17 Mart 2013 Pazar

What Darwinists Fail To Consider

What Darwinists Fail To Consider

Chapter 1: Darwinists are Looking for a Miracle

The record of evolution is still surprisingly jerky and, ironically, we have even fewer examples of evolutionary transition than we had in Darwin's time. By this I mean that the classic cases of Darwinian change in the fossil record, such as the evolution of the horse in North America, have had to be modified or discared as a result of more detailed information. What appeared to be a nice simple progression when relatively few data were available now appears to be much more complex and less gradualistic. So Darwin's problem has not been alleviated. 2 David Raup, an evolutionist paleontologist at the University of Chicago
In 1859, the theory of evolution, developed in a climate of terrible ignorance and emerged with a claim that people had never heard of before. That was the hypothesis that all living things evolved from one another as a result of completely random natural events, with no conscious divine intervention involved. Charles Darwin wrote his book The Origin of Species to showcase his theory's main idea, that living things are able to develop into other living species. On the basis of his completely imaginary scenarios, he attempted vainly to oppose the fact that living things are actually created.
In the climate of scientific ignorance prevailing in the 19th century, Darwin had no evidence at all to support his claim. He could not test it using any scientific method. The most important source of evidence that he hoped would back him up—the fossil record—had produced not a shred of evidence in his favor. That is why Darwin was keen to insist that his theory would be proved by future discoveries. He expected a miracle, one which, in his view, would in some way prove that evolution had actually taken place.
The science of genetics was unknown in Darwin’s day. DNA was unknown. There were few fossil records and technology was too primitive to permit detailed examination of any fossil or organism. Darwin hoped for a miracle to confirm his claim. That hope still persists among present-day Darwinists.
In Darwin's day, the science of genetics and DNA were unknown. There were very few fossil records, and technology was too primitive to permit any investigation into the anatomy of fossils or living things. Darwin hoped for a major discovery to substantiate his claim—a discovery for which Darwinists are still waiting.
His followers subsequently continued their quest for just such a miracle. But this time, the scale of the miracle that would be needed had increased considerably. Scientific advances showed in detail the complex structures within living things and revealed previously unknown molecular systems. The huge advances in the science of genetics revealed extraordinary structures such as DNA, and countless more species were discovered on Earth, all of which Darwinists would have to account for. In addition, the fossil record provided not a single example of the semi-developed life forms that the theory of evolution predicted. Actually, the record showed that species that had existed in the past and had even been described as transitional forms were still alive in the present, having undergone no changes whatsoever.
The theory of evolution could not answer any of the questions that had arisen since Darwin's time. It completely lacked any supporting evidence.
The search for a miracle that Darwin initiated is still being carried out by evolutionists today. Yet in all that time, there has not been one single development or discovery in favor of the theory of evolution. Quite the contrary, countless indisputable proofs have demonstrated its invalidity. Yet in their quest, Darwinists refuse to make any concessions. There are millions of questions that evolutionists need to answer. How did enormously sensitive systematic structures and the extraordinary complexity in life forms—which evolutionists maintain are evolved from one another—all come into being? No explanation has been offered of how the fictitious mechanisms of evolution actually work, or how they could have created life from nothing, or how one species could "evolve" into another totally different one. Darwin's theory cannot account for a single protein in living things.
Present-day Darwinists, whose hopes have constantly been dashed over the years, still maintain their absolute and essential faith in miracles and take no interest in the subjects they cannot explain. They say that the sublime attributes of countless living things all came about through luck. Asked who it was who wrought that luck, they reply chance. In effect, they equate chance with Allah (May He forgive us). They maintain that the magnificent and breathtaking life we all witness is a miracle, yes, but only one brought about by chance.
They suggest that chance is the only power that gave rise to splendidly attractive butterflies, leopards, cats, penguins, elephants, strawberries, peaches, violets, roses, extraordinarily lovely forests and to human beings who think, see, interpret and understand and possess a flawless molecular structure. In fact, rather than make a deity out of chance, any thinking person can see that there is intelligence even in a single living cell, and that this intelligence can never be explained in terms of unconscious processes.
Darwinists maintain that butterflies, tigers, birds, cats, strawberries, peaches, violets, roses and human beings with all their superior characteristics all came into being by chance. Any thinking person, however, knows that, instead of deifying chance, there is intelligence even in the living cell, and that this could never emerge as the result of unconscious processes.
Darwinists maintain that the astonishing and magnificent life forms we see are the products of blind chance fashioned by luck. They claim that chance brought about the genetic changes that gave rise to butterflies, tigers, birds, penguins, elephants, strawberries, peaches, violets, roses, gloriously lovely forests and human beings able to think, see, interpret and understand and possessed of their flawless anatomical structure.
Their aim is not to attribute the creation on Earth to Allah. They are aware of the genuine miracles in every life form they examine, but they are reluctant to accept these as miracles of Allah. Because they make a deity of themselves, refusing to accept their roles as servants of Allah, they close their eyes to these obvious miracles and suppose that random phenomena devoid of any conscious, controlled and purposeful intervention constitute a creative force.
Their aim here is to allay the fearful implications that follow if Allah actually does exist—Surely Allah is beyond this, and to turn people away from the threatening concepts of the eternal life of the Hereafter and the Day of Reckoning. Otherwise, the claims inherent in the theory of evolution are totally illogical to any rational human being. No logical person can acknowledge the consciousness present at every point in the living cell and yet still believe that all this emerged as the result of unconscious processes. If they have not been exposed to Darwinist indoctrination, no rational individual can find these claims logical. If they haven't been subjected to Darwinist propaganda, they will find it easy to admit that a power created life on Earth. They will declare that there is a consciousness manifest in living things' behavior, lives and bodies. They will clearly grasp the undeniable fact that a sublime Consciousness has brought these life forms into being.
However, Darwinist propaganda withholds the truth from children ever since grade school. They have no way of questioning the illogicality and scientific invalidity of the theory of evolution, which is the only alternative offered them by their textbooks and teachers. If students are rebuked for espousing any theory other than evolution, if they are deprived of any means of carrying out detailed research into the alternative, if they are exposed to one-sided Darwinian propaganda at all turns, and if books refuting evolution are withheld from libraries or their homes, then it becomes inevitable for them to become members of a bewitched society, just as Darwinists desire.
Darwinists monopolize the media in order to spread the totally illogical myth of evolution. They maintain that chance is the origin of anything and everything they cannot explain. And since there are so many things which they cannot explain, they find that the best, most effective solution is not to examine them. Never thinking, they continue to deceive themselves and those around them. But this deception's effects do not last long on an unbiased, consciously questioning individual.
In the Qur'an, Allah calls on people to reflect on what has been created in the heavens and Earth. If people are able to see and believe in the sublime works of our Lord, then reflecting on them will further broaden their horizons and understanding, strengthening their belief in the nearness of our Almighty Creator and in the Hereafter. Such people will see that there is artistry and intellect in everything they investigate, and will better comprehend the sublime intellect, might and artistry of our Lord.
It is easy for an unthinking society to trust in the illogical, unfounded theory of evolution and to be taken in by propaganda. Thinking people, on the other hand, will clearly see that all the worlds belong to Allah, He Who is worthy of the greatest praise, the Lord of majesty and greatness.
In the creation of the heavens and Earth, and the alternation of the night and day, and the ships which sail the seas to people's benefit, and the water which Allah sends down from the sky—by which He brings the Earth to life when it was dead and scatters about in it creatures of every kind—and the varying direction of the winds, and the clouds subservient between heaven and Earth, there are Signs for people who use their intellect. (Surat al-Baqara, 164)

Chapter 2: What Darwinists Fail To Consider - 1

Thus, if your mind is not submerged in delusions, you will understand that to make a word of power (e.g., a honey-bee) a minute index of most things, and to write in one page (e.g., a person) most of the matters in this Book of the Universe, and to include in one point (e.g., a tiny fig seed), the program of the mighty fig tree, and to display in a single letter (e.g., the human heart) the works of all the Divine Names manifested in the pages of the macrocosm which encompass it, and to place in the human faculty of memory, which is situated in a place the size of a lentil, writings enough to fill a library, and to include in that tiny faculty a detailed index of all events in the cosmos—to do all of these things is most certainly a stamp particular to the Creator of All Things, the Glorious Sustainer of the universe. 3 Bediuzzaman Said Nursi

Darwinists Never Consider the Impossibility of Molecular Evolution

Darwinists never realize how claiming that mutations improve living things, endowing them with new organs and different characteristics, is as irrational as the assertion that an earthquake can improve a modern city. In fact, no useful mutations increasing genetic information will ever take place.
No matter how numerous they may be, mutations do not produce any kind of evolution. 4  Pierre-Paul Grassé, evolutionist and former president of the French Academy of Sciences
Darwinists cannot explain that an enzyme in tears known as lysozyme can destroy the cell walls of many species of bacteria and kill germs, so that their vision is protected from a range of diseases. Lysozyme is even more effective than the disinfectants used to clean buildings, yet it does no harm to the eyes themselves. That is a great blessing created by Allah for all mankind.
Louis Pasteur
In claiming that life once emerged spontaneously from inanimate matter, Darwinists never recall that back in the 19th century, Louis Pasteur proved the thesis that life comes only from life. He scientifically demolished the idea that inanimate substances can ever give rise to life.
Darwinists never realize that the hypothalamus in the human body, no larger than a lump of sugar, needs to set a time for the human reproductive glands to develop and to release the growth hormone at just that moment. Blind chance cannot account for this piece of tissue with no sense organs or even a brain of its own to keep track of passing time and ready the requisite bodily changes.
Darwinists never realize that functions in the human body take place at just the right speed and time with the help of enzymes, and that these enzymes which are composed of unconscious molecules, cannot learn their duties by themselves.
Darwinists never realize that even though it's impossible for them to copy out a text consisting of billions of letters without errors creeping in, enzymes combine together millions of units of information as they copy DNA, without making a single mistake. This is simply more proof of the existence of Allah.
Human DNA is like a computer program but far, far more advanced than any software we've ever created . 5  Bill Gates, Head of Microsoft
Darwinists claim that scientific experiments have shown that life can begin spontaneously through chemical reactions. But they never admit that not a single experiment exists to show this or that, furthermore, science proves this to be impossible on even the theoretical level.
Darwinists never admit that Stanley Miller—who conducted the so-called "Miller Experiment" that they present as an important discovery in explaining the origin of life—carried out his experiment under arbitrary artificial conditions that had nothing to do with the primeval Earth's real atmosphere. Nor do they realize that Miller synthesized only an amino acid, and that the emergence of amino acids in any form is hardly the same as the emergence of life.
Darwin döneminde, genetik bilimi bilinmiyor, DNA tanınmıyordu. Fosil kayıtları son derece azdı ve teknoloji bir fosilin veya bir canlının üzerinde inceleme yapmaya izin vermeyecek kadar kadar ilkeldi. Darwin, iddiasının haklı çıkabilmesi için bir mucize beklemişti. Bu beklenti, günümüz Darwinistleri için halen devam etmektedir.
Amino acids may be the building blocks of proteins, but there is a world of difference between building blocks and assembled structure. Just as the discovery of a pile of bricks is no guarantee that a house lies around the corner, so a collection of amino acids is along, long way from the sort of large, specialized molecules such as proteins that life requires. 6  Paul Davies, astronomer and evolutionist
Darwinists never realize that in order for a single cell to form, a great many complex mechanisms—hundreds of different proteins, the DNA code, the enzymes that interpret it, the cell membrane with its selective permeability, and many other features—all need to appear at once. They claim that "chemical evolution" took place, but this is impossible. Yet they continue to believe in the impossible.
Darwinists do admit that DNA contains information about all the details in an organism. They acknowledge that this giant molecule is made up of consecutive sequences of four different components known as bases, and that these four bases—like an alphabet consisting of only four letters—contain blueprints for all the organic molecules that the body is to manufacture. They affirm that these components are not arranged at random, but in line with specific information, and that this information is further subdivided into genes, and that every gene is coded for different details (for example, the formula for insulin, the hormone that takes the blood sugar into the cells). Yet they do not admit that this sublime encyclopedia of information inside a tiny molecule totally demolishes Darwinists' claims of coincidental evolution.
Each of the chromosomes in the nucleus contains genes that carry all the information regarding a human being. Darwinists never consider that all the organs in the human body are constructed according to a genetic blueprint within the cells. For example, the skin is controlled by 2,559 genes, the brain by 29,930 genes, the eye by 1,794, the salivary gland by 186, the heart by 6,216, the chest by 4,001, and the lung by 11,581 genes.
The organs in the human body are built around the framework of a blueprint described by genes in the chromosomes. Darwinists never think how the human body is controlled by means of a blueprint and intelligences encoded in the genes.
1. Cell
2. Chromosome
Darwinists never appreciate that proteins are made up of only 20 of the more than 200 amino acids in nature, and can never account for such an intelligent selectivity.
Darwinists never realize how the shapes assumed by proteins, essential for life, are basically determined by the sequence of the amino acids that constitute those proteins. If one single amino acid fails to bond to the next in the correct sequence, the protein will lose all its functions. The amino acids constituting the proteins manage to arrive at the correct location every time.
Darwinists never realize that in order for protein production to take place, the arms of the staircase-like DNA molecule must be opened up. During the process of separation carried out by the enzyme RNA polymerase, a special enzyme prevents friction by holding onto the two ends of the helix. Other particular enzymes prevent the helixes from winding around themselves, and there is intention in every phase of this process, which involves an enormous number of enzymes.
Darwinists never realize that it is impossible for a protein to emerge spontaneously in muddy water, for others to emerge in its wake, and for these to combine to bring into being a living cell.
It is a disgrace that we should have to content with few concrete facts when it comes to the origin of life. Even if we have a limited knowledge of when and where life on Earth first appeared, we are still ignorant of how the process in question developed and of how, in the absence of life, a chemical mass somehow came together and turned into the first living cell. 7  Cumhuriyet ("Science and Technology") magazine
Darwinists never realize that one "letter" being wrongly coded in any one of the rungs in DNA could lead to terrible consequences. It is therefore impossible to account for this coding in terms of coincidence.
Even if we assume an environment in which all the necessary nucleotides are present and that all the complex molecules and connecting enzymes needed for these to bond to each other are ready, the odds of these nucleotides combining in the desired order is 1 in 10600, that is mathematically zero.
As science has proven, it is impossible for a single one of the 200,000 genes that make up DNA to form by chance, let alone the whole DNA molecule with its millions of rungs.
Not even a single protein can form by chance. Darwinists are unable to explain how the building blocks of life could have emerged by way of evolution.

Darwinists never realize that with its energy producing stations— factories that produce the enzymes and hormones essential for life—, a data bank in which all the data regarding the products to be manufactured is recorded, complex transportation systems and pipelines for carrying raw materials and products from one region to another, and with its highly developed laboratory to break the raw materials arriving from the outside down into useful components, the cell appears as a marvel of creation too perfect to leave any room for coincidental development.
In claiming that life evolved as the result of mutations, Darwinists never realize that 99% of mutations are harmful.
A random change in the highly integrated system of chemical processes which constitute life is almost certain to impair it-just as a random interchange of connections in a television set is not likely to improve the picture. 8 James F. Crow, radiation and mutation expert
Murray Eden, professor of electrical engineering at MIT delivered a paper on "The Inadequacy of Neo-Darwinian Evolution as a Scientific Theory." Eden stated that if it required a mere six mutations to bring about an adaptive change, this would occur by chance once in a billion years, while if two dozen genes were involved, it would require 10 billion years, which is much longer that the age of the earth. 9  Gordon Rattray Taylor, British science writer
In claiming that life emerged as the result of blind chance, Darwinists never realize that the odds against a single, average-sized protein molecule forming by chance are 10300 to one.
And the chances of a functional protein forming by chance are 1 in 10950
In analyzing these probabilities, Darwinists never realize that probabilities smaller than 1 in 1050 are mathematically impossible.
Darwinists never realize that the cell, which they maintain came into being by chance and which—given the state of 19th century technology—they regarded as a balloon filled with water, has a structure as complex as that of New York City.
Darwinists never realize that the power station known as the mitochondrion inside the cell, itself no larger than 1/100 millimeters, is far more complex than an oil refinery or hydroelectric station.
Darwinists never realize that an identical DNA molecule exists in every one of the 100 trillion cells that constitute the human body and contains enough data to fill 1 million encyclopedia pages. Darwinists maintain that they came into being as the result of blind coincidences.
Darwinists never realize how the unconscious atoms that comprise DNA determine the specialization of cells in the eye, hair, bones, skin, stomach and other areas.
Darwinists never realize that the amount of information in the DNA of a single bacterium is equivalent to 20 novels of 100,000 words each.
Darwinists never realize how molecules take decisions as if they were conscious entities, engage in division of labor, and perform all their tasks in a highly economical manner.
Darwinists never think of these words by the famous molecular biologist Professor Michael Denton: On the surface of the cell we would see millions of openings, like the portholes of a vast space ship, opening and closing to allow a continual stream of materials to flow in and out. If we were to enter one of these openings, we would find ourselves in a world of supreme technology and bewildering complexity. . . . 10
One of the most difficult stages to be explained in evolution is to scientifically explain how organelles and complex cells developed from these primitive creatures. No transitional form has been found between these two forms. One- and multi-celled creatures carry all this complicated structure, and no creature or group has yet been found with organelles of a simpler construction in any way, or which are more primitive. In other words, the organelles carried forward have developed just as they are. They have no simple and primitive forms. 11  Prof. Dr. Ali Demirsoy
Darwinists never explain how unconscious blood cells can carry out such vital functions as the expulsion from the body of harmful substances like carbon dioxide and urea, distinguishing between waste and useful substances in the blood and carrying them to their correct destinations.
Darwinists are unable to explain how a seeing, hearing, feeling human being could emerge by chance from the division of a single cell
Was he not a drop of ejaculated sperm,
then a blood-clot which He created and shaped?
(Surat al-Qiyama, 37-38)
Darwinists never account for how the molecule albumin, one of the transporter proteins in the blood, can distinguish between fats, toxins, drugs and nutrients.
Darwinists cannot explain how albumin, an unconscious molecule, recognizes the liver, gall bladder and stomach, and always deposits the substances it carries at the right place, in the right amounts, without ever making a mistake.
Darwinists ignore how foreign bodies such as viruses or bacteria entering the body are neutralized by antibodies and leukocytes.
Darwinists never realize that when genetic copying takes place with a cell taken from an animal, nothing new is created during this process, and that this is actually proof of creation.
When they say that everything consists of matter, Darwinists never realize that the information contained in DNA is not matter.
They never realize that the odds of the 2,000 proteins in just a very simple bacterium emerging by chance are 1 in 1040,000, that is impossible. 12
Darwinists fail to consider that the protein cytochrome-C possesses a specific amino acid sequence, and that the odds of this coming about by chance are even lower than that of a monkey typing out the history of mankind without making a single error. 13
In maintaining that everything formed by chance, Darwinists never acknowledge that even the information in DNA has still not yet been fully unraveled by scientists.
DNA, the cell's data bank, functions just like a planning center, assuming the responsibilities of a large number of expert artists, scientists, architects, engineers, botanists, interior designers, painters, doctors, and many more.
Has there been "progress" in evolution? Are recent plants and animals more advanced than their predecessors or, at least, more complex? Alas, no. Of course it is true that a bacterium is a simpler creature than a cassowary or an elephant , in that it has fewer moving parts, but its DNA is as richly endowed as an elephant's, and it functions as well in its own circumstances as any vertebrate does. It might even be argued that certain bacteria do their job a lot better than any other animals, since they can claim an unbroken line of descent that can be traced for 3 billion years, while every other known life form has already died out or is scheduled to do so. 14  Richard Ellis, evolutionist and marine biologist
1. Cytochrome-C
Darwinists never question how proteins can know such vital functions as DNA replication, production of information and cell division.
Darwinists maintain that proteins came into being by chance, and though devoid of any consciousness or intelligence, can construct all the chemical components of the cell by working as a team, break the cell down when necessary and reconstitute these small components as simple compounds for later use.
Darwinists never realize that in order for the countless proteins involved in the process of vision to function, they must have the appropriate molecular structure, which could never have come about by chance.
Darwinists never explain how the molecules in the retina's cone cells come together to constitute proteins that make color vision possible, nor how it is that these proteins have shared the same structure and functioned impeccably in all the human beings who have ever lived over millions of years.
In claiming that molecules came into being by chance, Darwinists never explain how they could have given rise to the protein melanin that protects the eye from the harmful ultraviolet rays.
Darwinists never realize that proteins, made up of only 20 of the more than 200 amino acids in nature, can never account for such an intelligent selectivity.
Darwinists never acknowledge that not a single right-handed amino acid is to be found in living organisms, nor how such an intelligent selectivity could have come about.
Molecular evolution is about to be accepted as a method superior to paleontology for the discovery of evolutionary relationships. As a molecular evolutionist, I should be elated. Instead, it seems disconcerting that many exceptions exist to the orderly progression of species as determined by molecular homologies: so many, in fact, that I think the exception, the quirks, may carry the more important message. 15  Christian Schwabe, Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of South Carolina
Amino acids appear in two forms in nature, right- and left-handed. But the amino acids that make up proteins must be left-handed. Darwinists never think how such a careful selection can never be the result of unconscious processes.
L. Left-handed amino acid
R. Right-handed amino acid
Darwinists never realize how 20 from the more than 200 amino acids in nature must be accurately selected in order to form proteins, why they are all left-handed and in the correct sequence, nor how this intelligent selection could have come into being.
The odds of proteins emerging from left-handed amino acids only are 1 in 10210, that the probability of this happening is effectively zero, and it cannot have come about by chance.
Darwinists never recognize how amino acids, made up of unconscious atoms with no ability to see or hear, are able to constitute proteins, which are essential for life and possess the most perfect structures.
Darwinists claim that the amino acids came into existence by chance, yet know how to assume the correct sequence for each protein and do so in an error-free manner.
Darwinists never realize how the atoms in the minuscule protein molecule are arranged according to a blueprint and design, how they fold and bend accordingly, and how this special structure is determined for each and every protein.
Darwinists never explain why the nerve cell—which they claim came into being as the result of blind coincidences—should feel the need to convert an aroma into an electrical signal.
Darwinists never explain how the body can halt production when the level of iron rises, how it is able to behave in a seemingly intelligent manner, which can never be explained by the theory of evolution in any way.
To the side can be seen an amino acid chain with a side chain. If any of the amino acids in the chain were to be missing or change place, this protein molecule would become functionless. This chain is therefore very definitely the result of a plan, not of coincidence.

