31 Aralık 2012 Pazartesi

Part 5 - The Darwinist Deception has Finally Come to an End

For years now, materialism has been waging a psychological campaign against belief in Allah, one that it in fact lost right from the outset. Unable to comprehend that Allah will definitely thwart superstition, materialists are still foolishly persisting in this struggle with all their might. It has been proved that the universe came into being from zero volume with the Big Bang, in other words that it was created from nothing, and is constantly expanding, as described in Allah's verses, yet materialists still engaged in this campaign against the truth are making illogical claims in order to indoctrinate people with the nonsense that matter is timeless and eternal. Quantum physics has shown that matter consists solely of light waves, yet since materialists espouse the absolute existence of matter, and reject anything outside matter, they have constantly sought ways of denying that fact. Countless scientific advances and particularly findings made in the field of paleontology have scientifically proved the invalidity of the theory of evolution, yet materialists still persist in their campaigns, which were defeated right from the outset, intending to indoctrinate people with the idea that living things actually evolved. The more blows science has dealt to materialism, the more the question of the materialist counter-offensive has been raised. Materialism responded to the scientific evidence with a psychological campaign. That is what it is trying to do by means of the Darwinist deception.
This has brought together Nobel prize-winning professors, scientists, paleontologists, microbiologists, zoologists and scientific writers to shamelessly and unhesitatingly espouse the irrational deception that "molecules existed in water; the cell came into being through the effects of mud, chance and time." These people have cast such a spell that millions of other people have begun to believe, under the influence of this psychological campaign, that drops of fat falling into water assumed a cellular form, that a fish walked out of the water, that the first-ever bird hatched out of a dinosaur egg and began flying, and that monkeys gradually and by chance turned into human beings that make discoveries, create civilizations, develop technologies, write computer programs and send rockets into space.
A scientist is regarded as worthy of the Nobel Prize because he discovers "just one part" of the extraordinary structure of the cell that nobody had ever discovered before. But after winning this prestigious prize, that same scientist has no hesitation about teaching his students the myth that that same cell came into being purely by chance from a bit of mud. Despite having put his name to countless pieces of research, that same scientist will have no qualms about telling his students about Piltdown Man, Haeckel's fraudulent embryo illustrations and the Industrial Revolution moths, which are all deceptions, as if they really constituted evidence for evolution.
Allah'ın Yarattığı canlılık
Almighty Allah is the Creator of all entities in the world. A world freed from the Darwinist deception will finally become aware of that fact.
This is the pathetic state to which the atheist and masonic spell, the system of the dajjal, brings Darwinists. Through Darwinism, the dajjal has entered just about everyone's brain, has deceived them over a very long period of time, and has lied to and defrauded them. A great many people have blindly and unconsciously gone along with this lie, having for years regarded themselves literally as descended from animals, have for that reason become wild and uncaring, and have abandoned their responsibilities to Allah. The dajjal, atheist freemasonry in other words, has spread one of the worst deceptions in history to the four corner of the Earth by using Darwinism. Under the influence of the dajjal, Darwinism has become the greatest ever mass deception.
But this success on the part of the atheist masons who disseminate the system of the dajjal is a false one. The Darwinist deception has finally come to an end.
All the frauds of Darwinism have finally been exposed in the 21st Century in which we are living. People have realized that all the specimens Darwinists have alleged to be transitional forms over the last 150 years are false. Just about everywhere in the world has been excavated, and more than 350 million fossils have been discovered, but it is clear that not a single one is a transitional form. It has been realized that all these fossils represent perfect life forms, and that a great many belong to forms still alive today. With this evidence, people have realized that living things emerged with the same appearance they have today and never changed at all. And through that fact, they have come to see why Darwinists kept fossils hidden away in drawers and tried to conceal the scientific evidence. Findings from such sciences as microbiology, paleontology, molecular biology and genetics have definitely proved that the theory of evolution is one that could not possibly have happened.
In addition to all this, people have also seen that the reason why Darwinists are opposed to belief in Allah and the fact of creation is their adoption of Darwinism, a perverse religion. It has thus been realized that Darwinists have resorted to all kinds of fraud and deception in order to mislead people. There is a great deal of evidence before people's eyes refuting evolution. People have now realized that evolution is a deception. They now know that the theory of evolution is supported by not one single piece of evidence. By the will of Allah, it is now impossible for them to come under the influence of the Darwinist deception.
People have visited exhibitions displaying evidence of the invalidity of the theory of evolution and have examined living fossils. They have touched the fossils with their own hands and seen them with their own eyes. They have been amazed to learn that living things have remained unchanged for millions of years, in other words, that they never underwent evolution. They have carefully inspected every page of the Atlas of Creation and concluded that life forms around today were also around, in exactly the same form, many millions of years ago. They have now understood the fact that the Earth is being studied and researched all the time, and that it keeps on producing evidence corroborating the fact of creation. They have seen and been amazed that the challenge issued to Darwinists, in the world's best-known arenas, for them to "produce just one transitional fossil" has been met with a profound silence. Darwinist propaganda has been exposed, and people have been told, by means of books, DVD's, internet publications, conferences and television interviews, that they must not support this deception.
Yaratılış Atlası
The deception that is Darwinism came to a complete end in the face of 300 million fossils all proving Creation.
