warning it of danger approaching from behind. The shrimp’s most distinctive action in the face of danger is to seek to protect itself by a sudden bending of the body. It can adapt its body color to blend in with its surroundings. Some species have large claws and feed on small fish, while others scavenge on food particles among the sand. Some of these species have brush-like hairs on their claws to help them gather up food particles.
Atlantic Cod
Period: Oligocene
Age: 37-23 million years
Region: Poland
Darwinists claim that all life forms change and evolve from one another; that is why fossil specimens that lived millions of years ago are so important. Life forms have remained unchanged despite the passage of millions of years. One single living fossil is by itself sufficient to prove this, though the Earth is full of countless living fossils.
One specimen that invalidates the theory of evolution is a 37 to 23-million-year-old Atlantic cod fossil. Examination of the animal’s skeletal structure, head, tail and fins shows that its anatomical features are identical to those of specimens living today. Cod are migratory fish that live in temperate and cool seas at depths of between 30 to 300 meters (100 to 1,000 feet). They have long, thin bodies and vary in size between 20 to 50 cm (eight to twenty inches), depending on the species. They may weigh up to one to two kg (two to five pounds). Cod travel in schools and feed on small fish and crustaceans. A female cod lays around 200,000 eggs. As with fossil remains of other species, this Atlantic cod fossil proves that evolution never happened.
The fossil in the picture is a double aspect, negative-positive one.
The large claws on the front of the 160-million-year-old crayfish fossil in the picture, the structure of its head and feet, and its slightly backward curving body are identical to those of present-day specimens and have never changed in any way.
Period: Jurassic
Age: 160 million years
Region: Yixian Formation, Liaoning, China
An average adult crayfish is 10 to 15 cm (four to six inches) long, two to three 2-3 cm (0.75 to one inch) wide and weighs 40 to 50 grams (1.4 to 1.7 ounces). They generally inhabit muddy and sandy areas. By day, they conceal themselves in holes they dig in these areas or under rocks among plants. At night, they come out to feed. They consume both animal and vegetable foodstuffs. Crayfish change their shells eight times during their youth and one to two times a year as adults.
Not one of the transitional forms evolutionists have been talking about for 150 years has ever been found in the fossil record. The 160-million-year-old crayfish in the photograph has never changed in any way. Different living species appear separately, in a single moment and with all their particular structures, with no so-called evolutionary “transitional forms” between them. This once again proves that Allah creates all living things.
Period: Eocene
Age: 50 million years
Region: Monte Bolca, Italy
The head structure, the short fins on the body, the tail divided in two parts and the small fins beneath the body can all be clearly seen in this 50-million-year-old dentex fossil from the Eocene period.
With all their details, fossils preserved in stone totally discredit all evolutionary scenarios. Allah has preserved the fossil remains of things that lived millions of years ago in stone, literally like photographs. The scientific world has thus been able to observe that life forms have never changed in the slightest and that they never evolved. Darwin admitted in the chapter “Difficulties on Theory” in his book The Origin of Species that this represented a major dilemma for his theory:
“... Why, if species have descended from other species by insensibly fine gradations, do we not everywhere see innumerable transitional forms? Why is not all nature in confusion instead of the species being, as we see them, well defined?… But, as by this theory innumerable transitional forms must have existed, why do we not find them embedded in countless numbers in the crust of the earth?… Why then is not every geological formation and every stratum full of such intermediate links? Geology assuredly does not reveal any such finely graduated organic chain; and this, perhaps, is the most obvious and gravest objection which can be urged against my theory.” (Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species, pp. 172, 280)
There is not one single piece of evidence that evolution ever happened. Millions of fossils from tens of thousands of species have been discovered to date. But all of these belong to complete, fully formed and complex life forms with a perfect appearance.
This chimaera with its unique appearance was swimming in the seas 320 million years ago and has come down to us unchanged to the present day.
Period: Carboniferous
Age: 320 million years
Region: Montana, USA
The picture shows a 320-million-year-old fossil chimaera, perfectly preserved with its fins, head and tail. These fish, with splendid teeth, fins on either side, eyes resembling those of human beings and a 30 cm (12 inch) long whip-like tail, have never changed over the course of 320 million years. The fossil shows all the animal’s details, as well as the fact that it has never changed. The invalidity of the theory of evolution is becoming clearer with every passing day due to the evidence provided by the fossil record. Allah creates all living things with His infinite knowledge and artistry.
Grinner Fish
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 95 million years
Region: Lebanon
Evolutionists cannot point to a single transitional form they could use as evidence against the fact of creation. Were the evolutionists’ claims true, then the fossil record should contain millions of transitional forms evolved from millions of species in the universe. But there exists not one transitional form in the fossil record, and all the fossils that have been discovered prove that life forms have never changed, that they never evolved. This 95-million-year-old grinner fish fossil from the Cretaceous period is one specimen showing that this life form has never changed despite the intervening millions of years. The evolutionist scientist Gordon Rattray Taylor admits to these dilemmas facing the theory of evolution as follows:
“It is a striking, but not much mentioned fact that, though geneticists have been breeding fruit-flies for sixty years or more in labs all around the world—flies which produce a new generation every eleven days—they have never yet seen the emergence of a new species or even a new enzyme.”(Gordon R. Taylor, The Great Evolution Mystery, New York: Harper & Row, 1983, p. 48.)
Period: Jurassic
Age: 150 million years
Region: China
The sturgeon is a freshwater fish comprising the Acipenseridae family, up to eight meters (25 feet) long and weighing up to 1.6 tons. Their skeletons are only partly cartilaginous. They have five rows of large scales along their flanks. Their tails are asymmetrical, their mouths point downward and they can make their mouths protrude when necessary. They have four whiskers, which enable them to seek food on the bottom. Most species of sturgeon only come to fresh water to breed and generally live in salt water. The largest species of sturgeon, the beluga sturgeon, lives almost exclusively in salt water and comes from the sea to fresh water to lay its eggs. The 150-million-year-old sturgeon fossil in the picture completely refutes the evolutionist idea that life forms are descended from one another. The fossil proves that, as with specimens living today, the fish’s tail structure, the fins right to the side of the head and the other fins on its body have never changed. Like all other living things in the universe, the sturgeon was created by Allah with infinite wisdom.
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 144-65 million years
Region: Morocco
Robert Shapiro, a professor of chemistry and expert on DNA from the University of New York has calculated the probability of the 2,000 types of protein in just one simple bacterium emerging by chance. The figure he obtained was a probability of 1 in 10 plus 40,000 zeroes. Prof. Chandra Wickramasinghe comments:
“It [one to a number with 40,000 naughts after it] is big enough to bury Darwin and the whole theory of evolution. There was no primeval soup, neither on this planet nor on any other, and if the beginnings of life were not random, they must therefore have been the product of purposeful intelligence.” (Sir Fred Hoyle, Chandra Wickramasinghe, Evolution from Space, p. 148)
The 144 to 65-million-year-old herring fossil in the photograph clearly proves that fish are created to always be fish, and that they never evolved into any other life form. The millions of fossils extracted from the Earth’s rock strata have dealt a severe blow to the theory of evolution and expose its invalidity.
John Dory
Period: Oligocene
Age: 37 - 23 million years
Region: Carpathian Basin, Poland
The fossil record shows that all fish species exist with their own unique characteristics, that they have no evolutionary relationships with other species and that the idea of a “common ancestor of fish” is a completely imaginary one. The Turkish evolutionist Ali Demirsoy admits that the claims regarding different species of fish turning into one another are “based on hypothesis:”
"There are merely assumptions regarding the division of boned fish from the earliest known Paleozoic jawed fish." (Ali Demirsoy, The Basic Laws of Life, Vol. III, Part I, p. 248)
John Dory has a high, flat body and a wide mouth, and is covered in small scales.
The fact that this fish which lives close to the bottom, has not changed for 37 to 23 million years invalidates all evolutionary claims about the origin of life and shows that Allah creates fish and all other living things.
Just like its counterparts living today, the spiny fins protruding from the upper and lower body of John Dory in the picture and its tail structure are very clear. This fossil also proves that all the Darwinists’ claims are untrue. All living things in the universe are the work of our Lord Allah and they are all created with an unequaled artistry.
Period: Miocene
Age: 23 – 5 million years
Region: Shang Dong Region, China
Minnows are freshwater fish belonging to the family Leuciscinae. This is a large family consisting of 48 species. Minnows are very small and live for only three to four years. Larger species live for between seven and ten years.
A 23 to 5-million-year-old fossil minnow clearly demonstrates that the fossil record refutes the theory of evolution. There is not the slightest difference between this 23 to 5-million-year minnow fossil and minnows living today. Fossil findings give the lie to the theory of evolution and prove the fact of creation.
Sand Lances (Ammodytes)
Period: Oligocene
Age: 37 - 23 million years
Region: Poland
Sand lances belong to the family Ammodytes and have a long, needle-like body and a small, forked tail. These fish are around 15 cm (6 inches) long. They bury their long, thin bodies in the sand to hide from predators. Thousands of these fish swim along together, looking for food. According to the theory of evolution, species supposedly evolved from one another gradually, in stages, by undergoing minute changes. But the long thin body, the head and tail of the living fossil in the picture have never changed at all. Evolutionists have been deceiving people with imaginary scenarios for many years. But, just like other species, the sand lance was created as a fish by Allah and has survived down to the present day as exactly the same fish.
The fossil in the picture is a double aspect, negative-positive one.
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 95 million years
Region: Lebanon
Sawfish belong to the family Pristidae. Their nose resembles a long saw, and they have two dorsal fins. They live in the Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean, the Pacific and northern Australia. These fish reach a maximum of 7.5 meters (25 feet) in length and generally live for up to 30 years. Examination of sawfish living today shows that they have the same characteristic saw-like nose and fins on the edges of their bodies as in this 95-million-year-old fossil.
Life forms living today also appearing in the fossil record deals a heavy blow to the theory of evolution because this 95-million-year-old fossil is identical to members of the species living today. The sawfish once again proves that living species have preserved their features up to the present day.
The sawfish, which can be seen in detail as it appeared 95 million years ago, has survived just as it was then, despite the intervening millions of years. Its two dorsal fins and all other details show us that these living things have remained unchanged for millions of years. Furthermore, the stasis in life forms, the way they remain unchanged, shows that Allah, the Almighty and Merciful, creates all life forms in a single moment.
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 95 million years
Region: Lebanon
The catshark is a member of the shark family. These fish live in warm seas at depths from 3 to 1,000 meters (appr. 10 to 10,000 feet) and do not make long migrations. They feed on crustaceans, invertebrates and small fish. Their length ranges from 50 to 150 cm (20 to 60 inches). This species lays its eggs in the fall in a sac it deposits among the rocks and can lay eggs several times a year.
The head of the catshark, resembling that of a small shark, and its small fins can clearly be seen in this 95-million-year-old fossil. The fossil shows that, despite the passage of millions of years, catsharks have remained the same since the day they were first created. Allah has created millions of species living beneath the sea, and they are all the work of His sublime artistry.
The most distinguishing feature of the 180 species of ray is their long tail.
Stingrays use their electricity generating tails solely for defensive purposes. All the details in the body of this 95-million-year-old stingray fossil are clear and show that this life form has remained the same for millions of years.
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 95 million years
Region: Lebanon
Stingrays, with their flat bodies, belong to the order Rajiformes. They are particularly common in the shallow seas of Europe and bury themselves in the sand. The male is approximately 70 cm (27 inches) long, and the female 125 cm (50 inches). There are as many as 180 individual species. The skin is thin and slippery. Their backs are brown and their stomachs silvery. They have large chest fins attached to both sides of the body. The electric organs in their tails are used solely for defensive purposes. These fish hunt at night and feed on small fish, crustacean and plankton.
The 95-million-year-old fossil stingray in the picture proves that this life form has never changed, that it never evolved.
Period: Miocene
Age: 8 million years
Region: Italy
Lanternfish live in deep waters in various oceans. These small fish have light-emitting organs in their bodies. These light emitting organs are generally in their abdominal regions. Since they inhabit deep, dark waters they use their light both to illuminate their surroundings and also to warn off predators. Evolutionists have no explanation whatsoever for how these fish came to possess a highly complex system capable of emitting light from their bodies many millions of years ago because evolutionists claim that living things evolve from the primitive to the more advanced.
Allah created the eight-million-year-old fossil lanternfish in the picture together with all its complex systems.
Period: Pliocene
Age: 4 million years
Region: Italy
When he proposed his theory of evolution, Darwin never imagined that fossils dating back millions of years would be preserved, and that these formerly living things would literally survive down to the present day as if they have been photographed. However, the millions of fossils that have been unearthed show that life forms have never changed and that they are the same today as the day they were first created.
The four-million-year-old fossil pipefish in the picture shows that this life form has never altered in the slightest. The fossil record reveals that living things never evolved and that Almighty Allah created them all.
Period: Jurassic
Age: 206-144 million years
Region: Majunga Basin, Madagascar
These organisms feed by filtering food particles from water. Their bodies consist of two symmetrical shells joined by a hinge. They live in fresh water. Sand mussels and oysters are also members of this class.
The fossil shows that not the slightest change has taken place in this life form despite the passage of between 206 to 144 million years. If, like other life forms, this one has not undergone the slightest alteration over 206 million years, then it is impossible to speak of an evolutionary process. Bivalves were created with all the features they possess today.
Moon Coral
Period: Devonian
Age: 350 million years
Region: Atlas Mountains, Morocco
Moon corals inhabit the Caribbean and Red Seas and the Pacific and Indian oceans. They feed on phytoplankton, sediment and wastes. Although moon corals are invertebrates, their fossils have nonetheless been very well preserved. A 350-million-year fossil shows that this life form has come down to the present day with all its characteristics and that it has never changed. Despite the passage of 350 million years, this coral never turned into an amphibian, and then a reptile, and then into a bird or a mammal. It has come down to the present day exactly as it was created so many millions of years ago.