From the first cell that coalesced in the primordial soup to the magnificent intricacies of Homo sapiens, the evolution of life—as everyone knows—has been one long drive toward greater complexity. The only trouble with what everyone knows. . . is that there is no evidence it's true. 16  Lori Oliwenstein, one of the senior editors of Discover magazine
Darwinists never explain how a protein could have formed by chance in muddy water, how a second protein joined onto the first, and then a third, or how this whole impossible system continued. It is impossible for them all to come together by chance, become alive and give rise to a cell.
1. Mud
2. Time
3. Chance
4. Natural Events
5. so-called
According to the so-called Darwinian formula, mud + time + chance + natural events gave rise to living things, scientists, technology and whole civilizations. This Darwinist logic is exceedingly primitive and superficial. Since Darwinists are keen to preserve this superficial logic, they are unwilling to think about complex systems and miracles.
Darwinists can never explain how the nucleus in the cell, which they claim formed as the result of chance processes, came into being. And even if this happened, how did it become a living entity?
Darwinists never explain how unconscious embryo cells decide to combine together from a dispersed state, how they pack together tightly and constitute very strong veins, through which no blood ever leaks.
Countless enzymes have to be present for DNA replication, and DNA has to exist in order for enzymes to be produced. It is impossible to account for this in terms of evolution.
1. The DNA topoisomerase enzyme
2. Original DNA helix
3. The enzyme helicase
4. The enzyme polymerase
5. The enzyme ligase
Darwinists never account for how the windpipe automatically closes during the act of swallowing, thus preventing food and water from entering the lungs, and how after swallowing, the valve opens again to permit air flow. It is impossible for such a system to arise by chance.
Darwinists never account for saliva, usually thought of as a very simple secretion, but which actually contains a very sensitive balance of chemical components. Molecules dissolve in saliva and attach to the taste receptor nerve endings on the tongue, and only in this way are we able to taste what we eat.
Darwinists never realize that there are no errors in the form or structure of any of the proteins inside the 200 or so types of cell in our bodies. Every protein knows how to perform its own tasks flawlessly, and that this can never be the result of chance.
Each class at a molecular level is unique, isolated and unlinked by intermediates. Thus, molecules, like fossils, have failed to provide the elusive intermediates so long sought by evolutionary biology. . .. At a molecular level, no organism is "ancestral" or "primitive" or "advanced" compared with its relatives. . . . There is little doubt that if this molecular evidence had been available a century ago. . . the idea of organic evolution might never have been accepted. "17  Michael Denton, molecular biologist
Darwinists never realize how, when the body needs for any particular protein, some messengers—themselves proteins—know just where to go, in a seemingly conscious manner, can locate the relevant destination in the body, and manage to transmit their message in the correct form.
Darwinists claim that the cells in the human body came into existence by chance. They are unaware of each other's locations, yet are able to establish communications by means of hormones with their own extraordinary chemical structures.
Darwinists never realize how totally impossible it is for the enzyme RNA polymerase to possess the consciousness to select the correct information from the DNA to prevent any interruption to the activities in the cell. How can the cell survive as the result of unconscious, random events?
Darwinists never appreciate how the enzyme RNA polymerase chooses from among the 3 billion letters contained in the extraordinary DNA molecule, and never makes an error in creating the appropriate protein.
Darwinists never acknowledge that for protein production to occur, the arms of the staircase-like DNA molecule must be opened up. During the process of separation carried out by the enzyme RNA polymerase, another special enzyme prevents friction by holding onto the two ends of the helix. Other enzymes prevent the helixes from winding around themselves, and there is consciousness in every phase of this process, involving an enormous number of enzymes.
Darwinists never consider that enzymes are required for DNA replication, and that enzymes also need DNA in order to be produced. For this reason, both must be present in the same place—but this is impossible, according to Darwin's claim of gradual evolution based on chance.
It is extremely improbable that proteins and nucleic acids[RNA and DNA], both of which are structurally complex, arose spontaneously in the same place at the same time. Yet it also seems impossible to have one without the other. And so, at first glance, one might have to conclude that life could never, in fact, have originated by chemical means. 18  Dr. Leslie Orgel, evolutionist microbiologist
Darwinists never explain how each enzyme in the human body knows that it must go to the relevant location.
Darwinists never realize how newly-manufactured proteins use various molecular motors to move inside the cell. Some of these attach to proteins and carry them to their destinations, with never any confusion regarding that destination.
 He said, ‘The Lord of the East and the West and everything between them if you used your intellect.’
(Surat ash-Shu‘ara’, 28)
Darwinists never explain how the protein insulin instructs the body to store excess sugar so that sufficient sugar in the blood is maintained. Otherwise the result would be death when the cells' needs were not met.
Darwinists never acknowledge that the hormone adrenaline can be recognized by muscle, heart and bone cells only when it has exactly the right structure. Then it can stimulate functions inside these cells and thus protect the body against physical stresses.
Darwinists never reveal that to synthesize proteins, some 300 macromolecules consisting of more than 80 ribosomes, more than 20 amino acid messengers, over a dozen helper enzymes, more than 100 enzymes that perform final functions and more than 40 RNA molecules work together in the cell in complete coordination.

Darwinists Never Consider the Extraordinary Qualities and Behavior Displayed by Living Things

Darwinists never realize that the anglerfish has no ability to invent the long rod extending from its head that it uses for hunting. Such a device could not have come about by chance, yet this rod is essential for the anglerfish's survival.
Darwinists never appreciate the self-sacrifice displayed by penguins that live at the South Pole, in an environment covered in ice and where temperatures fall to as low as –40 degrees and wind speeds reach 100 kilometers (62 miles) an hour. They incubate their eggs without eating anything at all for four months.
The way that penguins can survive for four months without eating anything while hatching their eggs at temperatures of 40 degrees Centigrade and withstanding winds travelling at up to 100 km per hour is an instance of self-sacrifice Darwinists prefer not to think about. There can be no explanation of this in terms of the theory of evolution.
Darwinists never admit that coincidences can never explain how worker bees cause their own deaths by stinging their enemies as they defend their hive, without ever a thought for their own survival.
Darwinists never realize how crocodiles, whose sharp pointed teeth tear apart the prey they catch can carry their young in their mouths without any harm ever befalling them.
Darwinists never consider how although a dragonfly's wings are only 1/3000 millimeter (1/118 inch) thick, they never tear in flight.
Darwinists never appreciate that thanks to the two diagonal pairs of wings on its body, a dragonfly can fly at 40 kilometers (24 miles) an hour—an astonishing speed for insects.
Darwinists never realize how fireflies, whose luminescence they claim is the result of coincidental developments, manage to produce light at an efficiency of one hundred percent.
Darwinists never ask why the bombardier beetle, which produces a 100-degree chemical weapon in its own body for use against enemies, is never harmed by this corrosive chemical.
Darwinists never realize the impossibility of a butterfly thinking up the idea of mimicking the form of a dry leaf to better camouflage itself, and of converting that idea into a change in its own wings.
Darwinists never realize that the scent perceptions and scent memory system of living things are one example of the sublime creation and perfect order seen everywhere in the universe. They can never account for these flawless systems in terms of chance and coincidences.
Darwinists never consider that to be able to spin its web, a spider needs to possess architectural expertise, the ability to calculate, and a great many details such as the speed and weight of its eventual prey. It is illogical to claim that an entity with no intelligence could acquire all these abilities by trial and error.
Darwinists never realize that chance can never account for the sublimity of nature's creations, the perfect systems that exist, and the scientific intelligence and incomparable artistry they display.
Darwinists never realize how elephants and rhinoceroses have learned to take mud baths to remove parasites on their skin, or how they treat wounds with ash-rich soil containing antiseptic properties. It is impossible for the animals to know about the antiseptic properties of a substance in the earth. All living things in nature act under the inspiration of Allah.
Now the life-span of everything is short, although its value is high and the subtleties of its artistry are most exalted and beautiful. This implies that everything is only a sample, a form of something else, that it has the function of drawing the gaze of the customer to the authentic and original object. This being the case, it may be said that the variegated adornments of this world are the samples of the bounties of Paradise, prepared by the Compassionate and Merciful One for His beloved servants. 19  Bediuzzaman Said Nursi
Darwinists never realize the mutual devotion, loyalty and solidarity among elephants. A newborn elephant is welcomed with love and affection. The altruism and co-operation in all living things absolutely refute the claim that nature is simply a battleground.
Dragonfly wings are just 1/3000 mm thick. But they never tear in flight.
Darwinists never consider that it is totally impossible for albatrosses that fly for 15,000 kilometers (9,321 miles) on their month-long journeys without ever landing on the ground; for swallows to fly halfway around the world on their migrations, for locusts being able to swarm 3,000 kilometers (1,864 miles), and for eels that set off on a 6,000-kilometer (3,728 miles) journey shortly after they are born, if they had to learn the methods of doing so all by themselves.
Darwinists never realize how ants, devoid of any mathematical intelligence or experience, use the position of the Sun to find their way.
Darwinists never consider that the fly's eyes consist of 8,000 cells, divided into 4,000 each on the right and left sides of its head. Each cell contains a lens perceiving an image from a slightly different angle, and that it is impossible for this system to have come about by chance.
Darwinists never explain how, in building their combs, honeybees employ two angles of exactly 109 degrees 28 minutes and 70 degrees 32 minutes. There is never the slightest deviation from these. The openings of the cells are raised by them by 13 degrees, thus preventing honey from running out of them. All the honeybees on Earth know these calculations and implement them with perfect accuracy.
Darwinists never realize how, despite spending all its life under water, the water spider cannot breathe the air dissolved in the water. To survive, it rises to the surface and suddenly dives back down again to make use of the air bubbles suspended from its feet and various parts on its body.
Darwinists are unable to explain the consciousness by which organisms such that on the left decide to camouflage themselves as protection against enemies, and prefer not to think about it.
Darwinists never admit how the fibroin proteins in the spider's web have a special flexibility, which prevents prey caught in the web from escaping and increases the strength of the web. This feature cannot be explained in terms of chance.
Darwinists never realize that all frogs have large eyes and eyelids, and that most have a special membrane to lubricate and clean their eyes. Their eyes are sensitive to blue light, making it easy for them to find water while they are on dry land. Again, it is impossible for these features to have come about by chance.
In claiming that life came into being as the result of random coincidences, Darwinists never realize how a light as efficient as that produced by fireflies—which produce the maximum amount of light and lose almost no energy—can still not be reproduced artificially, despite long
In claiming that life came into being as the result of random coincidences, Darwinists never realize how a light as efficient as that produced by fireflies—which produce the maximum amount of light and lose almost no energy—can still not be reproduced artificially, despite long years of research by scientists.
Darwinists, in claiming that the intelligent behavior and altruism in living things—which they refer to as "instincts"—came into being by chance, never realize that they have no explanation for how this concept of instinct first emerged and how living things maintained it over the course of generations.
In claiming that all living things on Earth acquired their characteristics from an imaginary force they refer to as "Mother Nature," Darwinists never realize that this abstraction to which they ascribe divine status actually consists of stone, soil, grass, trees and flowers and lacks any intelligence or consciousness.
All the bees on Earth know that combs have to be constructed according to very specific angles. This comes as a severe blow to Darwinists, who make a deity out of chance.
Darwinists, who claim that only the strongest survive, never realize how lions, which can be so savage towards their prey, can also treat their cubs with enormous affection.
In claiming that the way living things are able to treat their own disorders is a feature that emerged by chance, Darwinists never realize how the Angora goat knows—without using the-trial-and error method and eating all the herbs around—that the herb spurge will neutralize the effect of the venom when it is bitten by a snake.
There is no creature on the earth which is not dependent upon Allah for its provision.
He knows where it lives and where it dies. They are all in a Clear Book.
(Surah Hud, 6)
In claiming that a dinosaur grew wings while trying to catch flies, Darwinists never realize that the fly already had perfected its ability for flight system with wings able to flap 1,000 times per second.
Darwinists never realize that the way birds fly in a "V" formation in order to save energy can never be explained in terms of blind chance.
A V-shaped flying formation expends less energy. Darwinists cannot account for the consciousness here.
Darwinists never realize that penguins, with a body temperature of 40oC, can withstand external temperatures of -40oC by making use of a layer of fat under their skins. Thanks to this special provision, which could never have come into being by chance, they are unaffected by the resulting 80oC differential in temperature.
Darwinists are unable to explain how the hummingbird, whose heart beats 500 to 1,200 times a minute throughout the day, is not overheated because of such a rapid heartbeat. At night, it enters a state like hibernation. Its heart rate slows and it even stops breathing—the bird thus almost "hibernates" 365 times a year.
Darwinists never explain how fish living in the icy water at the Poles came to possess a protein that reduces the temperatures of the ice crystals in their skin to -20oC. Thanks to this protein, they can use the oxygen molecules in the ice crystals and thus avoid freezing.
Darwinists never realize how swimming birds have an oil gland where their tail joins onto the body. They are easily able to use their beaks to oil their feathers to keep them water-resistant.
Darwinists never point out that the digestive fluids in the stomachs of animals that feed on plants is insufficient to digest these substances. For that reason, such animals have special bacteria in their stomachs to break down these foodstuffs.
No coincidence has the power to determine hummingbirds’ heart beats and the speed at which they beat their wings.
Darwinists never explain how a chameleon changes color to match its surroundings. It assumes the same color even if it cannot see its surroundings, and chance cannot endow an animal with the ability to change its color for defensive purposes.
Darwinists never appreciate how the nitrogen cycle, which makes life on Earth possible, is achieved by bacteria so small that they can be seen only under a microscope.
Darwinists never realize how venom produced by bacteria living in the intestines of the puffer fish extends as far as its muscles, but does not harm the fish itself and simply protects it against predators.
Darwinists never admit that a great many living things, which they claim emerged by chance, use camouflage to protect themselves. With these features given them by Allah, they have survived down to the present day.
Darwinists never admit that their logic can't account for the affection and protection that mothers of many species bestow upon their offspring.
Darwinists never perceive that living things have structures too perfect and flawless to have emerged by chance.
Darwinists never appreciate the superior qualities of ants, which live in colonies, possess a very powerful communications network, produce and store food, protect their young in the event of an attack and fight to defend their colonies.
Darwinists never proclaim that when examined under a microscope, a lobster's eye resembles a flawless piece of graph paper, and that lobsters see using the reflection, rather than the refraction principle.
 No Darwinist can explain how a living thing, alleged to have come into existence by chance, has the intelligence to camouflage itself as protection against enemies.
Darwinists never point out that throughout the winter, bacteria in lakes break down organic wastes that sink to the bottom and convert them into minerals, thus preparing the nutrients for nature to use again in the spring.
Darwinists never consider that the structure of living things is too perfect and complex to come about by chance. They never consider that three of the 23 species of bird capable of learning to sing (the parrot, canary and flycatcher) are far distant from one another, according to evolutionists' imaginary familial relations. This totally discredits their scenarios. It is quite irrational to imagine that such complex abilities could be acquired by chance by even a single species of bird, let alone by 23.
Darwinists fail to consider that in addition to fireflies, various undersea life forms also produce their own light, and that they are completely different to one another in terms of the use they make of this light, its duration and form. The complex structures capable of manufacturing light in living things without harming them can never emerge as the result of chance.
Darwinists never acknowledge that bacteria, too small to be seen with the naked eye, have mechanisms on their surfaces that emit and perceive electrical signals. Thanks to these mechanisms, they transmit information to one another, and it is impossible for such behavior, requiring an intelligent mind, to have come into being by chance.
Darwinists never explain how electric eels, which live in conductive water and emit electric shocks powerful enough to kill a human being, take intelligent precautions to avoid being electrocuted themselves from the instant they discharge their electricity into the water.
Darwinists never realize how a group of shrimps can stun their prey using their pincers, producing a strong sound louder than even the noise of a submarine, yet they remain unaffected by that noise themselves.
Darwinists never explain how certain wasps learned to paralyze a caterpillar rather than killing it, in order that it might remain fresh to feed the wasp's offspring for a long time. The female wasp needs an almost surgical knowledge in order to administer exactly the right dose of venom at the right spot, so as not to kill the caterpillar.
Darwinists never appreciate the astonishing consciousness displayed by the single-celled, microscopic marine algae known as diatoms when they construct shells for themselves made out of silicon, the building block of glass. Only Almighty Allah could have taught this ability to these organisms, which are too small to be seen with the naked eye.
Darwinists never explain how blind termites just 1 to 2 centimeters (0.393 to 0.787 of an inch) long manage to construct miniatured cities up to 4 to 5 meters (157 to 196 inches) in size, several of which may sometimes be joined together, and how they display such a superior level of collective intelligence.
Darwinists never account for the termites' flawless ventilation system, the chambers set out according to function (nurseries, hatcheries, royal chambers, agricultural areas) all built by blind insects which they claim came into existence by chance through natural processes.
Darwinists never explain how the order exhibited in colonies consisting of millions of termites was established, how every termite knows its own task, how they always co-operate together, and how no evolutionary mechanism could ever bring this about.
Darwinists never admit that since the presence of more than one potential king and queen in the termite colony will lead to chaos and a breakdown of discipline, termites take wide-ranging measures to ensure there is only one king and one queen.
Everyone in heaven and earth prostrates to Allah willingly or unwillingly,
as do their shadows in the morning and the evening.
(Surat ar-Ra’d, 15)
Darwinists never admit that just as plants reproduce by pollen, insects are pollen-carriers, and that Allah has created insects and plants in complete cooperation with one another's needs.
In claiming that an animal is concerned solely with its own interests, Darwinists never account for how a penguin endures four months of cold and hunger to protect its egg, and that Allah inspires such self-sacrifice in living things.
Fourth Principle: You will understand also that the adornments of this world are like samples and forms of the blessings stored up in Paradise by the mercy of the Compassionate One for the people of faith. 20  Bediuzzaman Said Nursi
1- A toad hiding behind dry leaves
2- A green butterfly among leaves
3- A mantis among leaves
4- A spider resembling a flower within a flower
5- A white bird against a snowy background
Darwinists never realize the care, devotion and self-sacrifice displayed by the parents of newborn storks in the jungles of Thailand. They protect their chicks against the burning heat by sheltering under their wings. This behavior can never be explained in terms of chance.
Darwinists never realize that random factors can never explain how polar birds, which cannot realize the purpose served by camouflage, adjust the color of their plumage to adapt to the changes in their surroundings as the seasons pass.
In claiming that nature consists of little more than conflict and struggle—that living things live savage, selfish lives—Darwinists are unable to explain how animals pretend to be injured or even give up their own lives to protect their young, and display feelings of love and compassion.
The jet engine analogy suggested that animals ought to be risible monstrosities of lashed-up improvisation, top-heavy with grotesque relics of patched-over antiquity. How can we reconcile this reasonable expectation with the formidable grace of the hunting cheetah, the aerodynamic beauty of the swift, the scrupulous attention to deceptive detail of the leaf insect? 21  Richard Dawkins, evolutionist biologist
Darwinists know that the human eye has only three photoreceptors to distinguish colors, but never realize that the mantis shrimp has 16 photoreceptors and can even perceive ultraviolet light! These creatures could not have come into existence by chance.
Darwinists never realize that worker bees feed the newborn larvae in the most careful and attentive manner, to such an extent that a single larva is visited around 10,000 times by worker bees during the course of its growth. Chance could never make any living thing do this.
Darwinists never realize how all larvae are fed in different ways at different times, and how the bees give their larvae food according to the size they have reached, and never make any mistakes in this regard.
Darwinists cannot account for why the larvae stop eating on the seventh day, how the worker bees learned to seal up the cells containing the larvae with a lightly domed cover of wax, how the larvae spin a cocoon around the chamber containing them using a substance they produce themselves. Thus they pass through the pupal phase. It is essential that both larvae and worker bees, without exception, know all this must take place on the seventh day.
Darwinists never realize that the protein known as fibroin inside the cocoons woven by bees has powerful antibacterial properties, thanks to which the larvae are protected against germs.
Darwinists never explain how a larva devoid of eyes, wings or brain, that has never yet seen the outside world and is unaware of the conditions it will be living under can manufacture a special formula that obstructs bacteria.
1. Diatoms
Darwinists never marvel at how, during the pupal phase, the bee's wings with their special structure, the eyes ideally suited to the tasks it will perform, the sting it will use against enemies, its glands for the production of wax, the tiny hairs that assist in the collection of pollen—in short, all its bodily systems, will develop perfectly and how at the end of the three weeks, the adult bee is finally ready to emerge from the chamber.
Darwinists never explain how, even though they are all separated by hundreds of miles, bees all over the world build exactly the same combs, collect honey in the same way, have the same communications and colony-building systems and share the identical division of labor. How could this ever have come about by chance?
Darwinists never appreciate how humming birds are able to cross the Gulf of Mexico (1500 kilometers, or 932 miles) on fewer than 10 grams (0.0220 pounds) of fuel.
Darwinists never marvel at the air-conditioning and ventilation systems in termite nests, so perfect in terms of equipment and energy consumption. Living things cannot possibly acquire such a sublime architectural ability by chance.
Darwinists are totally at a loss to explain how polar fish and frogs return to life after letting themselves freeze in the event of unsuitable climatic conditions. Yet they never suffer any damage during their suspended animation.
Termites, tiny life forms, build enormous nests.
To the side can be seen a cross-section of a termite mound.
Darwinists never marvel at how, during the pupal phase, the bee's wings with their special structure, the eyes ideally suited to the tasks it will perform, the sting it will use against enemies, its glands for the production of wax, the tiny hairs that assist in the collection of pollen—in short, all its bodily systems, will develop perfectly and how at the end of the three weeks, the adult bee is finally ready to emerge from the chamber.
Darwinists never explain how, even though they are all separated by hundreds of miles, bees all over the world build exactly the same combs, collect honey in the same way, have the same communications and colony-building systems and share the identical division of labor. How could this ever have come about by chance?
Darwinists never appreciate how humming birds are able to cross the Gulf of Mexico (1500 kilometers, or 932 miles) on fewer than 10 grams (0.0220 pounds) of fuel.
Darwinists never marvel at the air-conditioning and ventilation systems in termite nests, so perfect in terms of equipment and energy consumption. Living things cannot possibly acquire such a sublime architectural ability by chance.
Darwinists are totally at a loss to explain how polar fish and frogs return to life after letting themselves freeze in the event of unsuitable climatic conditions. Yet they never suffer any damage during their suspended animation.
Darwinists never realize that it is Almighty Allah Who inspires bees, turtles and birds with the ability to make their very long journeys.
Allah has created insects and plants in great harmony between one another. Insects obtain food from plant nectar, while plants are pollinated by insects. Darwinists have no logical explanation regarding the creation of that harmony.
Darwinists never realize that through photosynthesis, leaves produce 300 billion tons of sugar a year, and that such a process cannot be carried out even under laboratory conditions.
Darwinists never question how the fly species Ornia ochrea can identify the source of sounds better than any other living thing, despite the space between its ears being no greater than half a millimeter. Such an extraordinary ability could never arise by chance. With all its features this tiny fly exhibits the sublime creative artistry of Almighty Allah.
A tyrannical current born of Naturalist and Materialist philosophy will gradually become strong and spread at the End Times by means of materialist philosophy, reaching such a degree that it denies Allah. . . The members of that current, who deny Allah, each ascribes dominicality to his soul like a little Nimrod. And the greatest of them, the Dajjal, who will come to lead them, will manifest awesome wonders, a sort of spiritualism and hypnosis; he will go even further, and imagining his tyrannical, superficial rule to be a sort of dominicality, he will proclaim his godhead. . . . 22 Bediuzzaman Said Nursi
Darwinists never realize that moulds, single-celled fungi used in the manufacture of drugs, could never come into being by chance, but were created by Allah.
Darwinists claim that all the life forms on Earth evolved. They never realize that lichens, the product of symbiosis of algae and fungi that live together, could not have combined by chance.
The self-sacrifice that animals display to protect their young cannot be explained by any Darwinist; because it is impossible for such a consciousness to emerge by chance.
Darwinists never realize the illogicality of claiming that carnivorous plants, which snap their leaves shut in order to trap insects landing on them, even though they have no muscular systems, and which produce enzymes to digest the insects they catch but have no consciousness, emerged as the result of natural events.
Darwinists never explain how ducks came to be able to float on the surface of the water, how their bodies have air sacs like miniature balloons, that they empty out these sacs out to dive under the surface. These features have been bestowed on ducks by Allah.
Darwinists never acknowledge that half an acre of farm land contains several tons of bacteria and 1 ton (2,205 pounds) of fungi, 100 kilograms (220 pounds) of single-celled protozoan life forms, some 50 kilograms (110 pounds) of yeast and the same amount of algae, that each of these highly complex components is exceedingly beneficial to the soil they live in.
Darwinists never realize how microorganisms manifest Allah's superior intelligence, art and might in creation. They fall into a great dilemma as they try to account for them by means of mere unconscious coincidences.
Darwinists never consider what a brightly-colored world they inhabit, how such a variety of color around them came about, nor what a world without color would be like.
Darwinists fail to consider the way that bacteria take nitrogen from the air and convert it into nucleotides and amino acids, our building blocks for life. This is an amazing process that literally no other life form on Earth, including human beings, can perform.
Darwinists fail to consider how a queen bee with a minute brain consisting of simple neurons can possibly understand, with her own will and intelligence, why the comb's cells are constructed and how she is able to produce the appropriate eggs, with no confusion ever arising among them.
Darwinists never consider how dragonflies, which have remained unchanged ever since they were first created for hundreds of millions of years ago, possess greater maneuverability than even today's best helicopters.
It is He Who created everything on the earth for you and then directed His attention up to heaven and arranged it into seven regular heavens. He has knowledge of all things.
(Surat al-Baqara, 29)
And in your creation and all the creatures He has spread about
there are Signs for people with certainty.
(Surat al-Jathiyya, 4)

