The heart is only satisfied when it turns to God
The Enlightenment in the 18th century and the 19th-century materialism that followed turned European society away from the revealed faiths, and the spiritual vacuum that resulted brought in the 20th century many false Eastern faiths to the Western way of thinking, particularly Hinduism and Buddhism. These false faiths played a significant role in eliminating the deep-rooted influence of religious moral values in society, in causing the adoption of the materialist world view and in deceiving people on a spiritual quest with “a false religion that opposes belief in God.”
Many people today seek peace and happiness in these false religions. Eastern religions espouse many heretical and distorted teachings, and all these religions’ practices conflict with both reason and logic. Above all else, these religions contain teachings that legitimize racism and violence.
All those who sincerely believe in God must wage a multi-faceted intellectual struggle against such movements that turn people away from belief in God and seek to replace the moral virtues taught by all the revealed faiths with materialist and superstitious beliefs. One of the things that needs to be done to that end is to reveal the huge gulf between a world filled with the peace, justice, equality, mutual aid, compassion, affection and love taught by the revealed faiths and a life style based on spiritual and physical perversion in superstitious faiths. It must not be forgotten that the aim of a great many people in Western society who sympathize with these heretical faiths is in fact to draw attention to themselves with their unusual and outlandish behavior. On the other hand, they mistakenly think they will find happiness in these false religions. But by turning away from the true paths of the true faiths communicated by God through His messengers they inflict terrible damage and a depressing world full of woe, fear and hardship on themselves. It needs to be known that true happiness in this world and the Hereafter is only possible through sincere faith in God and in abiding by His verses.
A Last Word…
Islam, Christianity and Judaism all speak of mankind living in peace and security at a time near the Day of Judgment and of there being a sacred age when plenty, abundance and justice replace troubles of all kinds. Immorality, fraud and degeneration will come to an end in that age. Belief in the One God will spread across the world in this blessed time awaited for centuries, and people will attain salvation as they begin living by the moral values beloved of God, all the benefits of technology will be placed at the service of mankind, there will be huge advances in science and medicine and there will be plenty, abundance and fertility everywhere. We are now living in that blessed age.
The return to Earth of the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) is a miraculous and metaphysical phenomenon of an extraordinary nature that will affect the whole world. For that reason, all believers must at once mobilize all their resources in a spirit of union and prepare to welcome him. This great preparatory activity performed with enthusiasm, fervor and joy will be prayer in action, but those who do not make such preparations will no doubt feel a terrible shame when the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) does return. All the signs show that his second coming is imminent and that there is no time to lose for the preparations to be made. At this point, all believers must collaborate together and wage a united intellectual struggle against atheist and materialist ideas that inflict disorder and corruption on the world.