Prof. Chandra Wickramasinghe admits the following facts regarding the theory of evolution:
“From my earliest training as a scientist, I was very strongly brainwashed to believe that science cannot be consistent with any kind of deliberate creation. That notion has had to be painfully shed. At the moment, I can't find any rational argument to knock down the view which argues for conversion to God. We used to have an open mind; now we realize that the only logical answer to life is creation—and not accidental random shuffling.” (Chandra Wickramasinghe, Interview in London’s The Daily Express, August 14, 1981)
Marine Fossil Specimens -3
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 95 million years
Region: Lebanon
This fossil, which shows that an approximately 95-million-year-old catshark was identical to those living today, invalidates all evolutionist claims. If a living thing has undergone not the slightest change over tens of millions of years, then there can be no question of living things evolving.
No evolutionary process of the kind alleged by evolutionists ever took place. There is no difference between the 95-million-year-old catshark in the photograph and specimens alive today. Allah creates all the living things in the universe.
Period: Eocene
Age: 54-37 million years
Region: Green River Formation, Wyoming, USA
Sardines live in shoals. Several sardines have been petrified at the same time in this 54 to 37-million-year fossil. The fossil is evidence that sardines were created in a single moment, together with all their characteristics, and that they have not altered over tens of millions of years.
The head structure, the small fins on top of and underneath its body and the forked tail can all be seen very clearly in the fossil. Like all life forms in the universe, sardines are the work of our Omniscient and Almighty Lord.
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 125 million years
Region: Yixian, Liaoning, China
Sturgeon, which comprise the family Acipenseridae, are the world’s largest freshwater fish, but also live in the sea. Some of them reach up to five meters (17 feet) in length. Sturgeon can weigh over a ton. These fish have two fins on both sides of their head and body, four whiskers and long, thin jaws.
The 125-million-year-old fossil remains of this life form are identical to specimens living today. With its structure that has remained unchanged for millions of years, this Cretaceous period fossil sturgeon defies the theory of evolution.
Sea Horse
Period: Pliocene
Age: 3 million years
Region: Marecchia River Formation, Italy
Students in schools around the world are taught a myth of evolution that never happened. According to this myth of evolution, life forms developed into one another through a process lasting millions of years. Yet the fossil record dating back millions of years refutes all these claims. A comparison of the fossil strata and specimens living today shows us that fish have always remained fish, reptiles have remained reptiles, birds have remained as birds and monkeys have remained as monkeys. Indeed, the fossils of living things are so clear in the rock strata, with all their details, their tail structures, their heads, and fins or wings, that evolutionists no longer have the means with which to defend the theory of evolution.
The unique appearance of the sea horse, from the family Syngnathidae and the genus Hippocampus, can be seen very clearly in this three-million-year-old fossil. This living thing proves creation by having remained unchanged over millions of years.
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 95 million years
Region: Lebanon
Eels, from the family Anguillidae, live in rivers and come to the sea to lay their eggs. These animals, which weigh approximately 4 kg (nine pounds) and are 1.5 meters (seven feet) long, live for some 10 to 15 years.
Several species of eel have no scales on their hard and slippery skin. These animals have very strong tails, which they use like digging tools. Some eels are carnivorous, and thus have powerful teeth and jaws.
Despite the passage of 95 million years, eels have preserved all the characteristics they were first created with. They have never evolved and turned into any other species, but have existed for tens of millions of years with the same complex features. All fossils prove that Allah creates living things and that life forms never evolved.
Bowfin (Amia Calva)
Period: Eocene
Age: 50 million years
Region: Messel Formation, Germany
Bowfins generally live in North America. They are part of the order Amiiformes and are just one of the life forms that have remained the same for millions of years. The 50-million-year-old Eocene Period fossil bowfin you see in the picture defies evolution and shows that despite the intervening millions of years, this life form has not altered in the slightest.
The animal’s forward curving head, the tail stuck to its body, its upper and lower fins and its skeletal structure can be seen in all their fine detail. A 50-million-year-old bowfin fossil invalidates Darwinists’ claims and proves that evolution never, ever happened.
Sea Spider
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 95 million years
Region: Lebanon
Sea spiders (Pantopoda) are a class from the arthropod phylum. They are mainly found in the Mediterranean, the Caribbean, Antarctica and the Arctic, though they can be seen everywhere in the world. There are some 1,000 species of sea spider, which can live at depths of up to 7,000 meters (23,000 feet). The long legs emerging from the sea spider’s body are its main distinguishing feature. The 95-million-year-old Cretaceous Period sea spider fossil shown pictured shows, in the clearest way, that this life form never evolved.
Period: Permian
Age: 290-248 million years
Region: Madagascar
The theory of evolution is not a truth backed up by scientific evidence, but a superstitious belief adopted in the absence of any evidence at all. Evolutionists fabricate brand new scenarios for the sake of imposing the theory on others, and use the media to try and convince people that these scenarios are true. However the scientific evidence demolishes these carefully invested evolutionist scenarios on every occasion because these claims are all false and imaginary. For example, evolutionists made the most outrageous claims on the basis of coelacanth fossils. But then an unexpected event literally stunned evolutionists.
In 1938, a living member of the species Latimeria from the coelacanth family, described as “a transitional form that became extinct 70 million years in the past,” was caught in the open waters of the Indian Ocean. This event nicely served to expose the evolutionist fraud. The coelacanth fossil in the picture, which dates back 290 to 249 million years, has not changed in the least since the day the animal was first created. In addition, between 1952 and 1953, more than 200 other living coelacanths were caught in other regions, particularly in the Comorra Islands. In this way, the scenario of the coelacanth, which evolutionists had sought to depict as an intermediate form, was consigned to the waste basket.
The discovery of a living coelacanth, which Darwinists had for years tried to use as evidence of evolution, stunned the evolutionists. Moreover, examination of the species, which had been thought to have vanished from the face of the Earth at least 70 million years ago, showed that coelacanths have not changed over the course of 400 million years.
Bristlemouth (Gonostomatidae)
The deep sea bristlemouth has never changed in the fossil record.
The fact that these fish possessed exceedingly complex systems allowing them to produce light millions of years ago is something that evolutionists cannot explain.
Period: Oligocene
Age: 37-23 million years
Region: Poland
These are small fish that live in the depths of the oceans and possess light-emitting organs in their bodies. These light-emitting organs are generally in their abdominal regions. The light they emit to illuminate their deep and dark surroundings also serves to warn off predators.
The picture shows a fossil specimen of this life form dating back to the Oligocene Period, 37-23 million years ago. There is no difference between this fossil and a living specimen. No matter how much evolutionists try to keep materialism and evolution propped up, all the living fossils in the universe point to creation and the Lord of that universe. Allah created all the universe and all the living things in it from nothing, and gave rise to the Earth and sky. Our Lord Allah is infinitely mightier than everything people try to portray as equal to Him.
Cod (Bregmaceros)
Period: Pliocene
Age: 5.3-1.8 million years
Region: Marecchio River Formation, Italy
D. S. Woodroff from the University of California expresses the evolutionists’ disappointment at the absence of even a single transitional form in Sciencemagazine:
“But fossil species remain unchanged throughout most of their history and the record fails to contain a single example of a significant transition.”(D.S. Woodroff, Science, Vol. 208, 1980, p. 716)
This fossil shows there is no difference between cod fish living 5.3 to 1.8 million years ago and those alive today. It invalidates the evolutionists’ claims. As can be seen from this photograph, despite the passage of between 5.3 to 1.8 million years, this life form has all the same characteristics it did when it was first created. Not the slightest change has occurred in either its head, fins or tail. This fossil cod reveals in all clarity that evolution is an imaginary scenario.
Moon Coral
While there exists not one fossil record to show us that one life form is descended from another, the layers of the Earth are packed with evidence showing that living things have always had exactly the same features.
The reality demonstrated by the fossil record is plain to see: life forms have never changed since the moment they were first created, and corals have always existed as corals, and fish as fish.
Period: Devonian Period
Age: 350 million years
Region: Atlas Mountains, Morocco
Evolutionists have constantly had to issue apologies over the last 150 years; this is because every scenario they have proposed has collapsed under the weight of scientific evidence.
The 350-million -year-old Paleozoic Period moon coral in the picture proves that this life form has never changed, despite the intervening 350 million years. This 350-million-year-old moon coral is identical to a present-day moon coral and once again proves the fact of creation.
Observing that species remain astonishingly stable and unchanged over very long periods of time has forced the evolutionists into a tight corner. Paleontologists facing the reality of fossil records that have consistently and insistently refuted the myth of evolution proposed by Darwin were no longer in a position to conceal these facts. Every branch of science clearly shows us that life forms did not evolve, but were created in a single moment.
Period: Eocene
Age: 54 - 37 million years
Region: Green River Formation, Wyoming, USA
The fossil record refutes the theory of evolution in every way. The fossil herring in the picture is between 54 to 37 million years old. There is no difference between herrings that lived 54 to 37 million years ago and those living today. Examination of this 54 to 37-million-year-old fossil shows that its head, fins and tail have not altered in the least. The fact revealed by herring fossils is that life forms do not evolve, and that Almighty Allah created them all.
Sea Bass
Period: Eocene
Age: 50 million years
Region: Green River Formation, Wyoming, USA
The 50-million-year-old sea bass fossil in the picture once again reveals that the theory of evolution is nothing but nonsense. The animal’s general structure, fins and skeleton can clearly be seen in the fossil and have not changed over millions of years.
Millions of fossils show that Darwinists are not telling the truth when they say that life forms constantly change, progressing from the more primitive to the more advanced.
The wonderfully preserved details in the 50-million-year-old fossil below are most striking. As with hundreds of millions of other fossil specimens, this sea bass once again reveals that living things never change.
Moon Coral
Period: Devonian
Age: 350 million years
Region: Atlas Mountains, Morocco
Evolutionists have never tired of making new claims over the years, yet they had to subsequently retract these claims on each and every occasion. They sometimes elected to keep fossils deliberately hidden way, and sometimes they went for imaginary reconstructions. They published the transitional form fossils they drew using the power of their imaginations on the covers of various scientific magazines, but would later have to retract these in subsequent issues of the same publications because the fossil records unearthed subsequently demolished the evolutionists’ claims, one after the other.
The 350-million-year-old moon coral in the picture has never changed since the day it was first created. Just like millions of others, this fossil proves that Darwinism is merely a perverse ideology that has nothing at all to do with science.
Sea horse
Period: Pliocene
Age: 3 million years
Region: Marecchio River Formation, Italy
Sea horses are very striking with their external appearance and special structures. They vary between 4 and 30 cm (1.5 to 12 inches) in length and generally live among seaweeds and other plants along coastal strips. Their protective armor keeps these animals safe from danger. That armor is so strong that it is almost impossible to break a dead sea horse with one’s bare hands. The three-million-year-old sea horse in the picture says that “life forms do not evolve,” and that Allah creates them all.
Atlantic Argentine (Argentinidae)
Period: Oligocene
Age: 35 million years
Region: Poland
Atlantic argentines from the family Argentinidae are fish that live in the depths of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. They are approximately 45 cm (1.5 feet) long and live at depths of 145 to 545 meters (475 to 1,800 feet). The great variety in the fossil record, from the smallest terrestrial and marine organisms to the largest, and life forms from the period being preserved literally as if in a photograph, has led to the utter collapse of the theory of evolution.
The 35-million-year-old Atlantic argentine in the picture shows that these fish have always remained the same, despite the passage of millions of years.
Flashlight Fish
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 95 million years
Region: Lebanon
Flashlight fish from the family Anomalopidae live in tropical waters. This species takes its name from the bioluminescence organ in its body. Light-emitting bacteria live in an area beneath the fish’s eyes. The fish uses this light to flee from predators, as well as for hunting and communicating with other fish.
All the details in this 95-million-year-old fish fossil have been preserved. The presence of such a complex system in a life form existing 95 million years ago is an insoluble dilemma for evolutionists, who put forward the scenario that animals develop gradually from the primitive to the more advanced.
These complex structures in the bodies of living things show that life forms came into being, not through evolution, but through Allah’s wondrous creative artistry.
Guitarfish (Rhinobatuss)
The guitarfish is just one example of life forms that have not changed over tens of millions of years. Millions of fossils preserved with all their details show that evolution is a base deception and creation the truth, and tell us that the perfection in the universe cannot have come about by chance.
By Allah’s leave, the 21st century will be when the Darwinist deception is definitively defeated.
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 95 million years
Region: Lebanon
Like present-day specimens, guitarfish living 95 million years ago had long, thin tails, small fins protruding from their bodies, and a conical head tapering to a point.
So many animals have been fossilized with their unique characteristics that scientists examining the fossil record have had to accept that the theory of evolution has been consigned to the pages of history. Fossils, the remains of Allah's sublime creation, expose evolutionists’ lies in a more powerful manner with every passing day.
Dwarf Sawfish (Pristis clavata)
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 95 million years
Region: Lebanon
Dwarf sawfish can be encountered in all the warm seas of the world. They generally live in shallow waters and sometimes travel to the upper reaches of rivers. The young enter the world together with their saws; but they do not harm the mother because they are sheathed in a membrane during birth. Sawfish use these organs as a defensive weapon, and also use them for hunting by waving them to the right and left when they enter among shoals of fish. They also use their saws to dig about in the muddy sea bed.
There is no difference between the sawfish in a 95-million-year-old fossil and a sawfish living today. The long, saw-like nose, its pronounced skull shape and the broad fins on the sides of its body can all be made out clearly. Sawfish, which have remained unchanged for millions of years, once again reveal the extent to which the evolutionists are in error.
The 95-million-year-old Cretaceous period sawfish fossil in the picture is an example of a living fossil. This fossil, with characteristics identical to those of sawfish living today, is just one of the millions of fossils that prove creation.
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 95 million years
Region: Lebanon
Fossils from the same species exhibit no changes throughout the time they appear in the fossil record. That fact was well-known to paleontologists even before Darwin published his Origin of Species. Darwin prophesied that subsequent generations would find new fossils to fill the gaps; but following all the paleontological research that has taken place over the last 120 years or so, it has become clear the fossil record will not confirm that prediction.
Despite the passage of 95 million years, the eel in the picture has not altered in the slightest. It has never evolved or turned into any other life form.
Crabs generally have a thick outer skeleton and a pair of claws. The claws that are typical features of crabs appear in exactly the same form in this 23 to 5-million-year-old fossil.