Darwinists Never Consider that Plants Were Created through Miracles

It is unlikely that a book, whose words hold the entire book within itself and whose letters hold an entire line within themselves, can come into being without the existence of an author. Likewise, the existence of the Book of the Universe depends on the existence of Allah, the Ever-Lasting. 23  Bediuzzaman Said Nursi
Darwinists never realize that coincidences can never account for the way that poppy flowers release their pollen at the exact time when there are the most pollen-bearing insects around and that their biological clocks ensure their own times of blooming.
Darwinists never understand that it is impossible for unconscious plants like maize and beans to have learned to emit a special secretion in their leaves to protect themselves against predators. With those secretions, they can attract the hornets to eat the parasites that feed on these plants. That defense strategy cannot have been developed by a plant devoid of any consciousness.
Darwinists never realize how tiny seeds, the majority of which resemble tiny bits of wood, eventually turn into giant trees 4 to 5 meters tall and weighing hundreds of kilograms.
Darwinists never realize how the information determining the red color of the rose, the folds in its leaves, its petals' velvety softness, and its perfume is all installed inside its genes, and that this applies to all plant species.
Darwinists never marvel at how grapes appear as sweet, water-filled globes from the seemingly dry branches of the vine. Information in the seeds' genes makes grape pith different from the shell of a hazelnut and gives these two fruits their distinctive colors, tastes and smells, and the vitamins inside them. It makes one dry and the other juicy, so that hazelnuts always appear as hazelnuts, and grapes as grapes.
The outside of pollens is protected by a substance known as the exine. This is an essential precaution for the transportation of pollen and can only be accounted for by a sublime creation.
There are seeds that remain dormant for dozens or even hundreds of years if conditions are unsuitable, and that sprout only later. Darwinists never realize how plants know how to survive under even the harshest conditions.
Darwinists never point out that even though microbes in the soil generally have decaying, destructive effects, a seed in the soil and its roots just half a millimeter thick never come to any harm. On the contrary, they use the soil to constantly grow and develop. Darwinists never question how delicate roots can protect themselves.
Darwinists never explain how, if a seed sprouting below the ground is prevented from reaching the surface, it will grow around any obstacles by sending out long shoots, or else will build up pressure from where it is growing to eventually reach the daylight.
Photosynthesis is a rather complicated event, and it seems impossible for it to emerge in an organelle inside a cell, because it is impossible for all the stages to have come about at once, and it is meaningless for them to have emerged separately. 24  Prof. Ali Demirsoy
Darwinists never point out that a single square millimeter of leaf contains 500,000 chlorophyll molecules. In every leaf there are millions of these glorious molecules, which are essential for photosynthesis and cannot be obtained in any laboratory.
Darwinists never realize that the highly complex process of photosynthesis cannot have come into being by chance. It cannot have been subsequently learned by a cell. The first living plants on Earth were specially designed in order to perform photosynthesis. Almighty Allah has created plants together with that ability.
We will show them Our Signs on the horizon and within themselves    until it is clear to them that it is the truth. Is it not enough for your Lord that He is a witness of everything?
(Surat al-Fussilat, 53)
In the earth there are diverse regions side by side and gardens of grapes and cultivated fields, and palm-trees sharing one root and others with individual roots, all watered with the same water.
(Surat ar-Ra’d, 4)
Darwinists never realize that, apart from green plants living on Earth, algae capable of making photosynthesis absorb a 30% level of carbon dioxide and meet 70% of the planet's oxygen needs.
Just as an ordinary machine, with its orderly and measured unity, reveals the existence of a skilful and scrupulous craftsman, each one of the countless [living] machines crowding the universe indicates thousands of miracles of wisdom. To the degree of the Sun's light, the glowworm's light brightly testifies that those living beings exist due to the existence of their skilful and eternal Master, and that He deserves to be worshipped. 25 Bediuzzaman Said Nursi
A small seed resembling a lump of wood is the source of countless fruits, flowers, trees, colors, perfumes, flavors and beauties sprouting from beneath the ground. Darwinists never think of this extraordinary fact.
Even though all plants are sown in soil with the same properties, receiving the same sunlight and irrigated with the same water, each has its own unique colors, scents and shapes, and that this alone is a proof of Allah's creative artistry.
Darwinists never appreciate that fruits with just the right level of sugar, unique perfumes and tastes emerge from a seed, and that this information cannot form in a tiny seed by chance.
Darwinists never explain how some tree species, such as poplars, lose up to 265 liters (70 gallons) of water an hour in hot weather, yet they never dry up. How did they come to possess an efficient root system, which cannot be a product of chance?
Darwinists never explain how pollens, essential to the reproduction of various plant species, are able to reach other members of the same species hundreds of kilometers, carried along by the wind.
Darwinists never realize that the outer surface of pollen grains are coated with a resistant substance known as exine, which protects the pollen against high pressure and temperatures. By whichever means it is transported, it can remain alive at a distance of many kilometers from the original plant.
Darwinists never account for the more than 500,000 varieties of plants on Earth, each of which has its own unique features and systems.
Darwinists never realize that plants need a root system to absorb substances they need from the soil, and that it is impossible for plants themselves to have designed this capillary mechanism.
No cell possesses the capacity to "learn"' a process in the true sense of the word. It is impossible for any cell to come by the ability to carry out such functions as respiration or photosynthesis, neither when it first comes into being, nor later in [its] life. 26  Hoimar Von Ditfurth, German biologist
Pollen, protected by perfect armor until it germinates, is the first stage in the formation of a glorious plant. The germinating plant develops flowers and bears fruit, proving it is a glorious work of art. This life form is a miracle created by Allah.
Darwinists never realize that each species of plant has unique features, such as its own scent, taste and color. Moreover, every single plant cell possesses far too complex a system to have come into existence by chance.
Darwinists never realize how it is that even while there is a high concentration of pollen in the air, a plant can transmit its pollen grains to other members of its species without their being caught by other species.
Have you thought about what you cultivate?
Is it you who make it germinate or are We the Germinator?
(Surat al-Waqi’a, 63-64)
Darwinists never understand how the process of photosynthesis, which cannot be fully replicated by scientists in a laboratory, is regularly performed by unconscious plants.
Darwinists never explain how annual desert plants protect themselves against droughts by remaining dormant in seed form, and that once it has rained, these seeds sprout very quickly. How are plants, devoid of consciousness, able to implement this plan?
Darwinists never realize how an apple seed contains all the information about the tree it will grow into, its shape and color, its fruits, the flowers that will bloom, the smell of those flowers and all the other features possessed by that tree.
Indeed, how could the creation of spring be difficult for the Possessor of Absolute Power, Who each spring makes the face of the world into a plain of resurrection, and brings forth there a hundred thousand examples of resurrection? 27  Bediuzzaman Said Nursi
Darwinists never realize how a single seed will eventually develop into a tree 4 to 5 meters (157 to 196 inches) tall and weighing hundreds of kilos. This growth cannot be explained by any scenario of gradual evolution.
Darwinists never realize that the leaves of coniferous trees possess a special protective coating against the winter cold, and that their waxy surfaces prevent water evaporation to make the leaves more resistant.
Darwinists never realize how all a plant's details—for example, the red color of the rose, the folds in its leaves, the number, the softness and the velvety texture of its petals, its perfume—are all installed inside the embryo. No coincidence has the power to gather together so much detailed information inside that tiny embryo's DNA.
Your Lord revealed to the bees:
‘Build dwellings in the mountains and the trees, and also in the structures which men erect. Then eat from every kind of fruit and travel the paths of your Lord, which have been made easy for you to follow.’ From inside them comes a drink of varying colors, containing healing for mankind.
(Surat an-Nahl, 68-69)
Darwinists never appreciate that a seed requires careful protection until the embryo can germinate. This is why seeds have outer casings that vary according to the species and to the conditions under which the plant lives, and that these casings' resistance has been specially regulated.
Darwinists never explain how a seed, which they claim came into being by chance, has been equipped with a special system to keep enemies at a distance. Some are covered with a bitter substance produced by means of the genetic information inside them.
The lupin estimates the prevailing weather and blooms when it is right.
Darwinists never realize how some species of plant seeds have a gelatinous substance made up of complex sugars on their outer membranes, and that this substance swells up in contact with water. This lets the seed easily adhere to moist substances, which play a major role in germination.
Darwinists never realize that this gelatinous substance is produced on the outer membranes of the seeds of certain species in a calculated manner.
Darwinists never realize that a single bean has a special connection known as a micropyle where it joins onto the pod. This structure resembles a baby's umbilical cord and serves to fertilize the female reproductive cell inside the pod. Then later, when the time comes water passes through it from the outside, allowing the seed to sprout.
Darwinists never realize how the center of gravity of the seeds of the plant Zanonia, which float in the air, is based on exceedingly delicate measurements, thanks to which the seeds can be hurled considerable distances. This special creation could never have come about by chance.
Darwinists never explain why seeds of cress and similar plants are covered in a hydrophobic (water-repellent) coating, which allows them to make use of water's surface tension and thus not to sink. Thanks to this system, such seeds are able to cross entire rivers.
Darwinists never understand how some plants realize that they must enter a kind of state of suspended animation in order to survive very arid seasons. They therefore lose the water they contain from their tissues through a genetically controlled process. By means of a hormone known as absissic acid, hormones inside the seed slow into this state of suspended animation, and this takes place in a seemingly conscious manner.
Pollens that travel hundreds of kilometers behave as if they know they will reach other members of their species. Darwinism remains speechless in the face of such a system.
Darwinists never realize how a seed under the ground is aware of worsening climatic conditions and decides to take precautions to delay sprouting.
For example, in the spring, all the trees are garbed in clothes as fine as silk, just like the houris in Paradise; they are encrusted with flowers and fruits, as if with jewels, and made to offer us numerous varieties of the choicest fruits, on branches delicately outstretched like the hands of a servant. Similarly, we are given wholesome and sweet honey to eat, from the bee with its sting; we are clothed in the finest and softest of clothes by means of an insect that has no hands; and within a small seed, a great treasure of mercy is preserved for us. It is selfevident that all of this is the effect of a most beauteous generosity, a most delicate sense of mercy. 28  Bediuzzaman Said Nursi
Darwinists can never realize how the lupine that grows in the Arctic tundra can forecast the weather. If conditions are bad, it enters a kind of suspended animation under the soil and waits for the weather to improve. If necessary, it can wait hundreds of years until the appropriate conditions arise and then begin growing again.
Darwinists never realize that in the roots of a sprouting plant are cells that perceive gravitational pull, and light-sensitive cells in the upward growing tips. Light and gravity determine the direction of growth of the roots and sprouts.
Darwinists never realize that with their photosynthetic systems that convert light into nutrients and break carbon dioxide into oxygen, leaves ensure the ecological balance and could never have emerged by chance.
Darwinists never realize how plants—which manufacture carbohydrates, the fundamental food source of all living things, by using solar energy—manage to carry out this process in as little as one billionth of a second.
We sent down cascading water from the clouds so that by it
We might bring forth grains and plants and luxuriant gardens.
(Surat an-Naba’, 14-16)
Darwinists never appreciate the process by which plants, which have no central nervous systems or any brain to control them, absorb specific quantities of minerals and water from the soil and make use of air and the Sun to produce food for all animal life.
Darwinists never explain that maple trees, which possess no intelligence, protect themselves against harmful pests with the tannin they manufacture. Much more powerful than man-made pesticides, its production can never be explained in terms of coincidences.
Darwinists can never account for the irreducible complexity in all plant systems by the theory of evolution.
Darwinists never appreciate how pollens, essential to the reproduction of various plant species, can reach other members of the same species hundreds of kilometers (miles) away by being carried along by the wind.
Darwinists never appreciate the extraordinary exception of the coconut, the seeds of palm tree. Most seeds that sprout as soon as they come into contact with water. But thanks to its tough shell, coconuts, do not germinate during their 80-day journey in salt water and are thus able to survive.
Since the universe and beings exist, and within them are acts and creation; and since an orderly act cannot occur without an author, a meaningful book cannot exist without a scribe, nor a skilful embroidery without an embroiderer, the purposeful acts that fill the universe surely have an Author, and the meaningful letters and amazing embroideries that cover the face of the Earth and are renewed from season to season have a Scribe and an Embroiderer. 29  Bediuzzaman Said Nursi
Pollens that travel hundreds of kilometers behave as if they know they will reach other members of their species. Darwinism remains speechless in the face of such a system.
Darwinists never realize that chance can never account for how trees can supply water to even their uppermost leaves, without the need for any pump or similar system.
Darwinists never realize the intelligence and consciousness with which trees' leaves carry out complex chemical processes in their cells in order to fall only in autumn.
Darwinists never admit that the superior, highly rational system by which the plane tree emits poison into the soil to protect the tree from weeds without damaging the tree itself could never emerge by chance.
Darwinists never realize that plants were created, together with the many various defensive mechanisms they use to protect themselves.
Darwinists' theory of evolution can never account for the way that when attacked, a leaf informs other leaves on the same plant and tells them to protect themselves by emitting jasmonic acid.
All of these fruits and the seeds within them are miracles of Divine wisdom, wonders of Divine art, gifts of Divine mercy, material proofs of Divine unity, and bearers of the good news that Divine favors will be granted in the Hereafter. Just as they are all truthful witnesses to His all-embracing power and knowledge, each of them is a mirror confirming His unity in all the corners of the world of multiplicity and in all the parts of the world of this tree, a world that has become multiple. They turn the gaze from multiplicity to unity. 30  Bediuzzaman Said Nursi
It is He Who sends down water from the sky from which We bring forth growth of every kind.
(Surat al-An’am, 99)
Allah is He Who created the heavens and the earth and sends down water from the sky and by it brings forth fruits as provision for you.
(Surah Ibrahim, 12)
Darwinists fail to consider that plants and their leaves have a sublime evaporative cooling system, a system that can never be accounted for in terms of chance.
Darwinists can never explain in terms of evolution how the impermeable waxy layer covering the leaves' surfaces, known as the cuticle, reduces water loss to a minimum.
Darwinists never realize that chance cannot explain how desert plants "learned" to conserve water rather than allowing it to evaporate, and how they came to possess features ideally suited to harsh desert conditions.
The lotus plant uses rain drops to clean the dust particles from its surface. Darwinists never think that this attribute, which they try to imitate using contemporary technology, could never come about by chance.
Darwinists never fully understand how trees, despite their outer surfaces being covered in a dry bark can pass many tons of water up through their trunks and in the absence of that mechanism, could never survive.
Darwinists never realize that Allah created plants in such a manner as to give pleasure to humans with their matchless colors and differing tastes and aromas, despite their growing in the same soil and being irrigated with the same water.
Darwinists never realize that the way that cultivated trees absorb into their fruits only those minerals essential for human beings, just like a nutritionist.
Darwinists never explain how certain trees, devoid of any means of planning, adopt the most stunning colors in the autumn. This cannot be explained in terms of evolution.
Darwinists never account for the leaves of trees in cold climates being coated in a waxy substance, for which reason they can survive without suffering water loss. This adaptation cannot be accounted for in terms of blind chance.
Darwinists never admit that architects who design the roofs of houses in sharp peaks to avoid damage from the weight of heavy snow are inspired by the evergreen trees created by Allah. A great many other highly rational structures in nature inspire engineers, none of which can have emerged by chance.
Darwinists never admit that the biological clocks that plants possess in order to survive cannot be accounted for by the theory of evolution.
Darwinists never recognize that their theory is wholly refuted by this admission of Anthony Trewavas, a member of the Edinburgh University Institute of Cellular and Molecular Biology, that appeared in the 21 February, 2002, edition of Nature under the title "Plant Intelligence: Mindless Mastery": "Internally, plant cells and tissues communicate with each other using proteins; nucleic acids; many hormones; mineral, chemical, hydraulic, mechanical, oxidative and electrical signals; peptides; various lipids; sugars; wall fragments; and other complex carbohydrates. Quite how individual plant cells accommodate this prodigious amount of information is not understood."
On the page of the Earth, raise your head, open your eyes, and look at the great Book of the Universe. You will see that on it as a whole a stamp of Unity is read out which is as clear as it is big. 31  Bediuzzaman Said Nursi
Darwinists never realize that the process in which the lotus plant wipes away the dust particles on its flat leaves by using raindrops could never have come about by chance.
Darwinists never think that the theory of evolution can never account for the camouflage ability possessed by many plants to protect themselves from predators and is able to deceive humans as well.
Darwinists never realize the way that the numerical series known as the Fibonacci series, is encountered so often in different plants that it can never be explained in terms of evolution.