People across the world who have seen the evidence of this deception have experienced a great intellectual enlightenment and have been justified in reacting against the fact they have been deceived for so many years, protested against their children being taught Darwinist nonsense in schools, objected to planned exhibitions and conferences on the subject of evolution, Darwinist propaganda in other words, and openly challenged Darwinism. Students have started challenging pro-Darwinist teachers in biology classes concerning the lack of supporting evidence and illogicality of the theory of evolution. People deceived for years because they were unaware of the true face of the theory of evolution have now been made aware of and seen the reality of Darwinism, have been amazed to realize how they have been fooled for so many years and have protested loudly against it. Darwinists, too, now know that Darwinism is dead throughout the world and that, by Allah's leave, it will never again be able to rise up and deceive people using the same methods. One of the main signs of this great, global intellectual enlightenment is the surveys conducted by various media organizations and web sites. For example, according to the results of a national poll by the Associated Press Agency and and the American TV network NBC, 86% of Americans now wish to see the fact of creation taught in schools.186 According to the results of another poll on the German Süddeutsche Zeitung newspaper web site on July 8th, 2007, 87% of people surveyed reject evolution. A poll conducted on the German Die Welt newspaper web site on April 17th, 2008, put the figure at 86%. According to a survey on the Swiss Blick newspaper web site on May 4th, 2007, the level of people believing in the fact of creation stands at 85%. A poll on the French Science Actualités web site on February 16th, 2007, revealed that 92% of respondents do not believe in evolution. According to a report in the Guardian newspaper dated February 2nd, 2009, a survey in Britain showed that only 25% of Britons believe in Darwin's theory. A report published on the joint French Nouvel Observateur and Science et Avenir web site on July 6th, 2009, identified a considerable decline in the number of students believing in the theory of evolution in French schools, and attributed this to the impact of the Atlas of Creation in France. Darwinist professors explicitly described this huge blow inflicted on Darwinism as "severe," distressing" and "a humiliation" for Darwinism.187
The Swedish embryologist Soren Lovtrup makes the following analysis of the current position of the Darwinist deception:
I suppose that nobody will deny that it is a great misfortune if an entire branch of science becomes addicted to a false theory. But this is what has happened in biology: for a long time now people discuss evolutionary problems in a peculiar "Darwinian" vocabulary- "adaption." "selection pressure," "natural selection." Etc. – thereby believing that they contribute to the explanation of natural events. They do not...
I believe that one day the Darwinian myth will be ranked the greatest deceit in the history of science.188
The fact that Darwinism is the worst deception in history is currently spreading rapidly right across the world. Obstacles put in place against the fact of Creation by official institutions such as the European Council reveal the terrible panic that Darwinists are in. Never before in history has an assembly representing nation states lined up behind a deception and taken an official decision to support a fraud. That is the state to which Darwinist panic has brought the supporters of Darwinism in the 21st Century. Darwinists imagine that they can keep this deception propped up by means of repressive governmental decisions, making evolution an obligatory part of classes, seeking to conceal the fact of Creation from students by making one-sided use of the judiciary and engaging in a one-sided imposition. The fact is, however, that the honest conclusion reached by millions of people in the face of Darwinist deception is far superior to all the oppressive and imposed measures and the results therefrom.
No Darwinist can alter people's definitive opinions through any repressive law. No Darwinist can convince people of, and impose on them, a theory that has been refuted by countless proofs. That is impossible. The Darwinist ruse is now at an end. In the 21st Century, people can access whatever facts they wish from whatever sources they choose. Therefore, oppression and hindrance will never attain the results that Darwinists want, and the reaction against the Darwinist deception will continue to grow apace.
Almighty Allah, Lord of the Worlds, is the Ruler of all things. The stratagems of the dajjal cannot conceal that fact. Allah says in one verse that:
They desire to extinguish Allah's Light with their mouths but Allah will perfect His Light, though the unbelievers hate it. (Surat as-Saff, 8)
The Number of Believers is Rising Fast
1- 93% of people answered "yes" to the question "Should subjects such as Creationism and Intelligent Design be taught alongside the theory of evolution in public schools?"
2- The French Science Actualités web site held an open poll in the wake of the huge impact that followed the distribution of the Atlas of Creation. The results of the survey showed that Darwinism in France has been obliterated. According to the poll, headed "Your Thoughts on the Subject of Evolution," 92% of the public do not believe in evolution.
3- According to the results of a poll published on the web site of Ekstra Bladet, a high circulation Danish daily, "Danes no longer believe in evolution." Asked "Do you think that human beings are descended from apes? 88% of the Danish public responded "No."
4- Die Welt, one of Germany's leading publications, held a poll on the subject of creation on its web site; 86% of participants answered the question "How do you think life formed?" by saying "Allah created it."
5- A survey published on the web site of the widely read Swiss daily Blick revealed that 85% of people believe in creation.
6- According to a poll on the subject of whether evolution ever happened, published by Süddeutsche Zeitung, one of Germany's largest dailies, on its web site showed that 87% of people believe that human beings have a Creator.
7- The Evening Standard, a daily published in London, held a poll on its web site on the subject of "Should Creation be taught in schools?" in October 2008. According to the findings, 73% of the British public answered "Y