Crabs are life forms that appeared suddenly millions of years ago with the same features they possess today. All the crab fossils discovered have entirely crab-like characteristics. No fossils with missing organs or half-crab, half-other life forms have ever been found. Crabs have always been crabs in all periods of history. The stasis in living things is one of the main proofs refuting the theory of evolution.
Period: Eocene
Age: 23 - 5 million years
Region: Wiapara, New Zealand
With the claws on the front of its body and thick outer shell, the 23 to 5-million-year-old fossil crab in the picture proves that the animal has not changed despite the passage of millions of years. Evolutionists have no scientific answer in the face of these facts. The theory of evolution has completely collapsed in the face of fossils that prove creation.
Period: Miocene
Age: 23 - 5 million years
Region: California, USA
Pipefish are a species of boned fish from the family Syngnathidae, and have a long, thin tail. This fish lives in the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean and is approximately 20 cm (8 inches) long. There are no scales on its body. There are no fins on its chest or abdomen. They live among oyster-like crustaceans or in the digestive cavities of sea cucumbers.
The fish’s long, tubular mouth, long, thin body and long tail can all be made out very clearly in this 23 to 5-million-year-old fossil. The fish’s skeletal structure has even been completely preserved, despite the intervening millions of years. The 23 to 5-million-year-old fossil pipefish in the picture proves that this life form has existed as a pipefish since the day it was first created and has never evolved into any other living entity.
There is absolutely no difference between this 95-million-year fossil and the living boxfish shown beside it. This shows that evolutionists’ claims are a deception, and that creation is a fact.
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 95 million years
Region: Haqel, Lebanon
The boxfish’s different anatomical structure makes it highly maneuverable. Scientists were struck by the way that it manages to turn sudden turbulence which occasionally occur under the sea to its own advantage. Researchers produced computerized models of the boxfish. And the resulting findings were a source of inspiration in the manufacture of submarine robots. (
The fact that this tiny fish is equipped with engineering principles that make it a marvelous swimmer is an expression of the glory of Allah's creation. This once again shows that the creation of Almighty Allah, Lord of the Worlds, is flawless, and every new life form investigated reveals that perfection once again.
This life form has never changed or evolved, despite the passage of 95 million years. Allah is He Who best knows His creations:
The seven heavens and the earth and everyone in them glorify Him. There is nothing which does not glorify Him with praise but you do not understand their glorification... (Qur’an, 17:44)
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 9 5 million years
Region: Haqel, Lebanon
The fossil of this living thing proves, like the fossils of other life forms on Earth, the invalidity of the theory of evolution.
The fact that ladyfish that lived 95million years in the past are identical to ladyfish living today is something that evolutionists can never explain. Fossils once again reveal that Allah creates all living things.
Insect fossil specimens -1
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 100 million years
Region: Burma
There are 2,340 known species of these insects from the order Mantodea. The majority live in tropical and subtropical regions. Depending on the species, they camouflage themselves as either green or dry leaves, brightly colored flowers, thin branches or lichens. Mantises are the only known species of insect able to turn their heads from side to side.
Brown Lacewing
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 100 million years
Region: Burma
The brown lacewing belongs to the family Chrysopidae, from the order Neuroptera. This life form is widely seen in North America and Europe, and has survived for hundreds of millions of years completely unchanged. Evolutionists claim that life forms gradually turn into other life forms through a series of gradual changes. But, as can be seen from this example, life forms have never changed since the moment they were first created.
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 100 million years
Region: Burma
Caddisflies belong to the order Trichoptera and their larvae are frequently used as bait by fishermen. This life form has never changed over 100 million years. The stasis in the fossil record, which Darwinists try to ignore, is once again confirmed in this fossil. This 100-million-year-old caddisfly never changed. It came into being, meaning it was created, in a single moment, and had the same features 100 million years ago as it does today.
Winged Ant
Period: Oligocene
Age: 25 million years
Region: Dominican Republic
The picture shows a winged ant that lived 25 million years ago. There are some 20,000 known species of ant. Winged ants have two antennae on the top their hard heads for communication. They have powerful jaws on the lower part of their heads, with sharp mandibles they use to cut plant leaves. The ant’s neck and waist, through which many of its organs pass, are very narrow. It has three pairs of legs on its thorax, but none on its abdomen. Ants are found everywhere in the world and have preserved all these characteristics unchanged for millions of years. The winged ant fossil in the picture was preserved exactly as it was when the ant was covered in amber that poured over it. This fossil proves that, like all other life forms, winged ants have never changed, in other words, they have never evolved.
Spider Mite (Acarina)
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 100 million years
Region: Burma
All the fossils unearthed clearly reveal that life forms did not gradually develop from one another, and that they never evolved. The fossil record reveals not one single example of a transitional form. This 100-million-year-old spider mite preserved in amber is just one of more than 350 million unchanged fossils and shows that Allah created it.
False Click Beetle (Eucnemidae)
Period: Oligocene
Age: 25 million years
Region: Dominican Republic
These insects, members of the family Eucnemidae, resemble true click beetles, but are distinguished from them by various anatomical differences. Like true click beetles, false click beetles are able to leap into the air, although a small group belonging to the species lack this ability.
It is of vital importance for beetles to be able to right themselves when they are turned over on their backs. This is when the click beetle’s ability to leap into the air comes into play. When click beetles are turned over on their backs, they right themselves by leaping up thanks to a special organ in their thorax.
Like all other living things, beetles never evolved, but were created by Allah with all the attributes they possess today. The false click beetle in the picture is one piece of evidence proving the fact of creation.
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 100 million years
Region: Burma
Leafhoppers are perhaps best known for the damage they do to corn crops. They seldom exceed 1 cm (0.39 inches) in size, and are the same today as they were 100 million years ago. The 100-million-year-old fossil leafhopper shown above is proof that these living things have never changed.
Humpbacked Fly, Wasp
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 100 million years
Region: Burma
If, as Darwinists maintain, living things were descended from a supposed common ancestor, then these 100-million-year humpbacked fly and wasp fossils preserved in amber should be very different to specimens living today. But, as the fossil shows, there is no difference between them at all. Paleontology refutes all the baseless evolutionist claims by proving that these life forms have come down to the present day unchanged.
Mymarid Wasp (Mymaridae)
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 100 million years
Region: Burma
This 100-million-year-old mymarid wasp had the same anatomy as those living today. Allah created these animals in a flawless manner, and it has never since evolved or changed in any way.
Skin Beetle
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 100 million years
Region: Burma
Allah has created ever more glorious systems in all living things. These systems have never changed since those life forms were first created. The 100-million-year-old skin beetle fossil in the picture is identical to skin beetles living today. Paleontology has proved without doubt that life forms do not change in any way.
Period: Oligocene
Age: 25 million years
Region: Dominican Republic
Had evolution really taken place, which it never did, then life forms should appear with gradual changes and continue to alter over time. Yet the fossil record shows the exact opposite. The 25-million-year-old cricket in this fossil has been preserved in all its detail and is exactly the same as crickets alive today.
Dance Fly
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 100 million years
Region: Burma
Dance flies can perform very rapid and acrobatic movements as they fly, and have come down to the present day unchanged since the moment they were first created. All life forms appear suddenly in the fossil record, and have remained static and unaltered for hundreds of millions of years. This is the most important proof that evolution never happened. This 100-million-year-old fossil dance fly preserved in amber is one of the proofs of Allah’s magnificent creation.
Period: Eocene
Age: 50 million years
Region: Poland
The stasis in the fossil record represents the greatest problem for the evolutionists because they seek the evidence they need for their fictitious evolutionary process in the fossil record, but to date no such evidence has ever been found. This 50-million-year-old springtail fossil is one example that doubtlessly inflicts a terrible disappointment on evolutionists and confirms creation.
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 100 million years
Region: Burma
The fact that cockroaches, known for their ability to withstand even the most difficult conditions, have survived down to the present day unchanged over the last 100 million years is one of the proofs of the falsity of the theory of evolution. These animals, found almost everywhere in the world, are exactly the same now as they were 100 million years in the past.
True Bug
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 125 million years
Region: Santana Formation, Araripe Basin, Brazil
Insects have remained as insects, spiders as spiders, fish as fish and birds as birds ever since the moment they were first created. The intervening millions of years have not led to any changes in life forms. Just like other life forms, this insect from the order Heteroptera has been created in a flawless manner. This 125-million-year-old fossil is just one of the many proofs that refute evolution.
Period: Jurassic
Age: 160 million years
Region: Yixian Formation, Liaoning, China
Cockroaches can be found almost everywhere on Earth, apart from the polar regions and at altitudes greater than 2,000 meters (6,500 feet). These animals are highly resistant, and are even able to withstand radiation. Evolutionists claim that they acquired these characteristics through minute, gradual changes. But cockroaches living 160 million years in the past were exactly the same as those living today. Allah created all living things as they are today, and living things never underwent evolution.
Sow Bug (Isopod)
Period: Oligocene
Age: 25 million years
Region: Dominican Republic
These insects, which roll up into a ball when touched, can be found in a great many parts of the world. The 25-million-year-old sow bug fossilized in amber shown on the overleaf has exactly the same features as sow bugs living today. Life forms have never changed. Omniscient Allah created them.
Period: Jurassic
Age: 160 million years
Region: Sihetou Formation, Liaoning, China
The spiders that live just about everywhere on Earth are arthropods. They weave amazing webs with a special silk, and were created with the same perfect characteristics they possess today. The fossil in the picture clearly shows that spiders living 160 million years in the past are the same as those living today, and that they never evolved.
Period: Eocene
Age: 50 million years
Region: Poland
Darwinists say that all living species have a supposed common ancestor. However the facts revealed by paleontology show that species appeared suddenly, millions of years ago, exactly the same as they are today. The 50-million-year-old fossil dustywing in the picture is one of the proofs that refute evolution. Dustywings have the same features today as they did 50 million years in the past.
Period: Eocene
Age: 50 million years
Region: Poland
Aphids belong to the order Psocoptera. The 50-million-year-old fossil illustrated proves that aphids have always existed in the same form, that they never evolved and that they are not descended from a primitive ancestor. So long as the evolutionists insist on ignoring this reality, they will continue to look for non-existent transitional forms, to deceive people with hoaxes and spend their lives chasing an empty dream. However, none of these efforts will alter the fact that living things are the work of Almighty Allah, and more and more people every day will cease believing in the myths of Darwinism.
Lynx Spider
Period: Eocene
Age: 50 million years
Region: Poland
No species living in the world has ever changed or evolved. Neither bird, nor fish, nor terrestrial animal nor plant nor insect species have ever changed. The transitional forms that evolutionists claim must exist have never been found in the fossil record. The fossil Lynx spider in the picture is identical to Lynx spiders living today. This is one of the major blows dealt to evolution.
Period: Eocene
Age: 50 million years
Region: Poland
The fact that this life form was identical 50 million years ago to how it is today is genuine evidence that evolution never took place. Fossils provide the clearest and most accurate information on this subject. Springtails have never altered, despite the passage of 50 million years, and this demolishes Darwinists’ claims.
Period: Eocene
Age: 50 million years
Region: Poland
Whiteflies rarely exceed 2 mm (0.079 inches) in length, and at first sight the adult form resembles a small butterfly. Whiteflies are not actually flies at all, though their resemblance to them gives them their name. This life form is particularly known for the damage it does to orange trees. The fact that this tiny creature has come down to the present day unchanged over the course of 50 million years is proof that it never evolved.
Period: Oligocene
Age: 25 million years
Region: Poland
Spiders are one of the most numerous groups in the animal kingdom and possess many miraculous properties. One of these properties is the knowledge of geometry inspired in them by Allah and the architectural marvels, their webs, which they construct using that knowledge. This 25-million-year-old spider fossil is identical to spiders living today, and this proves this life form was created in a moment with all its characteristics and that it has never changed.
Insect fossil specimens -2
Period: Eocene
Age: 50 million years
Region: Poland
Like all other living things, various species of fly appear suddenly in the fossil record, and with all their unique characteristics and they have come down to the present day completely unaltered. The 50-million-year-old fossil midge preserved in amber shows that there is no difference between midges that lived millions of years ago and those living today. This once again reveals that evolution never happened and that creation is an obvious reality.
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 125 million years
Region: Santana Formation, Araripe Basin, Brazil
Just this fossil alone puts an end to 150 years of evolutionist claims. This 125-million-year-old wasp fossil was created in a moment with exactly the same perfect and superior features as members of the species alive today. Life forms did not come about through the fictitious processes of the theory of evolution. Allah created all the living things on Earth that have ever been.
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 125 million years
Region: Santana Formation, Araripe Basin, Brazil
There are estimated to be around 150 species of snakefly. These are one of the proofs that all life forms appeared suddenly and have survived down to the present day unchanged. This 125-million-year-old fossil snakefly has exactly the appearance and wonderful characteristics as snakeflies living today.
Whip Scorpion
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 125 million years
Region: Santana Formation, Araripe Basin, Brazil
Whip scorpions are not poisonous but when they feel threatened they can squirt a mixture of acetic acid and octanoic acid from glands in the back of their abdomens further than 80 cm (over 2.5 feet). This substance serves as a weapon to deter enemies. Whip scorpions that possess the same features 125 million years ago as those living today are one of the proofs that refute evolution.
Waterbug (Gyrinidae)
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 125 million years
Region: Santana Formation, Araripe Basin, Brazil
The majority of these insects from the family Gyrinidae live in fresh water. So long as they are not disturbed, these insects live in large groups on the surface of the water, but when alarmed they quickly dive down and swim beneath it. Like all other living species, these animals were created with all their unique properties. There is no difference between the 125-million-year-old fossil waterbug in the picture and specimens living today. Allah is the Creator of all living things.
Water Strider
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 125 million years
Region: Santana Formation, Araripe Basin, Brazil
The changes that evolutionists maintain took place never happened at any period of history. All life forms were created in a moment and fully developed. These insects, which are able to run on water, were created with the same properties 125 million years ago as they possess today.
Long Legged Fly
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 125 million years
Region: Santana Formation, Araripe Basin, Brazil
There are several fossil specimens of long legged flies, a commonly encountered insect. The fossils show that these creatures possessed the same anatomical structure 125 million years ago as they do today. Life forms did not evolve. Almighty Allah created them all.