Chapter 2: What Darwinists Fail To Consider - 2

Darwinists Never Reflect on the Formation of the Universe

Our Earth is just one among the countless planets, stars and galaxies in space. Darwinists are reluctant to think how the extraordinary equilibrium in this giant system could never form by chance.
Darwinists never realize that each of the planets, great or small, in the solar system has been specially arranged, with their positions and movements and countless other details, and that even a millimetric deviation in a planet's positions could disrupt all the interdependent balances in the solar system.
Darwinists never understand that the distance between the Earth and the Moon is of the greatest importance to life on Earth, and maintaining of a great many vital balances such as the timing of tides. The slightest change in that distance could give rise to fatal results.
Darwinists never worry that even a 10% reduction in the amount of solar energy reaching the Earth would result in our planet being covered in a layer of ice several meters thick.
The Sun too is merely a flash manifesting in the sea of the skies… 32
The universe's lamp, the Sun, forms a window onto the existence and Unity of the universe's Maker that is as brilliant and luminous as the Sun itself. 33
Darwinists never realize that were it not for the 23º27' tilt in the Earth's axis, there would be such high temperatures between the Poles and the Equator, preventing the formation of the atmosphere and thus life on Earth.
Blessed be He Who placed constellations in the sky and
put a blazing lamp and shining moon among them.
(Surat al-Furqan, 61)
He has made night and day subservient to you, and the sun and moon and stars, all subject to His command. There are certainly Signs in that for people who use their intellect.
(Surat an-Nahl, 12)
Darwinists never point out that if atmospheric pressure were just twice what it is, the level of water vapor in the atmosphere would decline. All the land on Earth would turn into desert, and life would be impossible.
Factors such as the Earth's angle of inclination, its size and its distance from the Sun, could never have combined together by chance. The sensitivity they possess shows that the entire system was brought into being by a Supreme Creator. That Supreme Creator is Allah, Lord of the Worlds.
Darwinists know that the universe we live in emerged some 15 billion years ago from a single point. But such a great explosion should actually have caused enormous chaos. The atoms or sub-atomic particles should have been scattered randomly all throughout the emptiness of space. But such a thing did not happen. Instead, a highly systematic and organized universe emerged.
Darwinists never realize that the very high energy emitted by a single explosion in the Sun is equivalent to that of a 100-billion-ton bomb of the kind dropped on Hiroshima. But by means of our planet's atmosphere and magnetic field, this radiation reaches the Earth in a highly reduced form.
Darwinists never realize that oxygen is a corrosive element and should normally be expected to oxidize our tissues. In order to prevent this, Allah has created the oxygen in the atmosphere in a neutral form, O2, which does not easily enter into chemical reactions.
If you want to imagine the death agonies of the world as the Qur'an points them out, think of how the parts of the universe are bound to one another with an exact, exalted order. They are held with such hidden, delicate, subtle bonds and are so bound within an order that on a single one of the lofty heavenly bodies receiving the command: "Be!" or, "Leave your orbit!", the world will go into its death agonies. 34  Bediuzzaman Said Nursi
Darwinists never question how carbon-based compounds form vastly different organic structures, from the cell membrane to tree bark, from the lens in the eye to deer antlers, and from egg white to snake venom. Carbon makes life possible on Earth and gives rise to exceedingly diverse substances by combining with hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen atoms in different three-dimensional shapes and sequences.
Water is essential for the human body. For that reason, water has a specific viscosity value that enables the circulatory system to operate flawlessly. This and other characteristics unique to water prove that this liquid is a marvel of Creation. But Darwinists never think of this.
Darwinists never question why, in contrast to all other known liquids, water begins to expand at temperatures below + 4°C, thus enabling ice to float. This attribute was especially created in order to support the life of numerous creatures living in the seas.
Water is 10 billion times more viscous than tar, 1,000 more viscous than glycerol, 100 times more so than olive oil and, 25 times more so than sulphuric acid. Darwinists fail to consider how this viscosity of water is of the greatest importance to the efficient functioning of the system, and that if its viscosity were similar to that of tar, no heart—itself consisting of a large percentage of water—could possibly pump blood.
Darwinists never realize that the universe is not eternal and that it came into being out of nothing with the explosion of a single point of zero volume.
They also never realize that the Big Bang, which led to the formation of the universe, also brought about an order with an extraordinary sensitivity that pervades the whole universe.
Darwinists never realize that under the second law of thermodynamics, all systems left to natural conditions gradually become disordered. For that reason, the universe and everything in it should be moving towards an inevitable end.
The universe is built around extraordinary balances and delicate systems. The fact that giant stars and planets move with such delicate systems definitively refutes coincidence. But Darwinists are evidently unwilling to consider this.
Darwinists never appreciate that in the wake of the Big Bang, if the speed of the universe's expansion had been different by just one part in a billion billion (1/1018), the universe would never have emerged at all.
The average distance between the stars in our galaxy is 30 million miles (48,280,000 kilometers). Darwinists never realize that if this distance were just slightly less, the planets' orbits would become destabilized. There is an immaculate creation in the universe.
Darwinists never realize that if the force of gravity were slightly greater, many of the larger stars in the universe would collapse into black holes.
Darwinists never appreciate that the extraordinarily complex sub-atomic particles of just 0.0000001 of the atom's volume act in an extraordinary sensitivity and order.
Darwinists claim that atoms such as phosphorus and carbon combined together as the result of coincidences and organized themselves under the effects of natural phenomena such as lightning, volcanoes, ultraviolet rays and radiation in such a way as to give rise to proteins, cells, fish, cats, rabbits, lions, birds, human beings and all of life. But they fail to realize that these very atoms are devoid of consciousness, intelligence, and life itself.
Darwinists never think how if gravity were slightly greater than every one of the great stars would have turned into a black hole.
The density of the universe, the speed at which it expands, the star systems, the features of the galaxies, their forces of gravity, orbits, courses, speeds and the substances they contain—all depend on highly delicate balances and calculations. In the same way, our Earth, the atmosphere that surrounds it, and its ideal structure for human life, are all examples of an extraordinary creation. Yet Darwinists never realize that the slightest variation in these balances would totally disrupt the entire system.
Darwinists never calculate that if the physical and chemical properties of water or the composition or temperature of the Earth's atmosphere were just slightly different to what they actually are, then there would be no clouds. In the absence of clouds, there would be no source of fresh water on Earth.
Darwinists fail to consider the way rain falls at specific levels for the maintenance of life in various regions of the Earth, and the regulation of its form and speed cannot be explained in terms of the theory of evolution.
Darwinists never realize the Solar System revolves around the center of the galaxy at a speed of 720,000 kilometers (447,400 miles) an hour. The Milky Way, containing 200 million stars, travels through space at 950,000 kilometers (590,300 miles) an hour. Due to the flawless equilibrium established by Allah, we live in such a fastmoving and complex system without mishap.
Darwinists never realize that by chance, lifeless, unconscious assemblages of atoms can never give rise to the Earth, the planets, the Solar System, flowers, fruits, trees and the human beings who live in complete harmony with them.
Darwinists never realize that the positions and movements of the many planets, large and small, existing in the universe are not haphazard and that all the balances in the universe have been flawlessly created by Allah.
And He has made everything in the heavens and everything on the Earth subservient to you. It is all from Him. There are certainly Signs in that for people who reflect. (Surat al-Jathiyya, 13)

Darwinists Never Reflect on the Glorious Creation of Man

. . . Thus, ail these things demonstrate as decisively as two plus two equals four that everything is subjugated to the Maker of this wondrous palace, that is, to the Owner of this strange world. Everything is like a soldier under His command. Everything turns through His strength. Everything acts through His command. Everything is set in order through His wisdom. Everything helps the others through His munificence. Everything hastens to the assistance of the others through His compassion, that is, they are made to hasten to it. And so, my friend! Say something in the face of this, if you can! 35 Bediuzzaman Said Nursi
Darwinists never realize how the feet, whose tissues, veins and muscles are never harmed when we run or stand up and down, could not have come into being by chance.
Darwinists never realize that since neither Internet technology nor even the simplest telephone exchange can form by chance, coincidence cannot account for the far more complex system inside the brain, which requires engineering, information, consciousness, intelligence and technology.
Darwinists, who claim that a succession of coincidences can give rise to a complex organism, never realize that the human body, can function flawlessly only when all its organs are present simultaneously.
1. Injured blood vessel
2. Hemostasis (stopping of the blood flow)