A Beetle from the Order Coleoptera
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 125 million years
Region: Santana Formation, Araripe Basin, Brazil
Coleoptera, or beetles, represent the most numerous class of insects. All the Coleoptera fossils seen to date are identical to those living today. In the same way that no living species that has ever lived has changed in any way, the Coleoptera have also come down to the present day just as they were first created.
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 125 million years
Region: Santana Formation, Araripe Basin, Brazil
Cockroaches are one life form that have remained utterly unchanged for hundreds of millions of years. Fossil cockroaches have been found dating back some 320 million years. These insects, which constitute the order Blattodea, have never changed during the course of history. The 125-million-year-old fossil cockroach in the picture is one of the proofs that these living things were created, just like all other life forms.
Ground Cricket
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 125 million years
Region: Santana Formation, Araripe Basin, Brazil
The great majority of crickets, part of the family Tettigoniidae, live in tropical regions. There are more than 225 species in North America alone. Ground crickets have remained the same, unaltered, for millions of years. The 125-million-year-old ground cricket fossil in the picture is another significant confirmation of this fact.
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 125 million years
Region: Santana Formation, Araripe Basin, Brazil
A look at the 125-million-year-old beetle fossil in the picture and a specimen living today shows that these animals have not altered in the slightest, right down to the details in the opening of their wings. The discovery of fossil remains of insects that have never changed over the course of millions of years has come as a heavy blow to the theory of evolution. There is no difference between a cockroach or a dragonfly that lived 400 million years ago and specimens living today. Insects’ eyes, defensive techniques and very different flight systems invalidate all the evolutionists’ claims.
Lacewing (Chrysopa)
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 125 million years
Region: Santana Formation, Araripe Basin, Brazil
This delicate life form belongs to the family Chrysopidae, from the order Neuroptera. These animals are found in North America and Europe and are able to detect the ultrasounds emitted by bats. When they detect the ultrasounds used by bats in order to locate them, they fold their wings up and fall to the ground, thus escaping the bat. Living things with this ability were created with the same features millions of years ago as they possess today.
Darkling Beetle (Tenebrionidae)
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 100 million years
Region: Burma
The fossil record has proved that, like other life forms, darkling beetles never underwent any process of evolution. As can be seen from the fossil in the picture, this 100-million-year-old darkling beetle is identical in appearance and structure to darkling beetles alive today. Almighty Allah created all life forms together with all their characteristics, and fossil findings confirm that fact.
Spider Mite (Acarina)
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 100 million years
Region: Burma
The 100-million-year-old spider mite fossils in the picture are almost too small to be seen with the naked eye. They are smaller than the head of a pin. The way that these life forms appear suddenly in the fossil record, with no supposed evolutionary ancestors, the way they possess exceedingly complex systems and, most important of all, their great diversity, all give rise to questions that it is impossible for the theory of evolution to answer. Evolutionists are unable to conceal their helplessness in the face of these details revealed by microbiology and entomology. All life forms appear suddenly in the fossil record, without undergoing any changes. And this is proof that Allah creates living things.
Flat Bark Beetle
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 100 million years
Region: Burma
Insects represent 90% of the animals described to date. They have left a great many fossils preserved in amber from millions of years ago to the present day. The 100-million-year-old flat bark beetle fossil in the picture is one of these. There is no difference between the flat bark beetle in the fossil and beetles alive today. The picture in the fossil is just one example of the more than 350 million fossils that refute Darwinists’ claims.
Bee (Hymenopteran)
Period: Eocene
Age: 50 million years
Region: Poland
This 50-million-year-old fossil bee, which can be seen down to the finest detail under a microscope, possesses the same perfect characteristics as bees living today. Its marvelous compound eyes have also been preserved in full detail in the amber.
Bees have very specialized eyes. They contain special sections known as “ommatidia,” 6,900 of which perform separate sight functions. Each one of these acts like a single eye. These are arranged rather like drinking straws in a box. In addition, each one ends in a small convex and transparent lens. (Mark L. Winston, The Biology of the Honey Bee, Harvard Univ. Press, 1991, p. 1) These lenses form the outer surface of the eye, rather like a glass ellipse. The bee eye is superior to the human eye in two ways: the bee eye can distinguish ultraviolet rays and it is highly sensitive to polarized light. Bees, with their glorious eyes that have remained unchanged for millions of years, refute evolution. (Encyc. Americana, 1993, USA, Vol.3, Int. Headquarters, Danbury, Connecticut, p. 439)
Period: Eocene
Age: 50 million years
Region: Poland
Spittlebugs, members of the family Cercopidae, are known for the foam they produce during the larval stage.
The larvae manufacture a foam-like substance using the sap of the leaves they live on and cocoon themselves with it. This foam, or ‘spit,’ benefits the larvae in a number of ways, and protects them from predators, parasites and the effects of excessive hot and cold. The foam also prevents the larvae from drying out by providing a constantly moist environment.
Adult spittlebugs jump from one plant to another and can leap up to 100 times their own body length.
As with all living things, beetles have different and incomparable ways of protecting themselves, finding food and reproducing. That is Allah’s creation in line with every living thing’s needs. No insect ever acquired the characteristics it has by experimenting with different stages and adapting its own biological structure. It would have neither the intelligence or power to do so. The 50-million-year-old spittlebug in the picture had the same features as spittlebugs alive today. Indeed, the spittlebug can clearly be seen to have been fossilized in amber together with its surrounding foam.
This larval-stage spittlebug was fossilized in amber with its surrounding foam and has come down to the present day in a state of perfect preservation. (below)
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 100 million years
Region: Burma
These insects are known as pseudoscorpions because their claws resemble those of true scorpions. Despite their small size, they can still sometimes be seen with the naked eye.
Allah has created many details and characteristics in this tiny creature. Just as there are no deficiencies, pathologies or abnormal structures in another life form on Earth, there are also none in this 100-million-year-old fossil pseudoscorpion. The insect’s every organ is perfectly proportioned and symmetrical. Such symmetry and perfection can never come about by chance. The glorious symmetry and proportion in all living things is Almighty Allah’s creation.
Cephalotes Ant
Period: Miocene
Age: 20 million years
Region: Dominican Republic
What we see when we examine natural history is not that life forms “evolve into different anatomical structures,” but that they remain unchanged for hundreds of millions of years. This permanence in the fossil record is referred to as “stasis” by scientists. Living fossils and living things that have survived to the present day, but have left behind fossil remains from different periods of prehistory, are concrete evidence of the stasis in the fossil record. And this stasis in the fossil record showed there was never any process of gradual evolution.
This fossilized and literally armored ant is identical to those that lived 20 million years ago. The ant has never undergone any change in its physical structure, and never evolved.
Scelionid Wasp (Scelionidae)
Period: Eocene
Age: 50 million years
Region: Poland
Large or small, all living things possess rather superior characteristics and wide-ranging forms of behavior. This clearly shows that living things cannot come into being by chance, and that they are specially inspired and created entities. It is Allah Who brings all things into being from nothing, Who creates the separately functioning systems in every one of their cells and Who inspires their ways of behavior based on a most superior intelligence. These characteristics were coded into wasps created 50 million years ago and, just like hundreds of millions of other life forms, they have never changed and never evolved.
Period: Miocene
Age: 25 - 17 million years
Region: Dominican Republic
Ladybugs are attractive insects, generally yellow, orange or red in color, and are very well-known to everyone.
The wings of these coleoptera, or winged insects, are actually underneath visible red-colored sheathes. When the insect wishes to fly, it first opens up its outer wings and then, with great care, opens up the membrane-like wings underneath. The folded wings inside quickly become tense and flexible. These wings are unexpectedly large for the size of the insect, but they are so carefully folded and installed in their sheaths that the insect is able to expertly unfold them and fly away. It then folds them up again and packs them away under their red covers.
Allah shows us the greatness and matchless nature of His artistry in these living things. They have been doing things we cannot do for many millions of years. They behaved in the way inspired in them by Allah. The stasis we can observe in the fossilized living things is one of the greatest proofs that evolution never happened. Just as with this 25-million-year fossil ladybug...
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 125 million years
Region: China
There are around 30,000 species of spider, living just about all over the world. These employ a variety of hunting techniques. Not all spiders use fixed webs to catch their prey. Some chase after their prey or leap onto it. The picture shows a 125-million-year-old fossil spider. Like all life forms, spiders have remained unchanged despite the passage of tens of millions of years.
Lightning Bug
Period: Eocene
Age: 50 million years
Region: Russia
This 50-million-year-old fossil is proof of a most important truth. Life forms have had immaculate anatomies ever since they were first created. Close inspection of the fossil shows that all its organs are perfectly formed and in the right place. The compound eye in particular can be seen down to the finest detail. Eyes that were able to see perfectly 50 million years ago exhibit a flawless structure.
We have no modern technology or knowledge capable of installing thousands of lenses in a space the size of a few millimeters and of giving each lens the ability to see. It is impossible for us to build a nervous system allowing these to perceive light and produce a flawless image from it. The idea that such an immaculate structure, which is beyond human beings’ ability to construct even with all our accumulated knowledge and experience, being formed by chance is, of course, totally lacking in any credibility.
Darwinists’ nonsensical ideas regarding chance and their hypotheses devoid of any evidence collapsed with the appearance of wonderful fossils of living things.
Chance could never produce a single one of the thousands of lenses possessed by this firefly, nor even a single protein in the innumerable cells that constitute these lenses. It is Almighty Allah Who sees and observes all beings at all times, Who creates every living things with flawless details, Who creates extraordinary equipment in a tiny insect and Who gives human beings the intelligence and conscience with which to reflect on these.
Mankind! An example has been made, so listen to it carefully. Those whom you call upon besides Allah are not even able to create a single fly, even if they were to join together to do it. And if a fly steals something from them, they cannot get it back. How feeble are both the seeker and the sought! (Qur’an, 22:73)
Mayfly Larva
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 125 million years
Region: China
Throughout history there have been no changes in the transitional stages in the development of living things. For example, mayflies went through the same processes of egg, larva and adulthood as they do today. This 125-million-year-old fossil mayfly refutes evolutionists’ claims that life forms went through various and gradual changes to assume their present forms.
Assassin Bug
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 100 million years
Region: Burma
These insects are members of the family Reduviidae from the order Hemiptera. These insects possess a matchless ability to protect themselves. It has been discovered that these insects make spider webs vibrate, and they then attack the owner of the web. The characteristics of the 100-million-year-old assassin bug shown preserved in Burmese amber are identical to those of present-day assassin bugs.
Insect fossil specimens -3
Spider Mite (Acarina)
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 100 million years
Region: Burma
The spider mite in the picture is identical to specimens living today and has never changed in any way. If life forms evolved, as the evolutionists maintain, then the whole world should be covered in the fossil remains of exceedingly pathological living things. There should be millions of transitional fossils of millions of pathological life forms with legs growing out of their heads, with feet on their stomachs or maybe stomachs on their feet, perhaps with one eye on their foreheads or tails sticking out of their heads. On the contrary, the fact that fossils dating back millions of years are identical to specimens living today proves that they never changed, and that species are not descended from one another by way of evolution.
Snipe Fly
Period: Eocene
Age: 50 million years
Region: Poland
The basic claim made by Darwinism is that life forms developed in stages and supposedly advanced by way of evolution. Yet when we look at the concrete evidence we see no evidence to support this fictitious myth of Darwinism’s. Darwinism has not been confirmed even once by any scientific finding over the last 150 years or so. On the contrary, it has been refuted by each and every new discovery. One such finding is the 50-million-year-old fossil snipe fly in the picture. Like other species of fly, this fossil proves that snipe flies have never changed; in other words, that they did not evolve.
Assassin Bug
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 100 million years
Region: Burma
The 350 million or so fossils unearthed have revealed that species are not descended from one another and that they never evolved. The assassin bug, as seen in the 100-million-year-old fossil above has come down to us completely unchanged to the present day. The fact that Darwinists still maintain that evolution took place, despite seeing millions of fossils that have never changed, clearly shows they are under a kind of magic spell of belief in this dogma. But the evolutionists’ endeavors have all been in vain, and 21st century paleontology has spelled the end of the theory of evolution.
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 100 million years
Region: Burma
Thrips are arthropods from the order Thysanoptera, meaning ‘fringed wings.’ They are generally red, black or yellowish in color. Thrips fossilized in amber have been preserved in the ideal environment and show us that they have never altered. The thrip fossil in, the picture, preserved in Burmese amber for 100 million years, proves that thrips, like all living things, never evolved.
Period: Eocene
Age: 50 million years
Region: Poland
Anobia are small, harmful winged insects from the family Anobiidae. They can live for a year without feeding. These sturdy insects are found in many regions of the world. The anobium in the picture was imprisoned in amber in Poland 50 million years ago and has been preserved down to the present day. This specimen also shows that living things have never altered and never evolved. Fossils demonstrate the sublime intellect, artistry and might in Allah’s creation and prove what an insoluble dilemma the adherents of evolution find themselves in.
Crane Fly
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 100 million years
Region: Burma
These flies, from the family Tipulidae, have long thin bodies, like those of mosquitoes. They do not spread disease, but they are regarded as pests by people engaged in agriculture. The female of the species lays her eggs among plants. The larvae that hatch settle inside the soil and feed on the plant roots, thus doing great damage to vegetable gardens and planted crops. Crane flies are common in the fall, in humid places and along the sides of rivers. There is no difference between this 100-million-year-old fossil crane fly in the picture and crane flies living today. This is Allah's creative artistry. Our Almighty Lord Allah is One, and there is no other Creator than Him.
Period: Eocene
Age: 50 million years
Region: Poland
Looking at the life forms that have existed throughout the course of history, we see that they continued unchanged from the moment they were first created. This 50-million-year-old wasp is proof that living things never evolved and had the same characteristics millions of years ago as they do today.
White Fly
Period: Eocene
Age: 50 million years
Region: Poland
White flies are not actually classified as flies, though they resemble them, hence the name. They are also regarded as agricultural pests. These tiny animals have had the same features ever since the day they were first created. The 50-million-year-old white fly in the picture proves that these animals never changed. Allah has created all life forms from nothing.
He is the First and the Last, the Outward and the Inward. He has knowledge of all things. It is He Who created the heavens and the Earth in six days, then established Himself firmly on the Throne. He knows what goes into the Earth and what comes out of it... (Qur’an, 57:3-4)
Period: Eocene
Age: 50 million years
Region: Poland
Recent scientific research into ants has shown that these tiny creatures possess an amazing communications system through some 500,000 nerve cells squeezed into bodies just two to three mm (0.079 inches) in length. There are some 14,000 known species of ant and each has its own unique and astonishing characteristics. Neither these animals’ anatomical structures nor their social lives have changed since the day they were created.
Aphid and Termite Wing
Period: Eocene
Age: 50 million years
Region: Poland
Amber provides the perfect setting for small organisms to be fossilized unharmed. The aphid and termite wing in this 50-million-year-old fossil prove that no organ or body part of any life form has ever changed and that every life form has come down fully formed and with the same perfection from the day it was created to the present. That being the case, there is of course no question of any evolution taking place.
Period: Eocene
Age: 50 million years
Region: Poland
The 50-million-year-old psocid fossil in the picture proves that psocids have existed unchanged for millions of years.
Fungus Gnat
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 100 million years
Region: Burma
One of the most important features of fossil findings is that life forms never change in the fossil record throughout the periods in which they existed. In other words, a life form remains the same, from the form in which it first appears in the fossil record until the disappearance of that life form, over tens or even hundreds of millions of years. The meaning of this is obvious; evolution does not exist.
One life form that has survived unchanged for millions of years is the fungus gnat. The picture shows a 100-million-year-old fungus gnat specimen.
Minute Black Scavanger Fly (Scatopsidae)
Period: Oligocene
Age: 25 million years
Region: Dominican Republic
The way that the compound eye of a 25-million-year-old minute black scavenger fly preserved in amber has survived completely undamaged is literally a miracle. The presence of thousands of lenses in the eye and a brain system capable of interpreting what it sees reveals an immaculate creation. Life forms with such eyes, whose perfect arrangement make them marvels of engineering, have been around for 390 million years. That same complex compound eye structure can be seen in trilobites that lived in the Cambrian Period, 530 million years ago. The eye, an exceedingly complex organ, is one of the subjects that evolutionists are most reluctant to discuss and that demolishes their theories.
The way that all these lenses combine their images into one single image shows the sublime nature of Allah’s creative artistry. For a scavenger fly that lived millions of years ago to possess such a complex organ shows that Allah created it with a wondrous artistry.
Humpbacked Fly
Period: Oligocene
Age: 25 million years
Region: Dominican Republic
The humpbacked fly that lived 25 million years ago, shown in the picture, is one of the life forms whose origins evolutionists admit they cannot account for. In claiming that dinosaurs turned into birds, evolutionists maintain that some dinosaurs “...grew wings and took to the air” as they beat their front legs while chasing after insects. This theory, a totally imaginary one with no scientific basis, also contains a facile and circular logic; that is because the example that evolutionists use to explain the origin of flight, the fly, already possessed a perfect flying ability. While no human being can flap his arms even 10 times a second, some flies manage to beat their wings an average of 1,000 times per second. In addition, flies beat their two wings simultaneously. The slightest imbalance in the timing would mean the fly losing its equilibrium. But this never happens. Even a tiny fly fossil is clear evidence that evolution never happened.
Crane Fly
Period: Oligocene
Age: 25 million years
Region: Dominican Republic
The theory of evolution consists of an imaginary tale regarding the natural history of living things, but it is also refuted by all scientific discoveries in that sphere. Living fossils show that the effect of the environment is not “evolution,” but rather “non-evolution.” Species did not acquire their present-day anatomies through some random change. They were all brought into being by Allah, in a moment and flawlessly, and all lived exactly as they were first created throughout their time in the world.
The body, antennae and the prefect structure in the compound eyes of this 25-million-year-old crane fly can all clearly be seen. The preservation of its soft tissue in amber for millions of years is powerful evidence that crane flies have never changed.
Gall Midge
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 100 million years
Region: Burma
These tiny animals, from the family Cecidomyiidae, are known for causing galls in plants. Galls are abnormalities resulting from injury to the plant tissue. The larvae feed on numerous plant tissues in which galls then develop. There has never been the slightest change in either the anatomical structure or lifestyle and ways of feeding of any life forms there have ever been. The 100-million-year-old gall midge in the picture is just one of the proofs of this.
Short Horned Fly (Brachycera)
Period: Eocene
Age: 50 – 45 million years
Region: Baltic amber, Northern Europe
There are some 177 separate families of these flies, members of the sub-order Brachycera. Not one single finding has been unearthed to date in the fossil record to show that these species of fly underwent evolution. Allah created all life forms with no imperfections.
Click Beetle
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 100 million years
Region: Burma
This beetle performs a somersault to right itself after being turned over on its back. It is a member of the family Elateridae (Coleoptera). When upside down it generally remains still, pretending to be dead. Click beetles vary between 12 and 30 mm (a half to three quarters of an inch) in length.
The 100-miilion-year-old click beetle in the pictures has exactly the same features as specimens living today, and it lived in the same way as them. It employs the techniques it does, not through evolution, but in the manner inspired by Allah. Allah is He Who creates all life forms with different attributes.
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 100 million years
Region: Burma
Thrips is the common name given to arthropods from the order Thysanoptera. They range from 0.5-10 mm (0.020 to 0.40 inches) in length. There is no difference between a 100-million-year-old thrip and thrips living today. This thrips that were living 100 million years in the past had the same body, wings and antennae as present-day specimens. This is one of the proofs that, like other life forms, thrips did not evolve. It is Allah, Who knows how to create in all ways, Who creates thrips and bestows their characteristics on them.
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 100 million years
Region: Burma
Termites inhabit tropical regions in particular and establish magnificent colonies in towers made from mud that can reach up to four to five meters (13 to 16 feet) in height. The architecture within these miniature cities is constructed so as to ensure constant adaptation to changing climatic conditions. The cities built by termites, which belong to the order Isoptera, are flawless, not just in social terms, but in respect of the arrangement in them. The 100-million-year-old fossil termite in the picture is proof that these living things never evolved.
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 100 million years
Region: Burma
These creatures, some of which are poisonous, are generally to be found in rural and wooded areas all over the world. They belong to the class Chilopodafrom the phylum Myriapoda and have never altered in any way from the day they were created to the present. The 100-million-year-old fossil centipede in the picture is proof that these animals never evolved.
Lightning Bug
Period: Oligocene
Age: 25 million years
Region: Dominican Republic
Lightning bugs are miraculous life forms capable of manufacturing their own light. Light is essential for human life. Human beings experimented with various different means of obtaining light down the ages. The lightning bug is able to produce a maximum level of this cold light in its own body, without the use of any chemical substances from the outside, and with no information or previous experience.
Scientists have for years been researching and seeking to produce light as efficiently as that manufactured by lightning bugs. These animals obtain almost maximum efficiency and lose almost no energy at all in producing light, and these characteristics have been the subject of research for years.
Allah has created such perfect features in living things, and has made them models for human beings. One of the wisest aspects in Almighty Allah's creation of details is that it makes people think.
This 25-million-year-old lightning bug fossil proved that life forms have had immaculate characteristics ever since the moment they were first created, that they have remained unchanged for 25 million years and that they never, as Darwinists maintain, evolved.
Sow Bug (Isopod)
Period: Eocene
Age: 45 million years
Region: Baltic Region, Jantarny, Russia
Like all other life forms, these creatures, members of the sub-order Oniscoidea, have come down unchanged to the present day. Had the evolutionary stages that evolutionists claim took place really done so, then the transitional stages that life forms went through would certainly appear in the fossil record. But as can be seen from this 45-million-year-old fossil isopod, no living things ever underwent evolution at all.
Harvestman (Opiliones)
Period: Eocene
Age: 45 million years
Region: Baltic Region, Jantarny, Russia
These arthropods that range between 2 and 22 mm (0.079 to 0.9 inches) in size, have eight legs, just like spiders, but unlike them they possess no venom or silk glands. Harvestmen live by imitating spiders. It is clear from the fossil in the picture than they have never undergone any anatomical changes over the last 45 million years.
Insect fossil specimens -4
Period: Eocene
Age: 45 million years
Region: Baltic Region, Jantarny, Russia
As with the 45-million-year-old fossil in the picture, all the characteristics that mayflies have today can be seen in all the fossil specimens so far discovered and this totally discredits the claims of evolution. The fact revealed by concrete scientific findings is that evolution never happened and that all life forms are created by Allah, He Who knows the creation of all living things.
Humpbacked Fly
Period: Eocene
Age: 50 million years
Region: Poland
This 50-million-year-old fossil humpbacked fly exposes the lies of the theory of evolution and shows that creation is a fact. All living things are not, as Darwinists say, descended from a supposed common ancestor and they never went through intermediate stages. They were all created by Allah telling them to “Be!”
Scelionid Wasp
Period: Eocene
Age: 50 million years
Region: Poland
Scelionid wasps generally live beneath fallen leaves. These wasps are known for the damage they do to other species of insect, especially their eggs. There is no difference between the 50-million-year-old fossil Scelionid wasp in the photo and present-day specimens.
Period: Eocene
Age: 50 million years
Region: Poland
Stoneflies, which vary between 5 and 50 mm (0.20 to 2 inches) in length, have two long antennae. Their larvae are used as bait by fishermen. Stoneflies have come down to us unchanged over millions of years. The 50-million-year-old stonefly in the picture is identical to stoneflies living today. They all show that creation is a fact and that evolution is a myth.
Period: Eocene
Age: 50 million years
Region: Poland
Nearly 40,000 species of spider have been identified in the world. These tiny animals sometimes appear as construction engineers capable of performing perfect calculations for their nests, sometimes as interior designers producing superb designs, sometimes as chemists manufacturing extraordinarily powerful and flexible silk, deadly venom and solvent acids and sometimes as hunters using the most cunning tactics. Spiders have possessed the features they have now since the moment they were first created. The 50-million-year-old fossil in the picture is one of the proofs of this and shows us that living things never evolved.
Harvestman (Opiliones)
Period: Eocene Period
Age: 50 million years
Region: Poland
These glorious creatures are part of the Kustarachnida class, from the order Opiliones. Although they are not themselves actually spiders, they imitate them. In this way, other animals seeing them imagine they have poison sacs and are able to spin webs. This resemblance protects them against predators. These animals, with their interesting appearance, have been living on Earth with the same characteristics ever since they were first created. The 50-million-year-old fossil harvestman in the picture is one of the proofs that refute Darwinist claims.
Spider, Ant
Period: Eocene
Age: 50 million years
Region: Poland
Evolutionists, who maintain that living things assumed their present forms by going through minute changes over a long period of time, are unable to produce a single piece of evidence to support this baseless claim. All the fossils found prove that living things have never changed at all. An ant and spider fossilized in the same amber 50 million years ago, as seen in the picture, are proof that Allah creates all living things.
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 125 million years
Region: Crato Formation, Araripe Basin, Brazil
There are 1,300 species of this particular animal, which has been living on Earth with the same features for 400 million years. They can survive for two days underwater, and hunt at night. The 125-million-year-old scorpion in the picture has exactly the same characteristics as those living today. Scorpions never evolved; Allah created them, too.
Fungus Gnat
Period: Oligocene
Age: 25 million years
Region: Dominican Republic
The way the details of all the features in this 25-million-year-old fungus gnat have been preserved is truly astonishing. The gnat’s wing architecture, the fine blood vessels in the wings, the joints in its legs, the fine hairs and the antennae on its head have all come down to us exactly as they were.
The evolutionist idea that living things develop from the primitive to the more advanced totally collapsed with the unearthing of this 350-million-year fossil.
As you can see in this fossil, the gnat possesses a perfect compound eye. By means of the units, known as “ommatidia,” in the eyes of living things with compound eyes, they enjoy 360 degree vision because every ommatidium faces a different direction. For example, houseflies have 4,000 of these small units, female fireflies 300, mayflies 5,100 and some insects have from 10,000 to 28,000, and even as many as 56,000. Each ommatidium has eight sensory cells, and the compound eye can perceive around 100 images per second.
It is an obvious fact that living things with compound eyes see much better than humans and various other life forms. Therefore, the fact that animals with compound eyes were living 25 million years ago is proof that living things do not evolve from the primitive to the more advanced.
Snout Beetle
Period: Eocene
Age: 54 - 37 million years
Region: Green River Formation, Utah, USA
Snout beetles are agricultural pests, and also one of the proofs that refute evolution. These creatures have never changed throughout their time on Earth. Allah created snout beetles in a single moment, as He did all other living things, together with all their characteristics. Allah is the Almighty.
Dragonfly Larva
Period: Miocene
Age: 20 million years
Region: Santa Vittoria d'Alba, Italy
Dragonfly larva, also known as “nymphs,” are born in water. In the same way that their adult form has never changed, we can also see that there has been no difference in their larval stages over millions of years. This 20-million-year-old dragonfly larva is absolutely no different to the dragonfly larvae of today. The stages these creatures go through, from birth to adulthood, are all examples of Allah’s immaculate creation.
Ironclad Beetle (Zopheridae) and Termite
Period: Miocene
Age: 23 - 5 million years
Region: Rain Forest Basin, Santander, Colombia
Insects that are members of the class Coleoptera are the most numerous known class of insect. There are some 350,000 species of Coleoptera, ranging from 1 mm to 15 cm (0.039 to 6 inches) in size. This insect, preserved in amber and covered in a hard shell, is one of the most interesting-lookingColeoptera and has remained unchanged for between 23 and 5 million years.
Termites, on the other hand, are members of the class Isoptera and have a flawless social organization. Although they resemble ants in appearance, they are not ants, and there are some 3,000 known species of termite. The fact that members of both these groups were fossilized in the same amber from 23 to 5 million years ago, and that each is identical to specimens living today, deals a serious blow to evolution.
Bee (Halictidae)
Period: Miocene
Age: 23 – 5 million years
Region: Rain Forest Amber Beds, Santander Region, Colombia
These bees, members of the family Halictidae, live communally. These tiny bees carve their nests in the form of wells that can be up to 2 meters (6.5 feet) deep. This particular species of bee cannot withstand the cold. The fact that this bee has been fossilized together with all its perfect organs, and has never undergone any anatomical change over millions of years, proves that the transitional stages alleged by evolutionists has never happened.