3. Translocation
4. Adhesion
5. Spreading
6. Stable aggregation
7. Clot formation
8. Exposed proteins at injured sire
The blood clotting system is an extraordinary phenomenon that takes place with a series of enzymes working together. Every enzyme in this system has to be activated in the right place and at the right time. It is absolutely impossible to account for such a mechanism operating correctly in every living body in terms of unconscious chance.
Darwinists never realize that it is irrational to claim that the protein thrombin, constantly traveling in the blood but which brings about clotting at only one site in the event of bleeding, could have come into existence through random changes.
Darwinists never realize how it is that stomach acids, powerful enough to dissolve a razor blade, do not harm the stomach itself.
Darwinists never appreciate that cells that come into being by multiplying from a single cell in the womb, gradually diversify to form very different tissues and organs. The human nose, hand and kidney ultimately derive from that same original cell. These cells multiply to the extent necessary and then cease doing so once a complete organ is formed.
Darwinists never realize how during the process of development in the womb, every one out of billions of cells assumes its allotted place. For example, they establish some 120 trillion electrical connections to exchange information among the cells in the brain. They never make a single error in creating this impeccable electronic apparatus.
Darwinists never appreciate that the total length of the 5 billion or so capillary vessels in the human body is 950 kilometers (590 miles). If 10,000 of the smallest of these were laid side by side, they would measure no more than the lead part of a lead pencil. The way blood flows through these narrow channels over an entire lifetime can never be the work of unconscious coincidences but is a manifest proof of the greatness of Allah.  (www.fossil-museum.com)
Darwinists never realize that in reading one sentence, the eyes perform some 100 billion processes. Through the will and mercy of Allah, they possess one of the most perfect systems in the world.
Blood cells separate the oxygen entering the body and distribute it where it is needed.
Is it at all possible that the One Who gives life to this vast, dead and dry earth; Who in so doing demonstrates His power by deploying more than three hundred thousand different forms of creation, each of them as remarkable as man; Who further demonstrates in this deployment His all-embracing knowledge by the infinite distinctions and differentiations He makes in the complex intermingling of all of those forms; Who directs the gaze of all His slaves to everlasting bliss by promising them resurrection in all of His heavenly decrees; Who demonstrates the splendor of His Dominion by causing all of His creation to collaborate with one another, to revolve within the circle of His command and His will, to aid one another and be submitted to Him; Who shows the importance He has given to man by creating him as the most comprehensive, the most precious and delicate, the most valued and valuable fruit on the tree of creation by addressing him without intermediary and subjugating all things to him—is it at all possible that so Compassionate and Powerful a One, so Wise and All-Knowing a One, should not bring about resurrection; should not gather His creatures together or be unable to do so; should not restore man to life, or be unable to do so; should not be able to inaugurate His Supreme Court; should not be able to create Heaven and Hell? Nay, indeed, by no means is any of this possible. 36  Bediuzzaman Said Nursi
Darwinists never appreciate that a drop of blood contains some 250 million red blood cells, 400 thousand white blood cells and millions of thrombocytes. A great miracle that produces molecules with these properties and lets them all function together. Allah has flawlessly created blood right down to the finest detail.
1. Virus
2. Bacteria
Darwinists never realize that to prevent death from loss of blood, more than 20 enzymes all have to be present at the same time to help blood clot. This complexity is incompatible with the mechanism of evolution.
Darwinists never realize who directs the sequence of the 20 varieties of enzymes during the course of blood clotting? Unconscious atoms could never achieve this vital sequencing of their own accord, and the answer to that question can never be found in any Darwinist explanation.
Darwinists never realize why transporter proteins in the blood carry the needs of hundreds of different kinds of cells in the body in the form of packages. This is incompatible with the principle of supposed evolution that an entity acts only in its own interests and will not assist or co-operate with other entities.
Darwinists never realize that blood cells recognize oxygen molecules entering the lungs and carefully separate them out. They then carry these to all the cells of the body, distributing the oxygen according to the cells' needs. Such a selective conscious system could never result from unconscious coincidences.
2.5 million erythrocytes (red blood cells) are produced in the blood every second. This conscious production is impossible with unconscious processes.
Darwinists never wonder how blood cell, formed in the bone marrow, can know the human body as well as it does. These cells never carry substances required by the kidneys to the brain instead, and Darwinists cannot account for such precise behavior.
Darwinists never question how the 100 trillions cells in the body, which they claim came into being by chance, are controlled impeccably, or how errors in the cell are resolved, or how its needs are met, its wastes expelled, and how this system operates in such a controlled way as to leave no room for coincidence.
They never consider how a virus, which Darwinists describe as the most primitive living structure, could have learned how to take over, out of billions of cells, the specific elements of the boy's immune system known as antibodies and leukocytes, in order to be able to neutralize the defenses of a body it has never encountered before.
We have no evidence that the modal form of human bodies or brains has changed at all in the past 100,000 year—a standard phenomenon of stasis for successful and widespread species, and not (as popularly misconceived) an odd exception to an expectation of continuous and progressive change. The Cro-Magnon people who painted the caves at Lascaux and Altamira some fifteen thousand years ago are us—and one look at the incredible richness and beauty of this work convinces us, in the most immediate and visceral way, that Picasso held no edge in mental sophistication over these ancestors with identical brains. 37  Evolutionary paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould
Darwinists never question how a system inside the body, which they maintain came into existence as a result of evolutionary processes, prevents the heat emitted by a muscle's contraction from doing any harm to that muscle. The blood's heat-dispersal mechanism could never come into existence by chance.
Darwinists never think how the 100 billion neurons in the brain work to perfection with a special communications system.
Darwinists never realize how it is that different cells in the blood, which they claim came into being by chance, know their own tasks, perform them without making any errors and how they continue discharging their responsibilities uninterruptedly for an entire lifetime.
Darwinists never realize that 2.5 million erythrocytes need to be produced every second in the blood, which they maintain came into existence through unconscious coincidences. Were it not for this, the veins would become blocked due to a decrease in the blood's viscosity. This vital equilibrium could never develop through random processes and phenomena.
Darwinists never question that the human eye forms an image on the retina in less than 1/10 second. The image occupies a space no more than 1 square millimeter (0.00155 square inch) in size. The human eye possesses a mechanism faster and more practical than 64 computers equipped with the latest technology.
Darwinists never realize that bones in the skeletal system are all totally compatible with one another and connected at specific points. Each bone has its own particular function. Thanks to your bones, you are able to walk and run. The skeletal system once again reveals the sublimity of Allah's creative artistry.
Darwinists never question why human beings' two eyes came into being by chance, as they claim, nor how the images produced by these never interfere with each other, nor how they manage to perceive color and in three dimensions.
Using their 1000 or so scent receptors, human beings can distinguish between more than 10,000 different smells. This system cannot possibly arise by chance. But Darwinists never think of this superior system that also exists in their own bodies.
1. Olfactory cortex
2. Olfactory bulb
3. Bunch of capillary vessels
4. Mitral cell
5. Olfactory neuron
6. Micro-hairs
7. Air and scent molecules
Darwinists never realize that there are an average of 100 billion neurons in the human brain. Were you to count them one by one, at a rate of one every second, it would take you 3,171 years. If these 100 billion 10-micron neurons were laid out end to end, they would stretch for 1,000 kilometers (621 miles).
Every day the heart sends 36 billion liters of blood 19,308 kilometers through the human body. Darwinists never think how this cannot happen by chance.
1. Head and upper limbs
2. Right lung
3. Left lung
4. Trunk and lower limbs
Darwinists never realize that there are around 1,000 different scent receptors in the human nose. By way of the magnificent scent perception system in the nose, human beings can detect more than 10,000 smells through combinations of these different receptors.
Darwinists never realize that after a given length of time, sense receptors stop sending the brain signals about substances in contact with the skin. The skin thus gradually grows accustomed to the material touching it. What a great blessing this represents for human beings!
Darwinists never appreciate that though it takes only a few seconds to read a single sentence, if just one of the enzymes in the human body were not to work, that sentence would take 1,500 years to read.
Enzymes are responsible for activating cells and initiating and accelerating reactions, and one enzyme can accelerate a reaction 1010 times—in other words, 10 billion times. But Darwinists never realize that if enzymes did not do their jobs, a great many reactions that keep you alive would have to wait until you had read this sentence. Inactive cells, unaware of one another, would one by one begin to die.
Darwinists never wonder that nerve impulses travel through the body at a speed of approximately 9 kilometers (5.59 miles) a second, thus protecting you against a wide range of dangers.
Darwinists never calculate that there is less than one millionth of a gram of hormones in a liter of blood, despite which hormones have such vitally important functions to perform.
Darwinists never realize that every day, your heart pumps 7,200 liters (1,584 gallons) of blood over a distance of 100,000 kilometers (61,140 miles).
When human beings blink, tears cover the eye in the form of a very thin film. This layer makes the surface of the eye smooth and transparent. It is impossible to see properly without it. Darwinists never think how chance cannot be the great force that brings this about.
1. Tear glands
2. Mucus layer
3. Water layer
4. Oil layer
5. Conjunctiva
6. Oil glands
Darwinists never realize that blood passes through the kidneys an average of 300 times a day.
Darwinists never realize that every second you spend reading, your retinas perform 10 billion calculations.
Darwinists never realize that your roughly 5.6 liters (1,232 gallons) of blood course through your body three times every minute and travel around 100,000 kilometers (62,140 miles) every day.
Darwinists never realize that the muscle that enables your eyes to blink is the fastest in the body. Thanks to this muscle, we blink an average of 15,000 times a day.
Darwinists never realize that 5 liters (1.1 gallons) of blood have to travel through the veins that extend to every part of a body of average weight, that if part of this is taken away, 1 liter (0,22 gallon) for instance, it will be more difficult to move the remaining blood, and that if the blood does not fill the veins the fine blood vessels will stick together, blood will cease to flow and the cells will rapidly begin to die, and that cells can only remain without oxygen for one or two minutes.
Darwinists never reflect how in secreting meat digesting acids, the stomach, itself made of flesh, avoids digesting itself and how this is incompatible with the claim of chance.
Darwinists never realize that the 500 highly complex functions carried out in a single liver cell, most of them in a flawless succession in a matter of milliseconds, cannot be replicated even under laboratory conditions. It is impossible for these functions to have come about by chance.
And in man is a three-pound brain which, as far as we know, is the most complex and orderly arrangement of matter in the universe 38  Isaac Asimov, biochemist and science writer
We created man from a mingled drop to test him, and We made him hearing and seeing.
(Surat al-Insan, 2)
Allah brought you out of your mothers' wombs knowing nothing at all, and gave you hearing, sight and hearts so that perhaps you would show thanks.
(Surat an-Nahl, 78)
Darwinists never account for how surplus, flawed or diseased cells in the body destroy themselves. Some dead cells are not cleared away since they can still be of use. These macrophage cells decide which dead cells to eliminate and which to leave, just as if they were conscious entities.
In order for the eye to see, the 40 complex components within it must all be present at the same time. If just one of these is missing, the eye will not work. Darwinists tell tall tales about how exceedingly complex components can all come together by chance and perform the process of seeing in a coincidental manner. But they never think that no logical person can ever believe that claim.
1. Skull
2. Sclera
3. Choroidea
4. Retina
5. Micro-hair region
6. Optical fibers
7. Iris
8. Pupil
9. Lens
10. Cornea
11. Water fluid
12. Optic nerve
13. Fovea
14. Retinal blood vessel
15. Vitreous fluid
Darwinists never account for how the pituitary gland, a small piece of tissue no larger than a chickpea, controls all the hormones in our bodies and the hormonal system itself.
Darwinists do not understand how growth hormone secreted by the pituitary gland controls the division of trillions of cells in a perfect order, or how this tiny gland decides at what stage the body and its organs should stop growing.
Darwinists don't understand how mother's milk meets all the newborn's needs. Baby food manufacturers are still unable to manufacture an equivalent to mother's milk.
Darwinists never realize how the receptor cells in the hypothalamus monitor the body's level of water 24 hours a day, and take the necessary precautions when they determine any excess or deficiency.
In claiming that the eye evolved in stages, Darwinists never realize that the eye is irreducibly complex and that it cannot function unless all its 40 main components are all present and working in harmony together. By itself, this organ totally undermines the theory of evolution.
Darwinists never admit that the human eye provides an image far superior to and clearer than that of the most advanced cameras.
Darwinists never realize that every neuron in the human brain has about 1,000 to 10,000 synapses, or connections with other cells. There are some 1 quadrillion synapses in the brain, enabling some 1,000,000,000,000,000 acts of communication. It is impossible for all this complexity to have come about by chance.
Darwinists never realize that while the fastest data processing man-made computers perform 109 operations per second, the human brain—which they claim came into existence by chance—can perform 1015 operations a second.
Darwinists never admit that it is absolutely impossible for chance to organize nerve cells in such a way as to establish an astonishing communications network.
Gastric fluid does not harm the stomach as it digests all the foodstuffs entering it. Darwinists have no explanation of how such a consciousness emerged.
Darwinists never examine how the cells of the immune system produce substances known as antibodies against microbes or other foreign bodies known as antigens, which either try to kill them or else prevent them from reproducing. The most important feature of these antibodies is their ability to distinguish between hundreds of thousands of different microbes and prepare themselves to destroy them.
Darwinists never consider that some antibodies are even able to recognize artificial antigens produced in the laboratory and then injected into the human body.
Darwinists never realize that antibodies immediately identify and produce the most effective weapon to be used against a given foreign body.
Darwinists never consider that the human kidneys are around 10 centimeters (3.937 of an inch) in length and weigh 100 grams (0.220 of a pound) and contain more than 1 million micro-purification plants. In these plants, the blood that carries everything essential for our survival is constantly cleansed and purified. Not even the giant machines built by human beings can replicate the kidney's functions.
When we look at the main divisions of mankind, we find many differences that are visible to the unaided eye . . . It is highly likely that all these differences are determined genetically, but they are not determined in any simple way. For example, where skin color is concerned, there are at least four gene differences that contribute to variations in pigmentation. 39  Luigi and Luca Cavalli-Sforza, evolutionist geneticists
Darwinists never understand how, when cells inside the human body need to be manufactured or need to be destroyed, these functions are performed with perfect timing and in a perfect order, completely beyond our will or knowledge.
Darwinists never appreciate though the enzymes, which carry electrons through the fluid between the cells, are not conscious, were they to scatter the messages they carry randomly rather than to their correct destinations, the resulting chaos in the brain would totally demolish the sensory system, severing all links with the outside world.
Darwinists never discuss the way that bone cells known as osteoclasts alter the length and shape of bones and shrinknotches on the bone surface. While the osteoclast removes bone, osteoblast cells begin manufacturing bone in such a way as to maintain the skeleton. All these actions take place in perfect order in every bone in the body.
A dialysis machine is the product of technology that gills huge hospital wards, ties patients to bed for hours on end and inevitably produces side-effects. These devices, which are used as the only effective solution to kidney disorders can only do a very limited part of what the kidneys, no bigger than a fist and consisting of fat, protein and blood, do. Yet Darwinists claim that this magnificient organ, the like of which human beings have been unable to develop, came into being by chance.
Foreign substances entering the body, known as antigens, are eliminated thanks to special antibodies the body manufactures against them. Highly conscious processes take place, from the recognition of a microbe to its destruction. Darwinists never think of how such a conscious system came into being.
1. The defense cell binds to the antigen
2. The active defense cell produces more antibodies.
3. Antibodies bind to the antigen
4. The macrophage binds to the antigen
5. The macrophage destroys the antigen.
1. Renal collection points
2. Renal pelvis
3. Renal artery
4. Inner section
5. Renal vein
6. Urethra
7. Cortex

Darwinists never realize that the bone cells, which they maintain came into being through unconscious coincidences, form the hardness, length, shape, protrusions and interfaces of every bone in the body, and do so without ever making an error.
Darwinists never realize that human development takes place according to specific limits. When a particular height has been reached and the hands and feet attain their mature size, how it is possible that they decide to stop growing any more?
Darwinists never appreciate how molecules invisible to the human eye work constantly to keep us alive.
Human beings’ limbs grow at a specific rate during the developmental phase, after which growth stops. It is impossible to ascribe this flawless control to chance.
Darwinists never realize that the human DNA molecule contains enough information to fill millions of encyclopedia pages, yet is composed of unconscious atoms such as phosphorus, carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen.
Darwinists never realize that the body produces some 260 to 400 billion blood cells every day. This production, which takes place in the bone marrow, depends on the differing division abilities of a special cell known as the stem cell.
Darwinists claim that blood came into being by chance, yet they never admit that nothing resembling it can be produced in even the most advanced laboratories.
Darwinists seldom appreciate that if the very first animal's blood did not clot, then blood loss from the slightest injury could result in death.
Darwinists never understand how although the protein thrombin causes blood to clot and travels within the blood, it does not cause clotting in the vessels it passes through.
Darwinists never appreciate that the human foot requires 54 different muscles working together simultaneously in order to take a single step.
Darwinists never appreciate that the air we all breathe contains many harmful substances and germs, but that the micro-hairs in our nasal passages protect us against most of them.
Darwinists never explain how, though the 200 or so different types of cell in the body possess basically the same mechanisms, they have such very different tasks. For example, a liver cell carries out 500 different chemical processes in a matter of milliseconds (one thousandth of a second), and a heart cell produces electricity for our entire lifetime.
Darwinists never realize that even when adults are asleep, their hearts are able to pump 340 liters (74 gallons) of blood every hour.
Darwinists never realize how the 5 to 6 liters (1.1 gallons) of blood in the human body represents some 7 to 8% of body weight. If its red blood cells were laid out end to end, they would form a line almost 100,000 kilometers (62,140 miles) long, enough to stretch twice around the Earth.
Darwinists never reflect on how stem cells comprise just one of the ten thousand kinds of cells manufactured in bone marrow. Though these cells look no different from any other cells, they have the sublime ability to grow in to different types of cell according to the body's needs, giving rise to new cells that replace damaged ones inside the body.
Darwinists never consider how the human hand that enables them to perform countless actions—from drinking to driving a car, from writing to sewing—has been equipped with 27 bones and a perfect system of muscles and nerves that controls them. Human beings open and close their hands at least 25 million times during their lives, and it is impossible for such a mechanism to be replicated artificially.
Darwinists never appreciate that the heart pumps blood constantly, from birth to death. This pump began working by using its own electrical system to meet our bodies' needs, and in one hour, it produces enough energy to lift an average-size car one meter off the ground.
O man! What has deluded you in respect of your Noble Lord?
(Surat al-Infitar, 6)
He Who created you and formed you and proportioned you.
(Surat al-Infitar, 7)
Recite: In the Name of your Lord Who created, created man from clots of blood.
Recite: And your Lord is the Most Generous,
(Surat al-‘Alaq, 1-3)
Darwinists never recognize how the heart starts beating suddenly while a person is still a fetus in its mother's womb. From that moment, it causes blood to flow through the body by constantly expanding and contracting. It pumps blood at every moment of our lives, without our being aware of it, and beyond our conscious control.
Darwinists never appreciate that the double-layered membrane around the heart lets it function comfortably and protects it against blows. Thanks to the viscous fluid between these two layers, the heart is able to expand and contract for a whole lifetime.
Darwinists never realize that not even a single one of the components that make up the heart can have arisen spontaneously. No matter what perfect features it may possess, a heart with no circulatory system or blood to pump will serve no purpose at all. According to their own Darwinist logic, an organ with no function should disappear, and no organ like the heart with all its complex features could have ever come into existence by chance.
The heart pumps blood through the human body from birth to death. This glorious process that the heart carries out by using its own electrical system, cannot be explained by any Darwinist mechanism.
1. Lungs
2. Pulmonary circulation
3. Left side of the heart
4. Right side of the heart
5. Systemic circulation
6. Body
Darwinists never recall that the heart requires an electrical impulse in order to contract, that the cells permitting those contractions will not work without electricity, yet the heart, a mere piece of muscle, is able to produce the required electricity.
Darwinists never explain how the protein keratin can produce structures such as hair and nails, with completely different properties, over the course of a lifetime, without ever making a mistake.
In maintaining that collagen, a protein that produces both smooth elastic skin and hard, tough bones came into being by chance, Darwinists never realize that this protein occurs in just those regions where it is needed, in a literally intelligent manner, producing skin in some locations and bone in others.
Darwinists never realize how the brain, which they maintain emerged by chance, functions without interruption, and with no nerves becoming tangled.
Darwinists never realize how atoms, which they maintain behave in a random manner, come to constitute the tear gland.
Darwinists never stop to wonder how the eyebrows, which they maintain came into being through unconscious processes, decide to stop growing after reaching a specific length.
Darwinists never realize how the body, which they maintain came into being by chance, formed a brain, eyes, a skeletal system and joints; and cells possessing a nucleus, mitochondria and DNA.
Darwinists may write books about anatomy and employ frequent Latin terminology, but are still unable to explain how these cells came together in such an ordered manner.
Darwinists never realize that while various cells in the stomach secrete acids to break down foodstuffs, other cells alongside them secrete sticky mucus which coats the surface of the stomach, shielding it against those acids and preventing enzymes from damaging it.
Darwinists never appreciate that the stomach acids, powerful enough to dissolve a razorblade, could destroy the stomach in a very short time. For this reason, stomach acids and the mucus to protect the stomach against them must have co-existed together from the very beginning.
The empty stomach contains an enzyme known as pepsinogen which has no digestive properties. But with the arrival of foodstuffs, stomach cells begin producing hydrochloric acid (HCL), which immediately alters the structure of the pepsinogen in the stomach, converting it into a very powerful enzyme known as pepsin. This immediately breaks down the foodstuffs in the stomach. It is totally impossible for a fluid that is completely harmless when the stomach is empty, but which turns into a powerful destructive agent when the stomach is full, to have come into being by chance.
Darwinists never admit that a membrane known as the periton in the outer tissue of the stomach protects it from friction caused by rubbing against the intestine as it carries out its digestive functions. The slippery fluid secreted by this membrane works as a kind of external lubricant for the stomach and intestines, protecting these organs from friction as they rub against one another.
Darwinists never realize that a group of special cells in one small part of the small intestine are charged with trapping Vitamin B12. Throughout the course of our lives, they distinguish between Vitamin B12 and trillions of other molecules inside the body. They trap the B12 and lets it enter the bloodstream and reach the bone marrow for the production of blood. How can intestinal cells realize the importance of the Vitamin B12 they transport? How do they differentiate between this and trillions of other molecules?
Darwinists never understand how the liver knows that the stomach does not dissolve fats. It produces the special secretion known as bile when fatty foods reach the intestine, at exactly the right time and the right location.
Darwinists never realize that melanin, which gives the eye its color, provides extra protection by filtering out various spectra of light that would damage the retina, nor how melanin decided to do this.
Mankind! Worship your Lord, Who created you and those before you,
so that hopefully you will fear Allah.
(Surat al-Baqara, 21)
O Man! You are toiling laboriously towards your Lord but meet Him you will!
(Surat al-Inshiqaq, 6)

Chapter 2: What Darwinists Fail To Consider - 3

Darwinists Never Realize That the Stone Age is a Lie

These buttons made from bone and dating back to around 10,000 BC show that the people of the time had a clothing culture. But Darwinists refuse to admit that such a superior culture ever existed.
Evolutionists maintain that in the period between 11,000 and 7,000 BC human beings had only just adopted a settled mode of life and became civilized. The fact is, however, that tools from that time prove the existence of a flawless culture and civilization. The evidence for these societies that made use of technology for a settled lifestyle, knew about medicine and art and were highly civilized totally refutes Darwinists' claims.
Darwinists never acknowledge that at the very time when they claim that "primitive humans" were alive, there is proof that the people of the time actually enjoyed a civilization not so very different from our own. They used forks and spoons, welcomed guests, and led regular, settled lives.
This necklace, made from stones and shells and dating back to the Late Neolithic, shows that such concepts as art, aesthetics and technology existed at that time. But Darwinists do not think about what these findings tell us.
Darwinists never consider that buttons carved out of bone used circa 10,000 BCE are evidence that the people of that time wore sophisticated clothing culture, and that any culture that employed buttons must also have known about sewing and weaving.
Darwinists never consider how a 95,000-year-old flute is proof that people living tens of thousands of years ago appreciated music, and that there is no such thing as primitive man
Darwinists never consider how people of circa 10,000 BCE used copper implements, indicating that therefore, their society must have known about smelting and have had the technical know-how to extract copper from rock and then work it.
Darwinists never consider how the smooth finish on the surface of stones—from what they describe as from the Stone Age and claim to be the products of a primitive culture—is not the result of polish, because polish cannot survive intact for thousands of years. This patina was produced by using steel tools on the surface of the rock—a task requiring great skill.
Darwinists never question how a metal bowl was crafted from an alloy of zinc and silver 100,000 years ago, as reported in Scientific American magazine in 1852. The bouquets of flowers, bunches of grapes and other designs on it are the product of an advanced artistry. Clearly, the people who produced that alloy had developed a culture capable of working metal.
These stones, dating back to around 10,000 BC, were used as a kind of bead. Darwinists never think that the perfect holes in the stones could never have been made by smashing one against another, or of the fact that a technology employing iron and steel were used.
These 95,000-year-old whistles show that people at that time had a highly developed sense of music. To put in another way, the idea of the Stone Age is a Darwinist deception.
Darwinists never consider that a temperature of 1,084.5oC is needed to extract molten metal turn copper ore, that bellows or some other device is essential to ensure a flow of air during that process. A kiln must be constructed to maintain such a temperature, and that tools such as ladles and tongs to extract the metal from the kiln must also be in existence. For these reasons, people who lived in the past can in no way be regarded as primitive. (Also see Harun Yahya, A Historical Lie: The Stone Age, Istanbul: Global Publishing, 2006.)
These pins and awl are evidence that the imaginary time known as the Stone Age never happened. But this fact is ignored by Darwinists.
Darwinists never consider how countless discoveries, such as the remains of a metal bowl dating back 100,000 years, metal objects dating back 2,8 billion years, an iron bowl estimated to be 300 million years old, fragments of textiles dating back 27,000 years—plus metal remains showing that people in Europe were melting such metals as magnesium and platinum thousands of years ago—have entirely discredited the evolutionist deception of primeval peoples.
Darwinists never acknowledge how many discoveries belonging to ancient humans have been ignored by evolutionist scientists or else concealed in museum basements. The public has been given histories of early human societies that are entirely the product of evolutionists' imaginations, rather than the true history of mankind.
Darwinists never consider how the performance of brain surgery during the time they refer to as the Stone Age, and the discovery of adornments and the raw materials for dyes from excavations dating back to a time when they claim that human beings had no knowledge of art, are important evidence that there has never been a "primitive" time in human history.
Left: The bracelets above date back to around 9000-8500 BC; the one on the left is made of marble, and that on the right from basalt. In order for such extremely hard substances as basalt and marble to be made into smooth, round coils, sharp, shaping tools made from steel have to be used. Therefore, these objects from a time when Darwinists claim only stone tools were being used, refute all their claims.
Right: A hammer head from 10,000 BC

Darwinists never consider how archaeological findings have revealed that human beings have possessed a cultural understanding since the day they first came into being. Periodic advances, retreats and abrupt changes in that understanding are possible, but do not mean that any evolutionary process ever took place. Instead, they represent evidence of cultural development and change.
Darwinists never consider how the archaeological remains left behind by the people of the past are inconsistent with the anatomical and biological remains that evolutionists maintain should exist—and that this once again totally discredits Darwinist claims on the subject.
The picture shows tools made from obsidian (a kind of volcanic glass) or bone, hooks, and various objects made from stone. These findings indicate that civilized human beings using technology were alive at this time. And this entirely eliminates the myth of evolution.