Snout Beetle
Period: Eocene
Age: 54 - 37 million years
Region: Green River Formation, Utah, USA
This 54 to 37-million-year-old snout beetle fossil found in Utah reveals that this life form has never changed. The fossil shows that the insect’s legs and armor-like body are completely preserved. Fossils are literally like photographs of things that lived millions of years in the past. Therefore, seeing that fossils have never changed, evolutionists are in a totally insoluble dilemma on the subject of insect evolution. The famous French evolutionist Pierre Paul Grassé expresses this impasse facing evolutionists in these words:
“We are in the dark concerning the origin of insects.” (Pierre-P Grassé, Evolution of Living Organisms, New York: Academic Press, 1977, p. 30)
Period: Oligocene
Age: 30 million years
Region: France
The fossil record has revealed not one single transitional life form specimen of the kind that evolutionists claim once lived in the past. The 30-million-year-old fossil hoverfly in the picture confirms this fact. Millions of fossils have to date been unearthed from all across the world and all these fossils show that evolution never happened, that life forms have come down to the present day unchanged, and that Allah creates them all.
Period: Oligocene
Age: 30 million years
Region: France
With their exceedingly complex systems, mosquitoes have characteristics that light the way for science in a number of areas. Evolutionists claim that mosquitoes acquired their astonishing features through small, gradual changes. But when we look at this 30-million-year-old fossil mosquito it is immediately evident that there is no difference between those that lived millions of years ago and those alive today.
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 100 million years
Region: Burma
This bright, black species of cricket with a large round head and short wings, a member of the family Gryllidae (true crickets), spends the day hiding in cavities which it excavates itself. These animals are known for the noise made by the males as they rub their front legs together, and they have never changed since the moment they were created. A 100-million-year-old fossil cricket reveals this fact.
[Allah is] the Originator of the heavens and earth. When He decides on something, He just says to it, ‘Be!’ and it is. (Qur’an, 2:117)
Stone Centipede
Period: Eocene
Age: 50 million years
Region: Poland
Darwinists have so far failed to produce a single fossil to support their claims. For that reason, they either misinterpret the fossils that are found or else simply resort to manufacturing hoaxes. On the other hand, they also hide away millions of fossil specimens that refute their theories. But they can now no longer conceal the truth. Fossils are some of the most important evidence that life forms do not change, in other words, that they do not evolve. One such proof is the 50-million-year-old fossil centipede in the picture.
Fairyfly (Mymaridae)
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 100 million years
Region: Burma
Fairyflies from the family Mymaridae are a group representing the smallest wasps. The 100-million-year-old Myrmaridae fairyfly fossil in the picture is the strongest evidence that these animals never underwent evolution. Allah's wondrous creation is revealed as follows in a verse:
... Or are darkness and light the same? Or have they assigned partners to Allah Who create as He creates, so that all creating seems the same to them?’ Say: ‘Allah is the Creator of everything. He is the One, the All-Conquering.’ (Qur’an, 13:16)
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 125 million years
Region: Santana Formation, Araripe Basin, Brazil
These insects from the order Odonata have highly resistant bodies. They are generally seen in regions with lakes and rivers. They are known for their large eyes, long, thin bodies, perfectly transparent wings and impressive and iridescent coloring. They have a very good sense of sight and generally fly in sunny weather. The powerful wings of the dragonfly in the 125-million-year-old fossil in the picture are identical to those of dragonflies living today. The dragonfly’s flight technique is a source of inspiration for engineers and, like other life forms, the dragonfly appeared instantaneously. In other words, like all living things, Allah also created dragonflies, and they never evolved. (
Scale Insect
Period: Eocene
Age: 50 million years
Region: Poland
The 50-million-year-old scale insect in the picture has not, as evolutionists claim, come down to us in the present day through evolution. This life form has remained unchanged for 50 million years, and like other living things, it was flawlessly created. Its body was the same millions of years ago as it is now. Evolutionists cannot explain why not one of all the fossils they have so far unearthed is a transitional form. The fossilized life forms they discover are all exceedingly regular, with no pathologies. All living things, including ants, zebras, rabbits, birds, flies, wasps, scorpions and crickets, have all come down to the present day completely unchanged.
Period: Cretaceous Period
Age: 125 million years
Region: Crato Formation, Araripe Basin, Brazil
With their pincers, perfect structure and steel-like armor and the poison in their tails that can neutralize their enemies, scorpions are created with enormous detail.
Looking at the 125-million-year-old fossil in the picture, you can see that all these features are already fully formed in this scorpion. The shale of the pincers emerging from the side of its head, the legs on the side of the body and the upward-pointing tail with its venom sac have all come down to the present day completely unchanged. Allah has created highly detailed and flawless systems in the scorpion body. For example, owing to its superior sensory system, the scorpion uses the vibrations emitted by its prey and Rayleigh waves to locate it. This system, which can be compared to a highly equipped computer, is one of the proofs of Allah's matchless creative artistry. The fact that these features were all fossilized 125 million years ago, and still exist in scorpions today, proves that they never evolved.
Rove Beetle
Period: Oligocene
Age: 25 million years
Region: Dominican Republic
If a life form has come down to the present with all its characteristics over the course of millions of years, and if it has never changed, then this is powerful enough evidence to totally eliminate the model of gradual evolution. But it is not just one example that proves this, but millions. Life forms are no different today to how they were millions, or even sometimes hundreds of millions of years ago in the past. This, as Niles Eldredge explicitly states, is something that leads paleontologists to now avoid the subject of evolution, which some people still defend:
“No wonder paleontologists shied away from evolution for so long. It seems never to happen. …” (
The stasis in the fossil record is indeed the greatest problem facing the proponents of evolution because evolutionists seek the evidence they need for the fictitious process of evolution from the fossil record; yet the fossil record provides none of the expected examples of transitional forms. Furthermore, it shows that no life form alleged to have evolved over hundreds of millions of years in fact ever evolved at all.
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 125 million years
Region: Crato Formation, Araripe Basin, Brazil
Just by looking at a few of the details in scorpions you will immediately see that these animals could not have come into being by chance. For example, sand scorpions have a very poor sense of sight, but can locate their prey at night with no difficulty. The sand scorpion has sensitive receptors in its feet that can sense the vibrations made by a butterfly landing on the sand. Scorpions sometimes transfer their poison, which is powerful enough to kill a human being, into their enemies by means of javelins in the posterior parts of their bodies. The carapace that covers their bodies like armor is sufficiently resistant to protect them even against radiation. The human body can withstand about 600 rads of radiation. However, scorpions can withstand levels 40,000-150,000 times higher. All these details were also fully present in scorpions living 125 million years ago. Scorpions existing for 125 million years with exactly the same properties clearly prove that evolution never happened.

Plant fossil specimens -1
Astronium Flower
Period: Eocene
Age: 50 million years
Region: USA
As can be seen in this plant; if a life form survives unchanged for 50 million years, then it is impossible to speak of that life form “evolving”. When we look at the fossil record we see that all life forms have remained the same for millions of years since they were first created. Evolutionists insist on ignoring this and continue to serve up biased and inaccurate information as if they were unaware of this fact. But the excavations carried out by themselves in person over the last 150 years and the hundreds of millions of fossils unearthed prove beyond doubt that evolution never took place.
Sassafras Leaf
Period: Miocene
Age: 23-5 million years
Region: Spain
The greatest dilemma facing the proponents of the scenario of the evolution of plants is how the first plant cell might have evolved. They also have no answer to the question of how the first plant developed from a single cell, and then the thousands of varieties of plants from that one plant. There exists not one single transitional fossil to point to any such evolution; there are no primitive plant fossils with half-formed organs or systems. Neither is there any evidence that one plant was the ancestor of another. Therefore, the evolutionary charts produced regarding plants are entirely imaginary, and there is nothing scientific about them.
Mountain Ash Leaf (Sorbus Aucuparia)
Period: Miocene
Age: 10 million years
Region: Hungary
The fossils in our possession show that plants appeared suddenly on Earth, and independently of one another. The Cambridge University evolutionist Prof. Dr. Edred Corner admits this in the words:
“I still think that, to the unprejudiced, the fossil record of plants is in favour of special creation. … Can you imagine how an orchid, a duckweed, and a palm have come from the same ancestry, and have we any evidence for this assumption? The evolutionist must be prepared with an answer, but I think that most would break down before an inquisition.” (Dr. Eldred Corner, Evolution in Contemporary Botanical Thought, Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1961, p. 97)
Acacia Flower
Period: Oligocene
Age: 25 million years
Region: Dominican Republic
All plants have characteristics particular to their own species. Their colors, tastes, shapes and ways of reproducing are all different. Leaves from all over the world have the mechanisms for making photosynthesis. Matchless transport systems exist in leaves everywhere in the world. These irreducibly complex mechanisms cannot, as evolutionists claim, have come about by chance.
This all leads us to one conclusion. Like all living things, leaves were created and all their mechanisms have existed fully formed since the moment they were first created.
Katsura Tree Leaf
Period: Paleocene
Age: 58 million years
Region: Montana, USA
All the structures possessed by leaves are of vital importance. Flawlessly functioning systems like those in existence today need to be present all together for a plant to live and reproduce. These structures cannot, therefore, come into being gradually. All the fossil plants that have been found confirm that they have had the same perfect structures since plants first appeared on Earth. One of these is the 85-million-year-old katsura tree leaf, shown in the picture, which has come down to the present day with all its details preserved.
Auracarian Cone
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 125 million years
Region: Santana Formation, Brazil
A huge number of very different species are living on the Earth. These life forms are equipped with ever more complex features that totally do away with Darwinism. Darwinists are totally unable to account for this; flawless fossils of these living things that have survived millions of years down to the present day leave them literally speechless.
Fossils of living things that lived millions of years in the past show that living things never evolved and that the theory of evolution is devoid of any supporting evidence and a totally invalid theory. With their complex equipment and characteristics unique to their own species, living things that lived millions of years ago, and those living today, are all miracles created by Allah.
Conifer Twig
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 125 million years
Region: Santana Formation, Brazil
All the details in this 125-million-year-old conifer twig shown top left and overleaf are clear to see, and there is obviously no difference between it and present-day specimens.
Evolutionist works are full of passages and statements that effectively admit the insoluble dilemma confronting Darwinists in the face of the fossil record. One such passage comes from George Gaylord Simpson:
“Where, then, are the intermediate forms which represent the greater part of the history of evolution? They are nowhere to be found. This is the most striking and, to evolutionists, the most perplexing gap in the fossil record.” (Simpson, G.G., The Meaning of Evolution, Bantam Books, Inc., New York, 1971, pp. 16-19; Axelrod, Daniel I., Science, 128, 4 July 1958, p. 7.)
Currant Leaf
Period: Miocene
Age: 23 - 5 million years
Region: Nevada, USA
No specimen of a semi-developed fossil with features belonging to two different species has ever been found in any excavation. And this is the greatest problem confronting the theory of evolution. Charles Darwin, the founder of the theory, was also aware of this and knew that the theory was built on rotten foundations. Darwin's admission on the subject reads:
“... Why, if species have descended from other species by insensibly fine gradations, do we not everywhere see innumerable transitional forms? Why is not all nature in confusion instead of the species being, as we see them, well defined?… But, as by this theory innumerable transitional forms must have existed, why do we not find them embedded in countless numbers in the crust of the Earth?… Why then is not every geological formation and every stratum full of such intermediate links? Geology assuredly does not reveal any such finely graduated organic chain; and this, perhaps, is the most obvious and gravest objection which can be urged against my theory.” (Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species, s. 172, 280)
American Sweet Gum Fruit
Period: Eocene
Age: 54-37 million years
Region: Green River Formation, USA
Just as Darwin admitted, there is no such thing as a transitional fossil. Darwinists are in a state of shock. Darwin’s prophecy has come true. Scientific advances have revealed that natural selection is not an evolutionary force, that living things have exceedingly complex genetic structures, that no random intervention in these structures is possible and that life can never emerge from inanimate matter.
These are things that Darwin never knew. In addition, after the fossil record, the second greatest dilemma facing Darwinists is how they are unable to give rise to even a single protein. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE for a protein – the fundamental building block of the cell - that cannot be manufactured in the laboratory, TO FORM BY CHANCE. These facts all represent the collapse of Darwinism.
Apricot Leaf
Period: Eocene
Age: 50 million years
Region: Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Just like those living today, apricot trees living 50 million years ago also blossomed and produced fruit. These fossils, showing that apricot trees have never changed over 50 million years, are some of the clearest evidence that evolution never happened.
Rhus Leaf
Period: Oligocene
Age: 30 million years
Region: France
What Darwin said 150 years ago has come true and, as Darwin admitted in the 19th century, it has indeed emerged that no such thing as a transitional fossil exists.
More than 350 million fossils have been discovered in innumerable geological strata yet not a single one is a transitional fossil. More than 350 million fossils reveal that nature is not, as Darwin predicted, in a state of disorder, but on the contrary is full of perfect, complete and fully formed organisms. It has been realized that there are no transitional fossils in any geological structure or stratum pointing to a supposed link between living things. These facts have demolished Darwinism in the 21st century.
Dipterocarpaceae Leaf
Period: Miocene
Age: 20 million years
Region: Indonesia
Mark Ridley (Zoologist, Oxford University):
“In any case, no real evolutionist ... uses the fossil record as evidence in favor of the theory of evolution as opposed to special creation...” (Mark Ridley, "Who Doubts Evolution?," New Scientist, Vol. 90; June 25, 1981, p. 831)
Darwinists should carefully analyze these statements by scientists who, like them, believe in the theory of evolution, and should abandon such a false theory in the light of millions of scientific findings that utterly refute evolution.
Sumac Leaf
Period: Eocene
Age: 45 million years
Region: Green River Formation, USA
Plants have been making photosynthesis in the same way they do today for millions of years. They possessed hydraulic systems powerful enough to crack concrete, pumps that can raise water absorbed from the soil many meters in height and chemical factories that manufacture food for living things. Plants were created hundreds of millions of years ago. Their Creator, Allah, Lord of the Worlds, continues to create them today. Mankind has tried to understand these miracles of creation in plants using the most advanced means made available by modern technology, but it is still impossible to produce even a single species of plant from nothing. Allah reveals this truth in Surat an-Naml:
He Who created the heavens and the earth and sends down water for you from the sky by which We make luxuriant gardens grow – you could never make their trees grow. Is there another god besides Allah? No indeed, but they are people who equate others with Him! (Qur’an, 16:60)
Araucaria Cone
Period: Jurassic
Age: 206 - 144 million years
Region: Argentina
Many coniferous trees have leathery leaves which they do not shed. A waxy coating on the leaf surface reduces water loss through evaporation, and this resistance prevents the leaves from falling or the withering of the plant due to water pressure. In addition, most coniferous trees have needle-like leaves that are highly resistant to cold. The resistance of leaves is important, because whenever the weather conditions are suitable the plant immediately starts making photosynthesis and storing nutrients.
The araucaria cone in the pictures also possesses these features and this fossil proves that the plants have come down unchanged to the present day from 206 to 144 million years ago.
Redbud Leaf
Period: Eocene
Age: 50 million years
Region: Cache Creek Formation, Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
In terms of both general structure, and also when examined microbiologically, leaves can be seen to have highly detailed and complex systems planned in every way in order to provide the greatest energy production possible. In order to be able to manufacture energy, the leaf needs to receive heat and carbon dioxide from the external environment. All the structures in leaves are arranged in order that these two elements can easily be obtained. For example, leaves have broad surfaces and this facilitates the exchanges of gas necessary for photosynthesis (processes such as the absorption of carbon dioxide and the emission of oxygen).
All plant leaves have had these features since the moment they first came into being and none has ever acquired them as the result of blind chance. Allah has created them with great wisdom, together with their wondrous properties.
Basswood Leaf
Period: Eocene
Age: 50 million years
Region: Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Leaves are both plants’ power plants that manufacture energy, factories that produce their food and also laboratories that carry out important reactions, and these laboratories have been functioning perfectly for millions of years. The 50-million-year-old fossil basswood leaf that has survived unchanged for 50 million years also has exactly the same features as those living today.
Conifer Cone
Period: Oligocene
Age: 28 - 23 million years
Region: Bad Kreunach, Germany
Living fossils are evidence that strikingly refutes the theory of evolution’s claim of “gradual development.” The reason why such fossils are known as “living fossils” is that despite being millions of years old, they are identical to specimens living today.
One example of this fact is the 28 to 23-million-year-old fossil conifer in the picture. (
Mahogany Leaf
Period: Eocene
Age: 50 million years
Region: Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
This fossil, which shows that mahogany trees have not changed at all over the last 50 million years, is concrete evidence that evolution never happened. This state has never altered with any of the fossil plants discovered to date, and we now know that plants have been exactly the same for millions of years. The failure to unearth a single fossil to support evolutionists’ claims places Darwinists in a state of terrible despair.
Conifer Cone
Period: Oligocene
Age: 28-23 million years
Region: Germany
Everything in the flawless reproductive systems in conifer cones with their aerodynamic structure is very finely planned and based on the most delicate calculations, in a similar way to how rockets fix onto their targets. Many details are involved, such as the direction of the air current, the cones’ differing densities and the shape of the leaves. For example, the symmetrical arrangement of the leaves around the conifer cone help incoming pollen to stick to it. The leaves around pine cones, on the other hand, decelerate the air flow and allows more pollen to land on the cone.
The way that a cone can be fertilized using such detailed information only takes place through the sublime and matchless creation of Omniscient and Almighty Allah.
Turkey Oak Leaf
Period: Pliocene
Age: 5.1 - 1.8 million years
Region: Bulgaria
Plants are magnificent life forms, with photosynthesis systems that turn light into food and that constantly produce energy and oxygen, with mechanisms that cleanse nature and establish an ecological balance and aesthetic properties that speak to human beings, such as taste, smell and color.
Today only some 10,000 species of plants, which have matchless systems for very beneficial purposes, have been studied; however, that research has shown that every plant possesses the most amazing features of creation.
Evolutionists simply have no logical and scientific response to the question of how plants first appeared. As with other matters, the only account they can come up with for the existence of plants is purely imaginary scenarios. It is Almighty Allah, the Creator of the Earth and sky and all that lies between, Who creates plants.
Astonium, Leguminosae, Oreopanax Leaves
Period: Eocene
Age: 54 - 37 million years
Region: Green River Formation, Utah, USA
Chester A. Arnold was a professor of botany at the University of Michigan who researches fossil plants. In his book An Introduction to Paleobotany he says:
“As yet we have not been able to trace the phylogenetic history of a single group of modern plants from its beginning to the present.” (Chester A. Arnold, An Introduction to Paleobotany, New York: Mc Graw-Hill, 1947, p. 7.)
As can be seen from statements by evolutionists, there is not a single piece of scientific evidence that plants appeared as a result of evolution. Plants appear suddenly in the fossil record, with similar characteristics to those of present-day plants. And this shows that, like other life forms, they were created.
American Sweet Gum Fruit
Period: Eocene
Age: 54-37 million years
Region: Green River Formation, USA
Fossils are essentially bodies containing all the details concerning the relevant plant, its every branch and leaf, the number of those leaves, their shape, what color the bark will be and how thick, the width and number of the tubes carrying nutrients and water, the height of the plant, whether or not it produces fruit and if it does, the tastes, scents, shapes and color of those fruits. And just like the plants they belong to, they have remained unchanged for millions of years.

Plant fossil specimens -2
Elm, Sequoia and Oak Leaves
Period: Eocene
Age: 50 million years
Region: Cache Creek Formation, Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Scenarios about the evolution of plants consist of imaginary tales with no supporting scientific evidence. Evolutionists from time to time admit this themselves. For example, the well-known evolutionary botanist Prof. N. Herbert Nilsson admits that all the research intended to prove the myth of plant evolution has collapsed in the face of the fossil record:
“My attempts to demonstrate evolution by an experiment carried on for more than forty years have completely failed. The fossil material is now so complete that it has been possible to construct new classes, and the lack of transitional series cannot be explained as being due to the scarcity of material. The deficiencies are real, they will never be filled.” (Arthur C. Custance, The Earth Before Man, Part II, Doorway Publications, p. 51)
White Cedar Leaf
Period: Eocene
Age: 54-37 million years
Region: Cache Creek Formation, British Colombia, Canada
Cedar trees have always existed as cedars. Likewise, oak trees have always existed as oaks, plane trees as plane trees and beech trees as beeches.
None is descended from any other species, and none has ever turned into any other. The 50-million-year-old fossil white cedar leaf in the picture confirms this fact.
Ribes Leaf
Period: Miocene
Age: 23-5 million years
Region: Nevada, USA
Ribes that lived some 23 million years in the past were identical to specimens living today. Glorious currants looked the same 23 million years ago as they do now. As can clearly be seen in fossils, these organisms’ leaves, fruits, seeds and roots have never changed. They are just one of the millions of obstacles standing in the way of the theory of evolution.
Palm Leaf
Period: Eocene
Age: 50 million years
Region: Green River Formation, USA
Fossil research over the last 150 years has shown that the hopes of Darwin and the evolutionists who followed him were all in vain, and not a single transitional form fossil has ever been found. Today there are some 350 million fossils in thousands of museums and collections. All these fossils belong to species with their own unique characteristics, and that are completely distinct from one another. None of the half-fish, half-amphibian, or half-dinosaur, half-bird, or half-monkey, half-human and similar life forms that evolutionists sought with great expectations have ever been encountered. All the fossils unearthed, such as the palm leaf fossil in the picture, are findings that refute evolution.
Sequoia Branch
Period: Eocene
Age: 50 million years
Region: Canada
All plants are equipped with a distribution network so they can absorb the substances they need from the soil. That network transmits the minerals and water obtained from the soil in the shortest possible time to the centers where they are needed, in exactly the appropriate quantities. According to scientists’ findings, plants use more than one method of managing that difficult task. The transportation of water and nutrients in plants takes place by means of the structures with very different properties. These are the transport and distribution channels, and this immaculate structure also existed fully formed in plants many millions of years ago. It is Almighty Allah Who creates plants. Allah knows how to create all things.
Rock Elm Leaf
Period: Eocene
Age: 50 million years
Region: Canada
The reason why Darwinists have so determinedly espoused evolution for many years is their dogmatic devotion to materialism. The evolutionist Jonathan Wells says this on the subject:
“... It’s not evidence that makes Darwinism a “fact”, but materialistic philosophy. In 1997, Harvard geneticist Richard C. Lewontin recounted how he and Carl Sagan had once defended Darwinism in a debate, then he explained: ‘We take the side of science in spite of the patent absurdity of some of its contradictions… because we have a prior commitment, a commitment to materialism.’” (Jonathan Wells, Ph.D., The Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design, Regnery Publishing Inc., Washington, 2006, p. 69)
Anyone looking without prejudice at the evidence revealed by science will see and agree that evolution never happened. Hundreds of millions of fossils head the list of that evidence, including the 50-million-year-old fossil rock elm leaf in the picture.
Poplar Leaf
Period: Eocene
Age: 50 million years
Place: Kamloops, Canada
The Swedish embryologist Soren Lovtrup describes the falsehood of Darwinism in these words:
“I believe that one day the Darwinian myth will be ranked as the greatest deceit in the history of science. When this happens many people will pose the question: How did this ever happen?” (S. Lovtrup, Darwinism: The Refutation of a Myth, London, Croom Helmm, 1987, p. 422 - Nicholas Comninellis, Creative Defense, Evidence Against Evolution, Master Books, 2001, p. 220)
People have today begun experiencing the shock of having been misled by Darwinists. Every day, they are becoming more aware of how they have been part of a worldwide hoax. The whole world will soon see the true face of the pseudo-religion that is Darwinism, and people will be amazed at how they were taken in by it. Once they have been freed from that lie, their minds and consciences that Darwinism had polluted will be cleansed, and they will realize that everything is the product of Allah’s glorious creation.
Katsura Tree Leaf
Period: Paleocene
Age: 58 million years
Place: Montana, USA
All fossils, without exception, deny evolution, and Darwinists are well aware of the fact. Ali Demirsoy is just one of the evolutionists who admits the defeat of Darwinism in the face of the fossil record:
“One of the most difficult stages to be explained in evolution is to scientifically explain how complex cells with organelles developed from these [supposedly] primitive creatures. No transitional form has been found between these two forms. One- and multi-celled creatures carry all this complicated structure, and no creature or group has yet been found with organelles of a simpler construction in any way, or which are more primitive. In other words, the organelles carried forward are fully formed. They have no simple and primitive forms.” (Prof. Dr. Ali Demirsoy, Kalitim ve Evrim ["Inheritance and Evolution"], p. 79)
Pacific Willow Leaf
Period: Eocene
Age: 50 million years
Region: Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Because the soil freezes in winter, tree roots soon become unable to absorb water from it. In addition, little rain falls in winter; most precipitation falls in the form of snow. Therefore, trees need to be able to resist the lack of water that occurs in the winter months. That resistance comes from their leaves. For example, the leaves of many coniferous trees are hard and leathery, and do not fall off. The waxy coating on the leaves reduces water loss through evaporation, and this resistance prevents the leaves from falling off or withering due to water pressure. Moreover, coniferous leaves are generally needle-shaped and able to withstand freezing cold. These trees then regain energy when new leaves open up every spring.
Plants did not acquire these features gradually. These amazing details were not bestowed on them by chance. Like all living things, Allah created plants in a single moment, with all the features they possess.
Leguminosae Leaf
Period: Miocene
Age: 23-5 million years
Region: Spain
According to Darwin, life began with the chance emergence of a single cell, which gradually developed to give rise to the living world. The most important scientific finding showing that this hypothesis is not true is the fossil record. Hundreds of millions of fossils, like the approximately 23-million-year-old fossil leaf in the picture, have revealed that Darwin's theory is untrue. Thus, living things appeared not through evolution, but through Allah’s creation.
Serviceberry Leaf
Period: Eocene
Age: 50 million years
Region: Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Hundreds of plant species appear suddenly in the fossil record, with all their characteristics. And this is a huge problem for evolutionists, one they can never account for. Indeed, this problem baffled Charles Darwin, the founder of the theory of evolution, who admitted:
“Nothing is more extraordinary in the history of the Vegetable Kingdom, as it seems to me, than the apparently very sudden or abrupt development of the higher plants.” (Francis Darwin, The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, 1887, p. 248)
As can be seen from all these plant fossils, there is no difference in shape or structure between today's plants and plants that lived millions of years ago.
Poplar Leaf
Period: Paleocene
Age: 58 million years
Region: Sentinel Butte Formation, Dakota, USA
Poplar is the joint name given to plants constituting the species Populus from the willow family (Salicaceae). These plants have never changed since the moment they were first created. The 58-million-year-old poplar leaf in the picture is identical to those of poplar trees living today.
Aspen Leaf
Period: Eocene
Age: 50 million years
Region: Cache Creek Formation, Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
The aspen (Populus tremula) is a member of the willow (Salicaceae) family that can reach up to 25 meters (82 feet) in height. These plants are found in many parts of the world, and it is clear from the fossil in the picture that they have never changed over 50 million years. Trees that have not altered in the slightest over tens of millions of years are concrete proof that evolution does not exist. Allah created aspen trees as He does all living things.
Alder Leaf
Period: Eocene
Age: 50 million years
Region: Cache Creek Formation, Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Alder is the name given to trees from the species Alnus, members of the birch (Betulaceae) family. Various subspecies grow in Turkey. This 50-million-year-old fossil alder leaf, found in British Columbia, Canada, is concrete evidence that the gradual development claimed by evolutionists never happened. Allah created alders with the same appearance and features as they have today.
Beech Leaf
Period: Eocene
Age: 50 million years
Region: Cache Creek Formation, Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
The beech, a deciduous forest tree, constitutes the species Fagus from the Fagaceae family. Darwinists claim that life forms are descended from a common ancestor and differentiated from one another through gradual changes over the course of time. But paleontology refutes this with 350 million pieces of concrete evidence. The 50-million-year-old fossil beech tree leaf in the picture is one of the pieces of evidence that refute evolution.
Serviceberry Leaf
Period: Eocene
Age: 50 million years
Region: Cache Creek Formation, Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Like all living things, the serviceberry tree has never changed over millions of years. The 50-million-year-old fossil serviceberry leaf in the picture is identical to specimens living today. And this is one of the proofs that evolution never took place and that Almighty Allah creates all living things.