Nail-shaped filling stone dating back to around 10,000 BC

Darwinists Never Consider the Existence of the Soul

A tyrannical current born of Naturalist and Materialist philosophy will gradually become strong and spread at the end of time by means of materialist philosophy, reaching such a degree that it denies Allah. 40  Bediuzzaman Said Nursi
Darwinists never realize that throughout their whole lives, they can perceive only the images established by electrical currents in their brains. They can never directly experience the external origins of any image.
Throughout their lives, human beings are faced with images produced by electric currents in the brain. Their partners, homes, cars and everything they see are a collection of images, but we can never have any direct contact with their originals on the outside. Darwinists have no answer to the question “Who is it who does the perceiving?”
Darwinists never realize that the sounds they hear, the sights they see and the scents they smell are merely a totality of perceptions formed in their brains, and that they can never prove the material existence of any of them.
Darwinists never realize that they have no answer to the question of "Who is it who perceives the outside world?"
The interior of the brain is pitch black. But we see a vivid, brightly colored world within our brains. Darwinists are reluctant to think about the fact that we live in an image that the soul that perceives, takes pleasure and rejoices in.
Darwinists never realize that the high-quality sound they perceive inside their brains consists merely of electrical signals, and that their transmission can never be accounted for in terms of chance.
Darwinists never realize that materialism cannot explain what does the perceiving in the human mind, and cannot account for the superior "awareness" of mankind.
Darwinists never appreciate that the human brain—the most complex structure in the world and which they imagine to have been brought about by chance—presents to us a perfectly clear and vivid world, and that this sublime mechanism cannot be replicated by unconscious atoms in any manner whatsoever.
But even if you accept that consciousness is something that comes from the brain (and not quite everyone does), and you find a pattern of brain activity that correlates with a conscious experience, there is still a problem. Why should the activity of a mass of neurons feel like anything? Why does pricking your finger feel like pain? Why does a red rose appear red? 41  New Scientist magazine
Fossils reveal a natural history that is totally at odds with Darwin’s theory. Excavations have unearthed not a single example of an intermediate form, but many specimens of living fossils indistinguishable from members of the same species living today.
Darwinists claim that the brain came into being by chance, yet it functions hundreds of times faster, in a much more complex manner than the fastest computer, and its functioning cannot be replicated electronically.
Darwinists never realize that the attributes that make human beings human, such as emotion, thought, feeling, love and belief, are not the results of activity in the brain's neurons, and there can be no material explanation for them.
Darwinists never realize that the human soul is what rejoices, gets surprised, thinks, analyses, diagnoses, recognizes the sounds it hears, and delights in the image and perfume of a rose.
Darwinists never realize that materialism is invalidated in the light of the human soul, of whose existence there is full evidence, and evolution can never account for the existence of that soul.
Darwinists never realize that concepts such as love, loyalty, friendship and honesty can never be explained in materialistic terms, and that the fictitious mechanisms of evolution can bring no light to bear on them.
A coding system always entails a nonmaterial intellectual process. Physical matter cannot produce an information code. All experiences show that every piece of creative information represents some mental effort and can be traced to a personal idea-giver who exercised his own free will, and who is endowed with an intelligent mind. . . . No known law of nature, no known process and no known sequence of events can cause information to originate by itself in matter. . . . 42  Prof. Werner Gitt, director of the German Physics and Technology Institute
Darwinistler için mutasyonlar, mucizeler gerçekleştiren bir sahte ilahtır. Oysa mutasyonların zarar verici özelliğini belgeleyen sayısız örnek karşısında geliştirici özelliklerine dair elde edilmiş tek bir bulgu yoktur.
Darwinists never realize that because coincidences have no consciousness, they cannot create art and beauty, nor intelligent and conscious human beings who hear, see, smell and touch, and who understand beauty, art and science.
Darwinists never realize that the way that the colorful images forming through electrical signals in the brain, in complete darkness, is a miracle that cannot be explained in terms of coincidences.
Given the structure of the brain, Darwinists never realize how and where a function such as memory emerges when expected and required.
Darwinists never understand how it is that, while they sleep, they can dream of a sky radiant with the brightness of the Sun's rays. They can feel chilled and dampened by rain, smell the enchanting fragrance of a rose and eat the most delicious foods they can never have enough of—all inside of a 1,300 to 1,400 nerve node inside the darkness of the brain.
[T]he information contained in the genetic code, like all information or messages, is not made of matter. . . . The meaning is not a property of the arrangement of the symbols or alphabet of the code. The message or meaning in the genetic code is non-material and cannot be reduced to a physical or chemical property. 43  Dean Overman

Darwinists Never Admit that All Their Claims Over the Last 160 Years Are Invalid

But just in proportion as this process of extermination has acted on an enormous scale, so must the number of intermediate varieties, which have formerly existed, be truly enormous. Why, then, is not every geological formation and every stratum full of such intermediate links? Geology assuredly does not reveal any such finely graduated organic chain; and this, perhaps, is the most obvious and serious objection which can be urged against my theory. 44  Charles Darwin
Yıllarca evrime delil olarak sunulmaya çalışılan sanayi devrimi kelebeklerinin bir Darwinist saptırmacadan, Darwinist propagandadan başka bir şey olmadclığı anlaşılmıştır.
Darwinists never consider that not one single intermediate-form fossil exists to corroborate their theory of evolution.
Darwinists never consider how a large part of the Earth's rock strata has been examined and that, despite all the fossils unearthed and progress in the science of palaeontology, evolutionists still have not found one example that they can submit as evidence.
Darwinists never admit that comparing fossils millions of years old with living specimens once again reveals the invalidity of the theory of evolution.
Darwinists never admit that every piece of research they perform in order to support the theory of evolution ends in disappointment. Every discovery they make reveals more proofs refuting evolution. With life as shown in the fossil record remaining unchanged for millions of years, and with the facts shown by science, it becomes clear that Allah has created the universe and all living things.
Darwinists imagine that so-called "living fossils" prove that a process of evolution took place on Earth, but in fact, these fossils reveal a natural history that is the exact opposite of Darwin's theory. They prove that living species did not emerge gradually from a process of evolution, but were created with their flawless forms in a single moment.
The Cambrian Explosion has attracted the interest of scientists since Darwin (1859) wrote that "the sudden manner in which several groups of species first appear in our European formations—[and] the almost entire absence, as at present known, of formations rich in fossils beneath Cambrian strata—are undoubtedly of the most serious nature." 45 Richard Ellis, evolutionist marine biologist
Darwinists never realize that far from proving their own claims, the fossils of complex invertebrates such as snails, trilobites, sponges, sea urchins, crustaceans and sea lilies in Cambrian rock beds prove that living things appeared suddenly and with no forebears before them, and that they demolish the myth of Darwin's evolutionary tree.
There is no need to apologize any longer for the poverty of the fossil record. In some ways, it has become almost unmanageably rich, and discovery is outpacing integration. . . . The fossil record nevertheless continues to be composed mainly of gaps. 46  T. Neville George, professor of Paleontology
Darwinists never realize that these words, "This follows from the extreme difficulty or rather impossibility of conceiving this immense and wonderful universe, including man, with his capacity of looking far backward and far into futurity, as the result of blind chance or necessity." actually belong to Charles Darwin. 47
Archaeopteryx bir ara form değil, uçucu bir kuştur. Darwinistler, evrime delil olarak gösterilmeye çalışılan 150 milyon yıllık bu kuşun, iddialarının tam aksine evrimi yalanladığını düşünmezler.
Darwinists claim that there are functionless vestigial organs in the human body and those of other living things, but never realize that such organs are a misinterpretation that arose from the medical ignorance in the past. These organs, regarded as vestigial by Darwin and his followers, actually have very important functions.
Darwinists even maintained that a large part of DNA was functionless junk. Yet they never admit that these past claims too stemmed from scientific ignorance. With advances in genetics, the functions of these genes have been revealed.
Darwinists imagine that variations within living species, such as the different beak structures among the finches living on the Galapagos Islands, is powerful evidence for evolution. Yet they never realize that changes on the micro level, such as the differences between finches' beaks, can never produce new biological information such as new organs, and that these are therefore no proof of evolution.
Darwinists never realize that all the mutations carried out in experiments on fruit flies have produced only sickly and deformed specimens. No useful or advantageous mutation has ever been observed. Nor can new species ever be produced through mutations under the control of scientists. Rather than providing evidence for evolution, all this is further proof that evolution never took place.
Were you told that there was fierce competition among animals? Have you always watched scenes of bloody fighting accompanied by rousing music in documentaries? Were you taught how it is "natural" for the strong to crush the weak? Were you even shamelessly told that since that is a law of nature, it applies to human beings, too? The fact is that within-species fighting among animals very seldom ends in death. It is generally limited; for example, if the antlers of two stags were to become entwined, they might both starve to death . . . . Other forms of combat are also generally for show and usually short-lived. When one participant realizes it cannot defeat the other, it withdraws. The victor may feel a certain pride for a time, but does not vaunt it for a whole lifetime, and when it calms down, it returns to its lair or to the mate for whose sake it became involved in fighting in the first place. 48  A. Murat Aytekin, evolutionist biologist
Yaklaşık 530 milyon yıllık Kambriyen patlaması, Darwinistlerin tüm iddialarını yalanlamaktadır.
Darwinists never realize the fact that some fossils that they portray as ancestors of the horse are actually far younger than it. There cannot have been any transition of the kind claimed by evolutionists, and that the scientific claims regarding the horse's evolution are a complete deception.
Darwinists never discuss the evolutionist scientist Ernst Haeckel, who claimed that the forms of human fetuses in the womb undergo the supposed evolutionary process as other living things—that the human embryo has gills that subsequently disappear. But Haeckel resorted to fraud in his illustrations, sought to depict embryos as similar to one another by altering his drawings of them. His claims have been dismissed as a scientific hoax.
Darwinists claim that human beings and apes are descended from a common ancestor and that there exist fossil remains and traces of supposed ape-men. They never realize that all the fossils supposedly representing human ancestors either belong to an extinct species of ape or else to different human races.
Darwinists imagine that Great Britain's well-known Industrial Revolution moths are evidence of evolution by way of natural selection. Yet they never realize that once this tale was proved to be a scientific fraud, yet another of evolutionists' supposed proofs lost all credibility.
The central problem resolves around the adaptive value or not of intermediate stages. For natural selection to work, intermediate steps have to confer greater reproductive success. Hence, it is legitimate to ask, in a model of selection acting alone, what use is half a wing? 49 Gabriel Dover, evolutionist professor of Genetics
In claiming that the different organs in living species emerged gradually, Darwinists maintain that, for example, a reptile's legs gradually evolved into wings. Yet they never realize that a limb that is half-foreleg and half-wing will serve no purpose at all. A creature with such limbs could not survive, and that therefore, such a species would die out before it could develop any further.
The central problem resolves around the adaptive value or not of intermediate stages. For natural selection to work, intermediate steps must confer greater reproductive success. Hence, it is legitimate to ask, in a model of selection acting alone, what use is a half-developed wing?
Darwinists never consider how outdated the theory of evolution is, having first been proposed in the technological environment of the mid-1800s.
In claiming that species evolved from one another, Darwinists never realize that the fossil record has never produced a single piece of evidence to confirm this.
In claiming that living species increased in number by evolving from one another over long periods of time, Darwinists never realize that all the known phyla,—including several others that since became extinct—emerged suddenly and at the same time in the Cambrian period, before which only the single-celled organisms existed.
Darwinists never admit that once the famous fossil Archaeopteryx was recognized as a true bird and that there was no reptile able to be proposed as its ancestor, they were left with no evidence to support their claim that birds evolved from reptiles.
Darwinian evolution works by the indirect and inefficient mechanism of natural selection. 50 Stephen Jay Gould, evolutionist paleontologist and author
Darwinists never admit that the fossil record proves that living things have remained unchanged for millions of years.
Darwinists never realize that the theory of evolution, a fictitious hypothesis put forward under the 19th century's primitive understanding of biology, has never been confirmed by any scientific findings or experiments.
In claiming that Archaeopteryx is a missing link between reptiles and birds, Darwinists never realize that Archaeopteryx was a bird in every way.
In suggesting that Archaeopteryx was a partly evolved bird, Darwinists never realize that birds were alive in the same period, and even earlier.
Darwinists never admit that the Cambrian Period definitively demolishes the concept of gradual, chance development over a long period of time, which is the fundamental claim of the theory of evolution.
Since Darwinists deny the existence of Allah and creation, they never recognize that the way that the Earth was filled with a great many living things with different bodily structures and complex organs, all at the same time, is proof that these organisms were created.
Darwinists can never answer the question of how the flawless structure of wings emerged as the result of a succession of random mutations. In short, a reptile's front legs can never turn into wings as the result of some impairment or mutation arising in its genes.
Darwinists never consider that the Cambrian Period demolishes the idea of "gradual, stage by stage, chance development over long periods of time"—the fundamental claim of the theory of evolution—along with the concept of punctuated evolution.
That individual kinds of fossils remain recognizably the same, throughout the length of their occurrence in the fossil record, had been known to paleontologists long before Darwin published his Origin. Darwin himself . . . prophesied that future generations of paleontologists would fill in these gaps by diligent search. . . . One hundred and twenty years of paleontological research later, it has become abundantly clear that the fossil record will not confirm this part of Darwin's predictions. Nor is the problem a miserably poor record. The fossil record simply shows that this prediction is wrong. 51 Niles Eldredge, a palaeontologist of the American Museum of Natural History, and the anthropologist Ian Tattersall
Darwinists never understand that the variety of living plant species, each with utterly perfect systems, that appeared suddenly in fossils from the Carboniferous period, 360 million years ago, again places evolutionists in an insuperable predicament. A wide variety of fossil plants from this period are little different from plant species living today.
In claiming that a fish that emerged from the sea evolved into a reptile, through an evolutionary process that lasted millions of years, Darwinists never recognize that a fish cannot survive on dry land for more than a few minutes before dying.
Darwin himself wondered, "First, why, if species have descended from other species by fine gradations, do we not everywhere see innumerable transitional forms?"52 But Darwinists never consider why, some 160 years later, not a single intermediate form has ever been found.
Darwinists never realize that the inconsistencies set out by Charles Darwin around 160 years ago in the chapter "Difficulties on Theory" in his Origin of Species still apply today, and that those inconsistencies have even increased with the advances in biology.
Darwinists never realize that no new species can result by way of natural selection, only fitter members of the same species.
Darwinists never realize that no new species can be produced by way of mutations either.
Unfortunately, large numbers of well-trained scientists whose disciplines lie outside of evolutionary biology and paleontology have gotten the idea that the fossil record is far more Darwinian than it is. This probably arises from the oversimplification inevitable in secondary sources: low-level textbooks, semi-popular articles, and the like. Also, some wishful thinking is probably involved. In the years after Darwin died, his advocates hoped to find the progressions he had predicted. These have not been found—yet the optimism has died hard, and some pure fantasy has crept into textbooks. 53 Science magazine
Darwinists never realize that it is impossible for the reptile's lung, with its two-way passage of air, to evolve into a bird's lung with its one-directional flow, because there can be no intermediate model between the two. Such an intermediate vertebrate whose lungs do not function fully could not breathe, and would survive for longer than a few minutes.
In claiming that the reptilian jaw and ear gradually turned into the mammal jaw and ear, Darwinists never realize that there is no answer to how this came about. In particular, it is impossible for an ear with a single bone to turn into one consisting of three bones, and for the sense of hearing to be preserved during the transition.
Darwinists never realize that the variations they have regarded for half a century or so as evidence of evolution have in fact nothing to do with the origin of species. For instance, though different breeds of cattle can be obtained by different genetic combinations over a period of years, cattle will never develop into another species, such as giraffes or elephants.
Darwinists never realize that "homology" is a superficial hypothesis based solely upon external appearances. It has not been confirmed by any concrete findings ever since Darwin's day. No fossils of the imaginary ancestors of living things with homologous structures that evolutionists claim must have existed have ever been encountered in any strata on Earth.

Chapter 3:
Psychological Reasons Why Darwinism Decieves The World - 1

"I believe that one day the Darwinian myth will be ranked the greatest deceit in the history of science"... 54  Søren Løvtrup
Darwinism is built on an exceedingly primitive logical premise. All the adherents of the theory, not excepting Darwin himself, act from a highly superficial understanding. They never go into researching any detail, and are reluctant to think about the glorious systems that each of those details displays. Their logic is simplistic: "First there was the Big Bang, and the universe then formed through a series of coincidences," they say. But they never pause to consider how atoms—with their highly complex structure and the working of whose sub-particles is still not fully understood—came into being in the first place.
They never question how giant galaxies with their own highly delicate systems, and the particular conditions on the Earth on which we live, could have come into being by chance, as they maintain. "A protein formed spontaneously in a bit of slime, and that protein one day decided to give rise to a cell," they say. But they never stop to consider that the cell is a magnificent structure possessing irreducible complexity, which cannot be manufactured using even today's sophisticated technology. They never include in their calculations the fact that countless other complex structures as well as proteins would all need to arise inside the cell simultaneously, and that the complex DNA molecule would also have to emerge at the same time. One main reason why Darwinists think so superficially is that they ignore the sublime might and artistry of Allah and take adopted chance itself as their creator.
For Darwinists, chance is a false god that works miracles. The fact is, however, that chance cannot give rise to beautiful flowers, technology, butterflies, birds, grapes, strawberries, human beings, or even a single cell. But Darwinism ignores this huge logical weakness.
According to evolutionist logic, everything you see around you is the product of blind chance. Scientists who examine cells under an electron microscope and discovered the structure of DNA and produce the details of the human genome, politicians who shape world policy, the cities we live in, our civilization, trees, flowers, birds, flies, butterflies, bees, crocodiles, cats, tigers, lions and fish—in short, the universe and every single thing within it, are all the work of long series of coincidences that occurred spontaneously over the course of exceedingly long periods of time. "Chance" is a word endowed with magical properties for the Darwinist mindset. The answer to any question you might put to a Darwinist will be, "Chance managed it somehow."
Darwinists ascribe an extraordinary power to coincidences, and also imagine that some learned scholars know all the secrets of Darwinism. They imagine that these people will one day stand up and produce all the scientific evidence that has so far proved totally elusive, and thus prove evolution as an absolute fact. They are utterly mistaken, however. This expectation has survived since Darwin's day.
Darwin established his theory on a logical weakness and dreamed that the evidence would one day be found to eliminate the major dilemmas facing his theory. That hope was to be dashed however, in the same way as the hopes of modern-day Darwinists: The theory of evolution has not been proved by 21st century science and technology. On the contrary, they have utterly refuted it. Yet Darwinist scientists ignore that fact. Because what matters for them is to keep the theory on its feet, despite having been conclusively disproved. It is not science and the facts that science demonstrates that count, but their devotion to Darwinism, to which they cling like a religion.
The American professor Phillip Johnson describes the true face of this devotion to Darwinism:
The leaders of science see themselves as locked in a desperate battle against religious fundamentalists, a label which they tend to apply broadly to anyone who believes in a Creator Who plays an active role in worldly affairs. These fundamentalists are seen as a threat to liberal freedom, and especially as a threat to public support for scientific research. As the Creation myth of scientific naturalism, Darwinism plays an indispensable ideological role in the war against fundamentalism. For that reason, the scientific organizations are devoted to protecting Darwinism rather than testing it, and the rules of scientific investigation have been shaped to help them succeed. 55
Until the discovery of a living specimen, evolutionists portrayed the coelacanth as the most important example of an intermediate form. The discovery of a number of coelacanths has inflicted a terrible
Among the methods they most commonly resort to are scientific hoaxes, lies and deceit, all of which have been unmasked time and time again. They take advantage of the fact that most people are unaware of the defeat suffered by the theory of evolution at the hands of scientific findings and they offer their own spurious evidence. These fake proofs are portrayed as scientific data that cannot possibly be denied. A whole string of lies and deceits are maintained as if they represented information whose truth cannot be doubted for a moment. At the same time, they give the impression that there's absolutely no need to question the claims they come up with.
Many soon fall victim to this indoctrination and begin regarding the theory of evolution as an inseparable component of science.
Due to this intense propaganda, many of them are unaware that there is still not one single intermediate-form fossil to show that evolution ever happened. Others believe that such fossils must exist, but are kept under lock and key somewhere. A great many do not know that the extinct life form Archaeopteryx was actually a bird, just like those flying around today. Some are still unaware that the Coelacanth, for years portrayed as an intermediate-form fossil and thus, as evidence for evolution, has been shown to be a bottom-dwelling fish with highly complex characteristics, that is still living in the deep seas today. Some imagine that multi-celled life forms emerged one day from a collection of mud, and even think that frogs can appear spontaneously from within pools of water.
Others, completely misled by Darwinian indoctrination, believe that reptiles grew wings and turned into birds as they chased after insects. But again, because of Darwinist indoctrination, they never wonder how the insects these reptiles were chasing were already able to fly, beating their wings up to 500 times a second. That is because Darwinism is an ideology based on thinking as little as possible. It actually encourages people not to pay attention to detail, but to believe blindly whatever they are told. The truth can be established only when the facts regarding these matters are made fully public. When the fossil record is placed in the open; when the structure of the cell is made clear for all to see; when the discoveries made in countless branches of science such as paleontology, biology, anatomy, zoology, botany, biogenetics and biomathematics are shown to people, then they will see the true face of Darwinism and immediately realize that the indoctrination to which they have been exposed for so long consists of no more than a myth.
As you have seen, Darwinism is grounded in speculation, false evidence, and fictitious events alleged to have come about by chance. Darwinism is a huge mass deception, a trick played on all of humanity. Communities have been made to believe in this baseless theory through misleading indoctrination. Until, that is, the facts were made plain and people were shown, with all the supporting evidence, the baseless, fraudulent nature of the theory of evolution. Today the great majority has seen that there is nothing scientific whatsoever about the theory of evolution and that scientific discoveries have once again proved that the universe—and all the entities in it—are the work of our Almighty Lord.
Then how could Darwin's spell have such an effect for approximately 150 years? The reasons are psychological. Making use of one section of the media, Darwinism subjected society to a kind of mass hypnosis. When the theory was first put forward, the protests that it encountered were silenced by means of entirely psychological methods. Gradually, people began regarding claims that flew in the face of reason and logic as normal, and even began giving credence to them. Illogical fairy tales that under other circumstances would have seemed funny were perceived as scientific facts. The theory of evolution is promoted in a way that recognizes no ethical principles and rejects such concepts as respect, honesty, and scientific accuracy.
The psychological reasons why Darwinism deceived the world can be listed as follows:

Putting on a Scientific Show

Evolutionary biology has been severely hampered by a speculative style of argument that records anatomy and ecology and then tries to construct historical or adaptive explanations for why this bone looked like that or why this creature lived here. These speculations have been charitably called "scenarios"; they are often more contemptuously, and rightly, labeled "stories." Scientists know that these tales are stories; unfortunately, they are presented in the professional literature where they are taken too seriously and literally. '56  Stephen Jay Gould, evolutionist and paleontologist
One of the best-known deception techniques is the Darwinist lie that evolution is a scientific concept and that science supports the theory of evolution. The theory is described as a turning point in the history of science, and those who oppose the tenets of evolution are condemned as being anti-scientific. In fact, however, this is a terrible deception that has nothing to do with the facts. The theory of evolution is a dogma that emerged as an inevitable requirement of materialist philosophy. Darwinism is a kind of shamanistic religion. In the same way that shamanism is based on the worship of various natural forces, so is nature worshipped in Darwinism, as an entity with mysterious and mythical powers. It believes that minerals, the Sun, lightning and wind combined together in a coincidental manner to give rise to life and suggests that everyone believe this scenario. Darwinism does not present the scientific evidence and then debate whether or not the theory is true, but puts on a show, using scientific terminology, to give the impression that the theory is valid.
Darwinist publications are the evolution deceit’s most important propaganda tools. Misleading headlines and supposedly convincing scientific terminology are intended to portray evolution as a scientific reality. But these publications contain not a single piece of evidence to confirm evolution.
Every single Darwinist publication claims that the theory of evolution is scientific. Yet Darwinism has been unable to produce the slightest shred of scientific evidence to support any of its claims. Darwinism has not been able to explain how a single cell has arisen. The mechanisms by which thousands of different life forms allegedly evolved from a single cell have not been demonstrated scientifically. Not a single example has ever been offered to support the fictitious claim that one species can turn into another. There are no findings to prove the longstanding evolutionary myths of fish turning into amphibians or reptiles into birds. Not one single transitional-form fossil has turned up in any of the excavations carried out over the last 150 years. Moreover, the theory of evolution is silent in the face of new discoveries made by the science of genetics.
In short, there is nothing scientific about the theory of evolution. Science totally refutes the theory of evolution. Astronomy, biology, paleontology, geology, physics, chemistry, geophysics, embryology and the like are all sciences. Darwinism is not; it is a primitive belief system. Darwinists use borrowed scientific facts to support their propaganda. The ways they misuse science are all too familiar:
  • 1. First of all, they propagate the idea that the public cannot understand scientific matters, that only a handful of elite scientists can do so,
  • 2. In their writings and lectures, they use scientific terms that most people are unfamiliar with in order to strengthen that indoctrination,
  • 3. They use lengthy, complicated formulae, Latin terms and expressions, and an opaque and turgid style to give the impression that they are discussing something very complex. Even though what they are saying is complete violation of logic, still they make many people believe it is wholly scientific,
  • 4. By frequently quoting from Darwinist scientists, academics and evolutionist publications, they seek to give the impression that the whole scientific community accepts evolution. They hope thereby to cover up the fact that evolution actually conflicts with science. Their aim is to give the impression that this theory is a reality accepted by all scientific authorities.
Phillip E. Johnson summarizes these Darwinist techniques:
The theory is sustained largely by a propaganda campaign that relies on all the usual tricks of rhetorical persuasion: hidden assumptions, question-begging statements of what is at issue, terms that are vaguely defined and change their meaning in mid-argument, attacks on straw men, selective citation of evidence, and so on. The theory is also protected by its cultural importance. 57  Phillip E. Johnson
In fact, however, neither Latin words, nor grammatical constructions, nor quotes from any number of evolutionist academics can erase the insoluble predicament in which evolution finds itself. The scientific defeat that evolution has suffered may possibly be concealed for a while longer, but the facts will eventually come out, because evolutionist references have no scientific data to support them. All there is in Darwinist journals, books, newspapers, television programs and conferences is speculation of one kind or another by various evolutionists. But when all is said and done, all these are still mere hypotheses—or rather speculation. When you ask Darwinists on what scientific basis they rely, they will answer you with a profound silence.
It needs to be emphasized yet again that the weighty, incomprehensible language and technical style Darwinists that employ presents no evidence for the theory of evolution. The sole reason for their using this technique is to convince the public that evolution is scientific. But the more people grasp the true nature of the theory of evolution and see that it is based on deception, the more these fraudulent methods will lose credibility and influence.
A human being created from a single sperm is one of the signs of Allah . . . Just think what your condition was before and what it has become! Could men and jinn come together to create an eye, or an ear, or intellect, or power, or knowledge or the soul from sperm? Would they have the power to make bones, nerves, skin, and hair? Even if they wished to understand the nature and spirit of man, the essence of his existence, after these had been created by Allah, they would still be unable to do so. . . . Look at Allah's blessings and foresight, that glorious power and wisdom, and how they enfold humanity. How amazing it is that someone who sees a picture on a wall, or an attractive piece of calligraphy or embroidery will stop to admire them, to wonder how the artist had made them, and to say what great artistry they represent, will heedlessly fail to think about this glorious Universe and the entities created by Allah, and His artistry and wisdom, when he sees them! 58  Imam Gahazali

Various Professors and Scientists Support the Theory

Everything in the heavens and everything in the Earth belongs to Him. Allah is the Rich Beyond Need, the Praiseworthy.
(Surat al-Hajj, 64)
That certain scientists are Darwinists may give rise to the erroneous impression that the whole scientific world believes in the theory of evolution, and that it's therefore a scientific fact. Indeed, a great many people in the scientific community have been taken in by Darwinist indoctrination. But their devotion to Darwinism is not the result of any scientific approach. Since the theory of evolution provides a basis for materialism and atheism, it leads people to adopt Darwinism for ideological reasons. Many know full well that when the invalidity of Darwinism is exposed, materialism will also die, for which reason they embrace Darwinism with all their might, even though it violates reason, science and logic.
In an article evaluating claims made by the Marxist zoologist Richard Lewontin, Phillip Johnson describes how Darwinism is espoused out of materialist concerns:
Darwinism is based on an "a priori" commitment to materialism, not on a philosophically neutral assessment of the evidence. Separate the philosophy from the science, and the proud tower collapses. When the public understands this clearly, Lewontin's Darwinism will start to move out of the science curriculum and into the department of intellectual history, where it can gather dust on the shelf next to Lewontin's Marxism. 59  Phillip Johnson
Unaware of this, a large section of the public thinks that these people espouse evolution out of loyalty to science. But Darwinists' loyalties actually lie with the dogma of materialism, not with science.
Professor of Biochemistry Michael Behe describes how the scientific community has adopted evolution because of its materialist world view and how science is portrayed to the public:
So information about the way the universe works almost invariably passes through a rigid materialistic filter before it reaches the general public. The scientific literature reflected this sense of understanding. Papers commonly talked about the model, either in general or regarding particular aspects of it, as known and secure events of nature. Textbooks followed suit by communicating this comprehension to students. Such descriptions did not highlight, or commonly even mention, the immense lacunae of ignorance, the unanswered questions about the model's fidelity to nature. Instead they gave the impression that it was all known, or at least almost all known, a certified product of laboratory research. . . . When evidence was reported that did not seem to fit the theory, it, not the theory, became suspect. . . . The problem is rather socially contagious materialism, spread more by social pressure than by rational argument. 60  Michael Behe, Professor of Biochemistry
The social pressure that Behe refers to is intensely felt in the academic world. In many countries, Darwinist academics are supported in schools and universities while efforts are made to obstruct the careers of those who believe in Allah. Because they reject Darwinism, their books and articles are excluded from scientific publications. They are also accused of backwardness, even though nothing could be further from the truth. In most European countries, if scientists wish to pursue an academic career, they must turn a blind eye to Darwinist nonsense, or even support it. Otherwise it is very difficult to make progress in an academic career, or even to obtain permanent tenure in universities.
It is Allah Who created the seven heavens and of the Earth the same number, the Command descending down through all of them, so that you might know that Allah has power over all things and that Allah encompasses all things in His knowledge.
(Surat at-Talaq, 12)
Evolutionist scientists have established a kind of dictatorship in universities and academia. Fierce criticism emerges from most of the scientific world, especially from those academic bodies and institutions where the materialist mindset predominates, when scientists who believe in Allah put forward scientific evidence for Creation. But no such opposition is voiced to atheist or materialist propaganda. That is why some scientists remain silent, even though they are perfectly aware of the invalidity of evolution; out of concern for their future or fear of losing their jobs.
As you have seen, ideological concerns or pressure and intimidation underlie the lip service that the scientific world gives to evolution. The idea that the world of science supports evolution—so it must be a theory that's been tested and whose truth has been established with scientific data—is utterly misleading. This deception is the result of the psychological warfare techniques that Darwinists employ, and in no way reflects the true state of affairs. In addition, contrary to what Darwinists persist in maintaining, not all the scientific world is evolutionist. Despite all these methods of intimidation and pressure, some scientists, academics and professors still openly express their opposition to evolution. They expose the dilemmas facing the theory and attempt to impart the facts to the public. What is more, the number of scientists escaping the spell of Darwinism is rising every day.
Despite Darwinist scientists' efforts to influence the public, Darwinism's falsehoods and deceptions are actually in a state of collapse. The most important reason is that despite the efforts of evolutionist scientists, everyone has been warned of the theory's total lack of scientific evidence.
When Abu Hanifa, who lived on the shore opposite Baghdad, failed to take his place at the debate at the appointed time, a number of questions formed in the minds of his unbelieving opponents and the crowd. Everyone was curious . . . . Why has he not come? Won't he be coming? Is he afraid? Has he been unable to find any proofs?. Shortly after the appointed time, Imam-ul-A'zam arrived. His opponent was greatly encouraged, and his denial and arrogance had grown.

They Find It Difficult to Believe in Allah

People who see the impossibility of the delicate balances in the Universe and the complex structures in living things coming into existence by chance can see that these are the work of a Mind, in other words, Allah's. Yet some people, out of ignorance, misconception and distorted logic, find it difficult to believe in Him. One of the chief reasons is that they regard themselves as superior beings and are reluctant to believe in any Creator greater than themselves. (Allah is beyond this.)
The root causes of this hesitation are fears of thinking about the Day of Reckoning and the Hereafter, and a desire to avoid the responsibilities that these impose. Belief in Almighty Allah, the Omniscient and the Lord of All, and acceptance of His sublime existence, brings with it the need to believe in the Hereafter and to worship Him. People who believe in these things will know that they are responsible for everything they do in this world, and will behave accordingly. They will strive to avoid the selfish desires of earthly passions, to use their free will, and to be ethical and of sound conscience under all circumstances.
This state of affairs—a source of spiritual and material wealth and beauty and one which enhances a person's quality and nobility—may seem difficult to some. But the truly difficult thing is to live in violation of one's creation, and to ignore and suppress the voice of one's conscience. The source of the suffering and stress experienced by so many today is the way people stifle their consciences and follow earthly desires, and the suggestions those desires put in their minds.
Darwinists, however, are unwilling to believe in Allah and also make use of this flawed mindset in others for their own ends. They hope to obtain a measure of superiority by elevating their own desires to an undeserved level and refusing to believe in Allah, to Whom all power and might actually belong. Out of a terrible ignorance, they regard themselves as divine (Surely Allah is beyond this) and imagine that all events are under their control. They cannot understand that they are ruled by fate and prefer to think about it as little as they possibly can. Maintaining that everything develops by chance, they also claim that they themselves live in a supposedly random and uncontrolled environment. Since they ignore the fact of the Hereafter, they imagine that they will live forever in this world, which they would like to believe is endless, or else they imagine that after they die, they will cease to exist completely.
Since they never reflect on death and the Day of Judgment to follow, they imagine that these events will never happen. They imagine that this approach, the product of a very infantile mindset, will bring them peace of mind throughout their lives.
The theory of evolution, maintaining that life is the work of blind coincidences, represents significant support for those with such a mindset. They imagine that they have provided an alternative to Creation to account for the origin of life, and cling strongly to that belief. A short while later, they come to believe in that lie themselves and continue to espouse the theory of evolution, even though they may clearly see its nonsensical nature, because questioning it would mean abandoning the philosophies and world views on which they've built their whole lives. To admit the invalidity of Darwinism would be to admit that Creation is the only explanation for the universe's formation and the emergence of living things. This is at complete variance with Darwinist ideology, which supports the ideas of irresponsibility and haphazardness.
Stephen M. Barr, a theoretical particle physicist at the Bartol Research Institute of the University of Delaware, describes the superstitious mindset of Darwinist and materialist scientists:
It is the view not only of Weinberg, but of many scientists that the progress of science has more and more made the universe appear "pointless," and the human race an accidental by-product of blind material forces. Indeed, this is thought by many to be the key lesson that science has to teach us. A particularly forthright champion of this view is the zoologist Richard Dawkins, who writes that "the universe we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is at bottom no design, no purpose, no evil, no good, nothing but pointless indifference." The pointlessness of the cosmos and its indifference to human beings is also a main theme in the writings of the zoologist Stephen Jay Gould, who claims that the human race is a freak accident of evolutionary history, merely "a tiny twig on an ancient tree of life." We are, said Bertrand Russell, but "a curious accident in a backwater" of the universe. 62  Stephen M. Barr, theoretical particle physicist at the University of Delaware
The truth is that willingly or not, Darwinists are subject to the destiny appointed for them by Allah. All entities in the universe lead the lives selected for them by Allah and exist by virtue of His mercy. Whether Darwinists admit it or not, there is a Hereafter, and on the Day of Reckoning every Darwinist will be called to account in the presence of our Almighty Lord. No matter how much they claim to live free of responsibility, in the Hereafter they must still account for every moment of their lives. Refusal to believe in Allah and resorting to various deceptions to that end will therefore constitute no remedy, and those methods will do them no good at all.
Thousands of people who now understand the state of collapse in which Darwinism finds itself, have freed themselves from its spell and turned to the truth. Darwinists must also accept the truth, and see that admitting and correcting one's errors is an excellent way of behaving. People who change their mistaken attitudes while they can still do so in this world may hope for our Lord's mercy and compassion in the Hereafter.
One is forced to conclude that many scientists and technologists pay lip service to Darwinian theory only because it supposedly excludes a Creator ... 63  Michael Walker, evolutionary anthropologist
If there is a world that contains wisdom, and help, and compassion and justice, of course there is also the Hereafter—like the soul to the body that is the world. Everything in the world looks to that Hereafter. That means that is where we will go. Denying the Hereafter means denying this world and its contents. In the same way as death and the grave await one, so do Paradise and Hell await. 64  Bediuzzaman Said Nursi

Chapter 3: Psychological Reasons Why Darwinism Decieves The World - 2

They Submit False Evidence and Take Advantage of Readers' Trust

Take a complete, illustrated catalogue of London's National Gallery. Shred it into tiny pieces and cast them into the wind from the gallery's steps above Trafalgar Square. Wait a few weeks, then scour the square for surviving scraps of paper. Now try to reconstruct the history of painting from your haul. If you manage to produce a coherent story—schools, styles, genres, named painters and all—you are probably a palaeontologist. 65  Henry Gee, evolutionist and editor of Nature magazine
(Top right) Piltdown Man is one example of a forgery, produced by adding an orangutan jaw to a human skull. (Side) Nebraska Man was a reconstruction based on a single molar, subsequently revealed to belong to a wild pig. These evolutionist hoaxes are highly significant evidence in terms of the pay the evolution lie is presented.
The theory of evolution is devoid of any scientific foundation and is unsupported by any proof. Therefore, Darwinists have sought a solution by using false evidence. The history of Darwinism contains many hoaxes that were later exposed. The most notorious of these are the Piltdown Man "fossil," made up of an orangutan jaw added onto a human skull and for years depicted as an intermediate form; the Nebraska Man—whose skull and the reconstruction illustrations made from it were based on a single boar tooth; Ota Benga, the native African who was placed in a cage and for years exhibited as another transitional form, and dinosaur fossils with feathers added onto them. Evolutionists have used these false proofs and fantastic tales to convince people of the myth of evolution. The way they produce false evidence to portray a lie as indisputable fact reveals the Darwinian mindset. These hoaxes also reveal that evolutionists' position has been hopeless ever since the theory was first proposed. Their very despair has led them to perpetrate lies and hoaxes.
Darwinists have no qualms about producing false evidence and taking unfair advantage of the public's trust in science through the articles and books and the exhibitions they hold. The widespread public expectation that scientists are unbiased maintains the deceptions of the theory of evolution. In so doing, they count on the fact that few laymen have any means of investigating, researching and questioning the fossils presented to them. They are unwilling to admit that not one single fossil supports evolution, that it has proved impossible to produce a cell even in laboratories equipped with 21st-century technology, and that life cannot emerge from inanimate matter. And they are equally unwilling for others to reflect on these facts. They come up with various hypotheses to keep others from considering these truths, then adorn these tales with false evidence and suggest that something that does not really exist at all has an independent existence.
Another technique is to present accurate data together with evolutionary lies. As they read valid, logical accounts of biological and medical matters in evolutionist publications, readers also read fictitious accounts of how anatomical structures came into being spontaneously. When providing accurate technical information about genetics, for example, it is improper to state that this all came about by chance. There are concrete proofs and observations regarding the technical data supplied, but no evidence that the system emerged through evolution. But the reader, combining these two separate strands of information, imagines that evolution is a scientific theory that's been proven in exactly the same way as genetics. The fact of the matter is very different. Findings that actually refute Darwinism are depicted by Darwinists as supporting evolution. This is a deception.
In the 21st century, Darwinists will lose this psychological struggle, and all their deceptions will come to an end. Darwinist ruses have already begun to lose their influence over the scientific community. A great change has been taking place over the last 20 to 30 years in particular, and is also manifesting in the world of science. Scientists in many countries, and particularly the United States, have begun to admit that Creation is the sole reality indicated. By scientific evidence, the Darwinian spell is being lifted and materialism, its most frequently employed weapon, is being eradicated.
In the words of Stephen M. Barr, science shows the existence of Allah, and more and more people are coming to recognize this every day:
Science has taken us on just such an adventure. Armed not with weapons but with telescopes and particle accelerators, and speaking by the signs and symbols of recondite mathematics, it has brought us to many strange shores and shown us alien and fantastic landscapes. But as we scan the horizon, near the end of the voyage, we have begun to recognize first one and then another of the old familiar landmarks and outlines of our ancestral home. The search for truth always leads us, in the end, back to God. 66  Stephen M. Barr, theoretical particle physicist
New fossil discoveries are fitted into this preexisting story. We call these new discoveries “missing links,”, as if the chain of ancestry and descent were a real object for our contemplation, and not what it really is a completely human invention created after the fact, shaped to accord with human prejudices. 67   Henry Gee, Editor of Nature  magazine,
From our vantage point in the present, we arrange fossils in an order that reflects gradual acquisition of what we see in ourselves. We do not seek the truth, we create it after the fact, to suit our own prejudices. . . . . 68  Henry Gee, Editor of Nature magazine,
photographs of whole animals; there are drawings of largely incomplete skeletons, and no specimens except fossils. So I have had to do what the dinosaur illustrators do reconstruct the exterior of the animal from the skeleton and make up the skin, scales, feathers or coloration. In a 2000 article entitled “What did dinosaurs really look like . . . and will we ever know?” William Weed wrote, “Dinosaur skeletons are rarely found intact, and figuring out how the scattered bones fit together is not always clear. Then making the leap of placing tissue and skin on those bones is a process fraught with unknowns.” 69  Richard Ellis, evolutionist marine biologist

The Logic of Darwinism and Materialism Is a Superficial Construct

Human beings are entities with souls. Because they bear the spirit of Allah, they know love, affection, compassion, friendship and devotion. They are not created to have no responsibilities, but are tested in this world. They will be held to account for all they do. But since Darwinists regard man as half-animal they are reluctant to admit the fact.
Materialism is built on the erroneous concept that only matter exists, and there can be no question of any conscious intervention behind it. Everything supposedly takes place at random and in an uncontrolled manner, including a person's life and choices. This world view, devoid of any scientific foundation, maintains that humans inhabit a world in which everything develops at random, and that therefore they bear no responsibilities at all.
The method most frequently employed to reinforce this illogical idea is to ignore fine details and evaluate everything superficially. The Darwinist, materialist perspective has no answers to the questions of Why and How? Rational conclusions that can be drawn with even a very brief and simple logical progression are ignored. Slogans and explanations merely intended to indoctrinate are believed unconditionally, with no attempt to question or reflect on their true significance.
One of the best-known slogans of materialism and Darwinism, kept constantly in the public view, is that life consists of a fight for survival. According to this falsehood, individuals must do all in their power to adapt to this fictitious struggle and survive as one of the fittest. Humans, supposedly another species of animal, are under no obligation to possess such moral attributes as loyalty, devotion, trustworthiness, conscience, friendship, sacrifice or respect. On the contrary, to survive they must be as ruthless, unloving and selfish as possible. They must crush the weak in order to become stronger and, if necessary, must destroy others for their own survival. Moreover, in an environment where everything is the product of blind chance (which is absolutely not the case), humans have no need to worry about death, what happens next, or the Hereafter. Sheltering behind the concept of absolute matter and avoiding any rational, logical reflection on the Day of Reckoning, they imagine that they can absolve themselves of all responsibility.
In fact, however, materialism, itself proposed under the primitive scientific conditions of the 19th century, is an ideology dating back to ancient Greece, and all of its claims have been disproved. Many fields of science—including astronomy, physics, chemistry, nuclear physics, particle physics and biology—have proven that matter is not timeless and eternal, that the universe was created from nothing, that the delicate balances that sustain it cannot have emerged as the result of blind coincidences, that nothing develops haphazardly, and that metaphysical realities lie above and beyond the physical.
Everything in the heavens and everything in the Earth glorifies Allah.
He is the Almighty, the All-Wise.
(Surat al-Hashr, 1)
Yet rather than consider these scientific realities and analyze the situation in an unbiased manner, materialists and Darwinists continue to reiterate the same hollow concepts in a highly superficial way. For example, though genetics and paleontology have proved the exact opposite, they still tell tales regarding man's supposedly ape-like forebears. They draw "reconstructions" of half-ape, half-human creatures, describe how these imaginary beings spent their days, and never once consider whether these imaginings are at variance with scientific findings. They aim to maintain the falsehood that man is no more than an irresponsible animal.
But humans are not created free of all responsibility. They are tested in this world, and will be called to account for all they have done. Humans are servants created by Allah and have a responsibility to Him. The events going on around them do not take place at random. Everything they see and hear is part of the test to which they are subjected. After their deaths, they will be confronted by the reality of the Hereafter and will be unable to return to correct their errors. Everything they did during that lifetime of testing will be raised before them, and they will be judged with total justice and embark on either the eternal life of Paradise or the eternal life of Hell.
Humans will have to account for themselves to Allah. Unlike other living things, they are created in possession of a soul. Allah reveals this in these verses:
He Who has created all things in the best possible way. He commenced the creation of man from clay; then produced his seed from an extract of base fluid; then formed him and breathed His Spirit into him and gave you hearing, sight and hearts. What little thanks you show!
(Surat as-Sajda, 7-9)
Darwin's idea [bears] an unmistakable likeness to universal acid it eats through just about every traditional concept. 70  Daniel Dennet, evolutionist professor
Conclusion : Since there is life in this world, those who understand the secret of life and do not misuse their lives will manifest eternal life in the realm of eternity and everlasting Paradise. In this we believe! 71  Bediuzzaman Said Nursi

Ignoring the Fundamental Dilemmas of Evolution

Reconstructions of Neanderthals, an example of which can be seen above, are a terrible deception, possessing no reality and based on no scientific evidence, and are entirely figments of Darwinist scientists’ imaginations. Darwinists use these reconstructions as their main propaganda tool.
One important technique employed by the adherents of the theory of evolution is demagoguery regarding such details as the behavior of living things. Yet they ignore the fundamental issues that evolution really should account for. For example, evolutionists pose their own questions such as "Was Neanderthal Man able to speak?" and devote many pages or entire conferences to discussing them. Their aim is to distract their listeners and give the impression that Neanderthal Man has already been proved to be the ancestor of modern man. The only questions remaining are minor details such as whether he was able to talk. (Since the Neanderthals were an extinct human species no different from present-day humans, there's no doubt that they were also able to talk.)
Yet evolutionists are silent when it comes to how the first living cell appeared. No evolutionist references mention how such complex structures as DNA or the eye first came into existence. In any case, it's impossible for them to discuss these matters, because no evolutionary scenario can account for the formation of such complex structures, which can be observed and tested. This means that every baseless scenario can easily be disproved in the laboratory. Well aware of this, evolutionists give the impression that all these issues have been resolved. They view concentrating on the fine details, which are far more suited to manipulations, as the most effective psychological technique.
Darwinists' avoidance of fundamental issues may well be effective with people who lack sufficient knowledge on the subject. But today, people are much more aware of the invalidity of the theory of evolution and have seen the theory's helplessness in accounting for the first cell. As a result, these manipulations have become much less effective. People now expect the theory of evolution, which claims to be able to account for everything, to offer evidence. In the absence of that evidence, they are beginning to grasp the extent of this terrible deception.
Almighty Allah will of course do away with all these snares, and has said as much in verses:
. . . Allah always confounds the schemes of the disbelievers."
(Surat al-Anfal, 18)
Allah knows the unseen things of the heavens and the Earth. Allah sees what you do.
(Surat al-Hujurat, 18)
Despite the bright promise that paleontology provides a means of “seeing” evolution, it has presented some nasty difficulties for evolutionists, the most notorious of which is the presence of “gaps” in the fossil record. 72  David B. Kitts evolutionist paleontologist,
In any case, no real evolutionist . . . uses the fossil record as evidence in favor of the theory of evolution as opposed to special creation. 73  Mark Ridley, Professor of Zoology
The known fossil record fails to document a single example of phyletic evolution accomplishing a major morphologic transition and hence offers no evidence that the gradualistic model can be valid. 74  Steven M. Stanley, evolutionist
Evolutionists have lined up some fossils which seem to fill small gaps between closely related creatures. However, accepting small transitions as evidence in support of the grand evolution scenario is like believing [that] a single stepping stone proves that a bridge once spanned the Mississippi River in the same location. Evolution requires transitional forms between the most basic animal groups . . . yet none exist. Creation asserts that there have never been transitions between basic kinds of life. This is exactly what the fossil record shows. What better evidence for creation could there be? 75 Richard L. Kleiss, author

Darwinists' Attempt to Spread Their Magic Spells with Visual Propaganda

Darwinists possess not one shred of scientific evidence with which to support their theories. The fictitious process that, according to evolutionists, took place over millions of years, should have left behind countless traces and remains in the fossil record. But in reality, not one fossil indicates that any such process ever happened. This lack of fossil evidence is so complete that Darwinists have not a single specimen of an intermediate-form fossil, though countless fossil remains show that living things have remained unchanged for millions of years, ever since they were created.
This lack of evidence has impelled Darwinists to give the impression that imaginary fossils actually exist. Since they cannot submit any real evidence, Darwinists instead resort to deceiving people through visual propaganda and indoctrination. One such technique involves reconstructions.
The word reconstruction means "rebuilding" a model or drawing of a life form on the basis of a few fragments of bone. During this completely one-sided process, various fossil discoveries are interpreted in an utterly distorted manner. For example, a life form's entire family will be reconstructed and its social life depicted in great detail. Yet such detailed reconstructions may sometimes be based on no more than a single molar tooth or arm bone. What emerges is completely the result of the imagination of the artist creating the reconstruction, which constitutes no new evidence at all. All the "ape-men" depicted in the media to date have all been reconstructions.
Reconstructions, sometimes produced on the basis of a single arm bone or a single tooth, are examples of a terrible deception. Despite the impossibility of identifying soft tissue, fictitious ape-like humans are depicted in their social habitats, and this is depicted as fact in the evolutionist press.

Using the same bone fragments, different artists may also come up with completely different life forms, because from looking at bone fragments alone, there is no way of determining what a life form's soft tissues were like. Indeed, the fossil fragments obtained by evolutionists generally consist of no more than part of the facial bones, a section of the vertebrae or even a single bone and on occasion, even one single tooth. (Nebraska Man, his family, and his social life were all reconstructed based on the discovery of just one tooth. The tooth in question was given the name of "Nebraska Man," though there was no fossil evidence to indicate any of that life form's distinguishing features.
Shortly afterwards, however, it was established that the tooth in question actually belonged to a wild boar. This depiction of an imaginary humanoid took its place alongside all the other evolutionary frauds. This is a significant example of the kind of deception that Darwinists turn to in their reconstructions, drawings and models that evolutionists can interpret exactly as they wish.
These reconstructions have no scientific validity and contribute nothing in the way of evidence for evolution. They are all fantasies dreamed up to convince people that semi-ape, semi-human beings once lived in the past.
But no matter how much Darwinists attempt to mislead through reconstructions, they have no evidence to indicate the validity of evolution. Meaningless reconstructions may once have influenced the public, but most people now realize that the ape-men depicted in newspapers and magazines are mere fantasies. They now have comprehensive information on the subject, and all the answers to refute evolutionist claims. They know that the ape-men in question never existed. They have realized that humans, like all other living things, never underwent evolution, and that the images they see are scientifically worthless. They can now see through all the deceptive methods employed by evolutionists.
It is astonishing that over a billion fossils have been found, yet there is no undisputed transitional form between very different types of animals or even animal features (such as a reptile’s scale turning into a bird’s feather). How can we say that evolution (the idea that man is the result of slow changes over time from earlier creatures) be considered a reasonable theory in light of this lack of evidence? 76 Richard L. Kleiss, author

They Try to Make Use of Certain Similarities between Apes and Humans

When trained, parrots can distinguish between squares and circles, and between red and blue. According to the criteria of the theory of evolution, the skills displayed by living things, should mean that parrots eventually turn into human beings. This is clearly a totally irrational idea, but that is the kind of logic evolutionists espouse.
Another method that Darwinists employ to mislead the public is to use certain similarities between apes and humans and the intelligent behavior that apes display. On the basis of that intelligent behavior exhibited by apes, Darwinists come up with the facile supposition that "If they developed a bit more, shaved, and ate well, they could easily be human beings." On the basis of that conjecture, they then begin dreaming up false evidence and scenarios. In reality, however, they know of the profound anatomical differences between apes and humans. Yet superficial thinking leads them away from that fact. They believe what they want to, rather than considering the facts and scientific findings, and they set about deceiving others accordingly.
Pointing out the similarities between apes and humans can influence anyone without much knowledge of biology, genetics and anatomy. Darwinists take features of ape behavior and their general appearance and produce evolutionary fantasies. The scenario of man's supposed ape-like forerunners is an important tool for Darwinism, which fails to consider the complexity in living structures and can provide only simplistic explanations.
But the differences between human beings and apes are too profound to be bridged in any way. In addition to these enormous anatomical and genetic differences, monkeys are no different from dogs or horses in terms of learning. No matter how much training they may receive, for no matter how long, they will still never come to resemble human beings. Monkeys can imitate the actions and behavior they see. Properly trained, they can distinguish the shapes and colors of objects and exhibit intelligent reactions, but this training will not permit them to turn into human beings one day. If such were possible, then other animal species known for their intelligence would also have turned into sentient human-like creatures. After training, parrots, for example, can distinguish between squares and circles, between red and blue, and can arrange objects in the manner requested. Furthermore, and unlike apes, parrots are also capable of talking by imitating sounds. That being so, there is a far greater probability—according to the illogical claims made by Darwinists—of parrots turning into human-like beings.
In order to back up this impossible scenario, the product of superficial thinking, Darwinists must produce countless lies and false evidence. Yet rational people want to see facts that emerge as the result of research and scientific inquiry. What science does show is that humans, with their complex characteristics and superior attributes, were created from nothing in a single moment.
Almighty Allah confirms this in the verses:
We created man from the purest kind of clay; then made him a drop in a secure receptacle; then formed the drop into a clot and formed the clot into a lump and formed the lump into bones and clothed the bones in flesh; and then brought him into being as another creature. Blessed be Allah, the Best of Creators!  (Surat al-Muminun, 12-14)

Why Evolution Has So Many Adherents

Darwinists' best-known method of deceiving people, but perhaps one of their greatest errors, is in claiming to be a majority. Darwinists imply that their theory is true by maintaining that the great majority of scientists—and society as a whole—subscribe to the theory of evolution.
Arda Denkel, a professor of philosophy and evolutionist scientist from Bogaziçi University in Istanbul, sets out the baseless illogicality of the indoctrination, stating that "because so many people accept it, the theory of evolution must be true":
Will the fact that large number of eminent individuals and institutions are in favor of evolution prove the concept of the theory of evolution to be true? Or will the concept be confirmed by virtue of a judicial court verdict?. . . "The Concept of Evolution is supported by all leading scientists in Turkey, by the presidents of TUBA and TUBITAK [official scientific institutions], university rectors and deans." The support of such respected individuals is of course an excellent thing. But is it acceptance by respected and powerful individuals that confirms the truth of something? I would like to recall one historical event. Did not Galileo state and defend the truth against all the eminent individuals, lawyers and, particularly, scientists of his time? Did other proceedings in the courts of the Inquisition not produce a similar picture? The support of respected and esteemed bodies is not something that creates the truth, and is not directly connected to scientific accuracy. 77
The kingdom of the heavens and the Earth belongs to Him.
All things return to Allah.
(Surat al-Hadid, 5)
The fact that Darwinism was once accepted by a majority stems from people failing to evaluate what they were told, to their unquestioning acceptance of superficial accounts of evolution given, and the implicit threat that "Anyone who does not believe in evolution is not scientific."
Why a large number of people believe in a theory—or appear to do so—has nothing to do with its scientific validity. Although the theory of evolution has been realized to have no such scientific validity, it still has its adherents, for solely ideological reasons.
Today, the theory of evolution is not accepted by the entire scientific world. Only a few biased scientists espouse evolution, not the whole scientific community. People who approach biology from an objective perspective must acknowledge the countless scientists who have rejected the theory of evolution, particularly over the last 20 to 30 years. Many academics and scientists today have seen the theory collapse, analyzed the scientific research and developments, and come to openly accept the Fact of Creation.
Also, going along with the majority is not always the same as going along with the truth. Just like evolutionists, many in history have fallen into the error of the majority. Some have claimed to represent the majority in order to deny the sublime creation of Allah. Claiming that the majority do not believe in Allah, they have sought to justify themselves and the ideologies they espoused.
In the Qur'an, Allah has warned believers against this kind of person and stated that going along with the majority can lead to terrible harm:
If you obeyed most of those on Earth, they would misguide you from Allah's Way. They follow nothing but conjecture. They are only guessing." (Surat al-An'am, 116)

Darwinists' Anguish Actually Serves the Fact of Creation

Darwinists have understood the significance of countless instances of the Fact of Creation in the appearance of millions of "living fossils." They have realized that the theory of evolution is a lie and have been astonished to see many other realizing this too. They have suffered shock at having been misled for the last 150 years, and have now embarked on their last, despairing maneuvers. They have been confronted with facts they never considered, and never wanted to, over the years, and must now reflect on the scientific evidence.
How many Signs there are in the heavens and Earth! Yet they pass them by, turning away from them.
(Surah Yusuf, 105)
As a result, they now feel exceedingly weakened, whereas back in the 1980s, they had been highly sure of themselves. Submitting empty evidence instead of true science, deceiving others on fraudulent and hollow grounds, no longer serves any purpose. The Fact of Creation is emerging even more clearly, and the evidence merely serve the fact of Creation and science.
All that Darwinists have left to propose against the Fact of Creation is childish fairy tales, empty claims and illogical and false evidence.
Darwinists have no way out of this position. Whether they remain silent or raise a fuss, the end result will still be the same: The climate of corruption created by the theory of evolution will, by Allah's leave, be brought to an end by the efforts of true believers.
Darwinism has now come to its end. Darwinists and materialists, now totally discredited, must abandon their meaningless arrogance and stubbornness and free themselves from this 160-year-old spell. There is but one truth, that Almighty Allah created all things, living and inanimate.

The Earth Provides Evidence of Instantaneous Creation, But None for Evolution

It is He Who dispersed you about the Earth and you will be gathered to Him.
(Surat al-Muminun, 79)
It is most important that Darwinists should consider that if evolution really did take place on Earth, that would mean that Allah created living things by way of evolution—and this fact would have won its adherents in all those books espousing the Fact of Creation.
In addition, had Almighty Allah made evolution responsible for the creation of living things, no doubt the Earth would be full of countless proofs of this. Allah makes a single sperm and egg able to create a human being, for instance, and constructs the human body by dividing a cell into two, then four, then eight and so on. Had Allah so wished, He could have created a similar system for the evolution of living things, and the proofs of this would be plain to see.
Allah has created the development of the baby in such a way as to be completed in nine months. Had He so wished, He could have applied this same speedy development to all living species, and living things could have been created in such a way as to complete their development in, say, 900 million years. Were there any evidence of this on Earth, no doubt the proponents of the Fact of Creation would go along with it, present the evidence, and act out of the knowledge that Allah had used evolution to create the Earth's countless living things.
But such is not the case. The theory of evolution currently rests on no evidence whatsoever, and even the most specious claims are unable to maintain it. Everything stated about the evolution of living things, every claim made, is merely another component of an enormous lie.