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 95 million years
Region: Nammoura, Lebanon
Fossils of life forms that lived millions of years ago have been preserved in the fossil record. But it is striking that not a single fossil belonging to a fictitious “transitional form” of the kind alleged by evolutionists has ever been found. Fossils exist from many species, from ants to bacteria and from birds to flowering plants. They are all proof that evolution never happened. The 95-million-year-old fossil seaweed in the picture is one such.
Magnolia Leaf
Period: Eocene
Age: 50 million years
Region: Cache Creek Formation, British Columbia, Canada
All plants, from the smallest grasses to the tallest trees, have to distribute the minerals and water they absorb from the soil through their roots to everywhere, right to the tips of their leaves. This is of the greatest importance to plants because water and minerals are what plants most need. But how are the water and mineral salts hidden in the depths of the soil taken up by the plant? In addition, how do plants transmit these substances they absorb from the soil through their roots to all the different regions in their bodies? What techniques do they use to perform these difficult processes? These processes are carried out today with various hydrophore (pump and pipeline) systems. The transport and distribution processes in plants are also performed by a kind of hydrophore system. The presence of such a system in plants was discovered some 200 years ago, but plants have had this important feature for millions of years. Evolutionists have no rational explanation for this.
Wild Cherry Leaf
Period: Eocene
Age: 50 million years
Region: British Columbia, Canada
Plants have known how to turn sunlight into food through photosynthesis ever since the moment they were first created. Fruit trees know from the moment of their first creation how to make matchless and delicious fruits using only dry soil, water and air. Trees many meters tall know, from the moment of their first creation, how to send the water they obtain from the soil up as far as the tips of their leaves, operating against the force of gravity. It is Almighty Allah Who creates plants so matchlessly and gives them all their features. There is a wonderful order and co-operation among the living things on Earth. It is impossible for all these things to arise as the work of chance, as evolutionists maintain, and the very idea is illogical and unscientific.
The 50-million-year-old fossil wild cherry leaf in the picture is proof that this plant had the same features then as it does now.
Period: Oligocene
Age: 25 million years
Region: Dominican Republic
One environment in which fossils are best preserved is amber. When amber that flows from trees hardens over a plant or other living thing, it is as if a photograph of that moment is taken that will last for many millions of years. The distinguishing feature of amber fossils is that all the organism’s soft tissues are also preserved. The soft tissues of amber-preserved life forms, that can be seen right down to the finest detail, are proof that soft tissues have never changed over millions of years. There is no difference between this 25-million-year-old fossil fern and ferns living today. Evolution never happened.
Period: Pliocene
Age: 2.5 million years
Region: River Maas Beds, Beers, Holland
There are different types of walnut tree growing almost everywhere in the world. The fossil walnuts you see here have never changed over millions of years, and have remained exactly the same since the moment they were first created.
Ficus Leaf
Period: Paleocene
Age: 58 million years
Region: Glendive, Montana, USA
Evolutionists would like the fossil record to confirm their claims that life forms gradually evolved from one another. But even though 99% of the fossil record has today been unearthed, they have not one piece of fossil evidence to support their claims of evolution. The 58-million-year-old fossil ficus leaf in the picture is one of the proofs of the fact that evolution never happened.
Plant fossil specimens -3
Birch Leaf
Period: Eocene
Age: 50 million years
Region: British Columbia, USA
The fossils in the layers of the Earth confirm that living things remain the same since the moment they are first flawlessly created. Three hundred and fifty million fossils have to date been discovered, and even evolutionists accept the falsity of Darwin's claim that the reason that no transitional forms had then been found was the insufficient nature of the fossil record. The 50-million-year-old fossil birch leaf shown here is identical to those of birch trees living today. Allah created all living things.
Cassia Senna
Period: Eocene
Age: 54-37 million years
Region: Bacchus Marsh, Victoria, Australia
No atom can been given rise to by chance, as Darwinism maintains, to fruits packaged in the finest way with their many different scents and colors, plants and animals with all the features they need to survive, and all their different anatomical structures.
That would never convince even a primary school student. So the way that “adults” all over the world, scientists and even professors, believe in a theory entirely predicated on blind chance can only be described as a kind of “magic spell.” The age we are living in will be when this spell is lifted. The fossil record is an important source of information in terms of mankind realizing how gravely it has been deceived.
Magnolia Leaf
Period: Eocene
Age: 50 million years
Region: Cache Creek Formation, British Columbia, Canada
Magnolia trees, with green leaves that do not fall in winter and with their delightful scent, have never changed and continue to be one of the Earth’s loveliest adornments.
Had evolution really taken place, which it definitely did not, then life forms should appear gradually with small changes and should also continue to change. However, the fossil record shows the exact opposite. Different living classes appeared suddenly in the fossil record, with no ancestors behind them, and have remained in a state of stasis for hundreds of millions of years.
Allah created all living things. Fossil specimens dating back millions of years reveal this fact once again in the most flawless way. Allah is the sublime and almighty Creator of all things.
American Holly Leaf
Period: Oligocene
Age: 37 - 23 million years
Region: Millard County, Utah, USA
It is an offense under the Darwinist dictatorship to deny Darwinism. This is literally regarded as treason in those countries in which Darwinism is adopted as a superstitious faith and sought to be imposed. Nobody can say that the scientific evidence available wholly disproves the theory and that it no longer enjoys any validity. It is essential to sign up to Darwinism as an undisputed fact. Professor of Mathematics Wolfgang Smith, himself as evolutionist, sets the position out:
“We are told dogmatically that evolution is an established fact; but we are never told who has established it, and by what means. We are told, often enough, that the doctrine is founded upon evidence, and that indeed this evidence 'is henceforward above all verification, as well as being immune from any subsequent contradiction by experience;' but we are left entirely in the dark on the crucial question wherein, precisely, this evidence consists.” (Wolfgang Smith, Teilhardism and the New Religion, A Thorough Analysis of the Teachings of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Rockford IL, Tan Books and Publishers, Inc. 1988, p. 8 Nicholas Comninellis, Creative Defense, Evidence Against Evolution, Master Books, 2001, p. 221)
As Wolfgang Smith states, there is no evidence supporting evolution. Hundreds of millions of fossils, such as that in the picture, reveal that creation is a manifest truth.
Hop Tree Leaves
Period: Eocene
Age: 50 million years
Region: British Colombia, Canada
Fossil research over more than 150 years refutes the evolutionist claim that life forms reached their present forms by going through transitional stages. Life forms never went through so-called “intermediate stages”. Allah created all living things just as they are today. The fossil hop tree lead in the picture is just one organism that has never changed and that corroborates creation.
Period: Carboniferous
Age: 354 - 290 million years
Region: Suszec, Poland
Very ancient fern fossils are frequently discovered. Looking at the Carboniferous Period fossil fern in the picture, it can be clearly seen that ferns have come down unchanged for hundreds of millions of years to the present day. Evolutionists have been routed in the face of these facts. Neither ferns, nor any other life form for that matter, have changed throughout the course of history.
Oak Leaf
Period: Oligocene
Age: 30 million years
Region: Cereste, France
Examination of the fossils of life forms that are still in existence or have become extinct shows that they all appeared suddenly and remained unchanged for so long as the species survived. Allah created all life forms just as they are today. The 30-million-year-old fossil leaf in the picture also reveals the fact of creation.
Hornbeam Leaf; Sequoia Leaves
Period: Eocene
Age: 50 million years
Region: Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
If Darwinists’ claims were true, then there should be a large number of transitional connections between all species, living or extinct. Yet science reveals the exact opposite. All the 350 million fossils unearthed to date belong to fully developed life forms. The 50-million hornbeam and sequoia leaf fossils in the photograph confirm that fact.
Hackberry Leaf
Period: Eocene
Age: 50 million years
Region: Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
According to Darwin’s theory of evolution, the invalidity of which has been irrefutably established through scientific findings, life forms descended from a supposed common ancestor and differentiated from one another by way of small changes. Yet according to the facts revealed by the science of paleontology, all life forms appeared in exactly the same forms as they have today. In other words, they were created. The 50-million-year-old fossil hackberry leaf in the picture is one of the proofs of this.
Persea Leaf
Period: Eocene
Age: 50 million years
Region: Green River Formation, Bonanza, Utah, USA
The avocado is the best known member of this plant family of 150 species, whose leaves never fall. This 50-million-year-old fossil persea leaf is exactly the same as those living today. Neither animals nor plants gradually changed. They never evolved. Allah created all living things.
Period: Carboniferous
Age: 330 million years
Region: Crock Hey Mine, Wigan, Lancashire, England
This plant grows around tree trunks on the banks of rivers and draws on the water of the roots of the plant it clings to. All the features of clubmoss were the same hundreds of millions of years in the past as they are today. The 330-million-year-old fossil clubmoss in the picture is identical to clubmoss living today.
Period: Miocene
Age: 23 - 5 million years
Region: Nevada, USA
Pines are coniferous, cone-bearing trees. Evolutionists maintain that life forms descended from a common ancestor and turned into different species by undergoing gradual and minute changes. That claim is devoid of any scientific evidence. The fossil record clearly shows that life forms never changed and survived exactly as they were first created. The Miocene Period fossil pine in the picture is one piece of evidence that proves that. Pines have come down to us today unchanged for millions of years.
Distylium Leaf
Period: Eocene
Age: 50 million years
Region: Green River Formation, Bonanza, Utah, USA
These plants, members of the family Hamamelidaceae, comprise 18 different species and are one of the millions of life forms in the fossil record. Looking at the 50-million-year-old fossil distylium leaf in the picture, it is strikingly identical to specimens living today. If evolutionists’ claims were true, then these plants should have undergone various changes over the last 50 million years; but this fossil alone is evidence that refutes Darwinism. The layers of the Earth are full of millions of similar fossils that all confirm creation.
Gingko Leaf
Period: Permian
Age: 290 - 248 million years
Region: Russia
Gingko trees are even regarded as living fossils by evolutionists, and fossil remains of them date back 290 to 248 million years. The fossil gingko leaf in the picture is identical to present-day gingko leaves. No life form has ever changed. The fossil in the picture is one of the scientific proofs of that fact.
Hornbeam Leaf
Period: Eocene
Age: 50 million years
Region: Cache Creek Formation, Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
The leaf of the hornbeam tree, one of the strongest in the world, had the same features and lived in the same way 50 million years ago. It is Allah, Lord of the worlds, Who created it millions of years ago and Who creates it now. Those who follow false theories such as evolution in order to deny the existence of Allah will never be successful because the Earth and sky are full of clear evidence of Allah’s existence.
Zelkova (Elm) Leaf
Period: Eocene
Age: 46 million years
Region: Green River Formation, Colorado, USA
The greatest dilemma facing the advocates of the scenario of plant evolution is how the first plant cell evolved. Then they have no answer to the question of how the first plant, and the thousands of species of plants alive today, formed from that first cell. Not one single transitional fossil exists to support the existence of such a process; there are no fossils with semi-developed organs or systems, and no evidence that one plant is the ancestor of any other. On the contrary, fossils show that every species of plant emerged suddenly with its own unique characteristics and never changed so long as the species survived. One of these fossils is this 46-million-year-old fossil elm leaf, which is identical to elm leaves today.
Fir Seed
Period: Miocene
Age: 23 - 5 million years
Region: Nevada, USA
Firs are the name given to species of trees with needle-shaped leaves, from the genus Abies and the family Pinaceae. These trees grow naturally in Turkey and have never changed since the day they were first created. This Miocene period fossil fir seed is just one of the 350 million fossils that prove the fact of Allah’s creation.
Allophylus Leaf
Period: Eocene
Age: 50 million years
Region: Green River Formation, Bonanza, Utah, USA
Many species of these small trees that are found in tropical regions of Asia and America produce small, sweet, edible fruits. Paleontological findings prove that these plants did not appear through evolution but that, on the contrary, they were created. Many scientists today admit that the fossil record supports creation, not evolution, and that transitional forms never existed and only ever lived in evolutionists’ imaginations. The 50-million-year-old allophylus leaf in the picture is one of the proofs of that creation.
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 100 million years
Region: Burma
This mushroom preserved in amber in the picture was discovered in the Hukawng Valley in Burma, also known as Myanmar. The most important feature of this amber specimen is its age. It is fully 100 million years old, the oldest known fossil mushroom in the world. Like all other fossils, this mushroom amber fossil reveals a very important truth; life forms have never changed over millions of years. In other words, they never evolved. There exists not one single transitional form to document or prove the Darwinists’ claims.
Period: Cretaceous
Age: 100 million years
Region: Burma
Mushrooms are generally regarded as plants but they do not actually produce their own nutrients, obtaining them instead by breaking down materials in other organisms. They are fungi.
There are thought to be some 1.5 million species of mushroom on Earth, of which only 69,000 have so far been described.
Mushrooms are of great importance since they break down plant and animal structures and release the free elements inside them. Mushrooms emit carbon dioxide and thereby make the soil suitable for the growth of plants. Mushrooms were just as useful 100 million years ago, and mushrooms living today have exactly the same characteristics and uses. Of course, they did not acquire these by way of evolution. They were created with these features from the very first moment.
Period: Eocene
Age: 54 - 37 million years
Region: Green River, Colorado, USA
Leaf, insect and fish fossils dating back 100 to 50 million years pose a huge challenge to Darwinism. According to the theory of evolution, these life forms should have gone through a process of evolution and various transitional forms, but they are all identical to their counterparts today. This is proof that living things never underwent evolution in any period of history.
Pacific Willow Leaf
Period: Eocene
Age: 54 - 37 million years
Region: Green River Formation, Colorado, USA
The fossil record, one of the most important sources of evidence refuting Darwinism, is generally kept carefully hidden away by Darwinists. Fossils belonging to the Cambrian Period, belonging to the first complex life forms in history, in other words, that were amazingly enough kept concealed for 70 years, are the most important examples of this deceptive method. A similar method is generally applied to living fossil discoveries. They try to hide any evidence that refutes evolution. But these endeavors are all in vain. Paleontology has long since demolished evolution with the finest possible examples.
This 54 to 37-million-year-old fossil leaf is just one of the proofs demolishing evolution.